What Is Sexsomnia? - Details & Treatment
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Understanding what is sexsomnia: Causes, Symptoms, and Management of Sleep Disorder through

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Ever heard of sleepwalking? It is when we unconsciously start walking around, doing things in our sleep and we are not even aware of it. Isn’t it strange? If you can find this activity strange then something more strange is coming on the way. Have you ever heard about sexsomnia? It is something similar to sleepwalking yet different. In this article, we will be telling you about what is sexsomnia, what its symptoms are, what is the cause of sexsomnia, and finally how you can treat it. We will be dealing with it in detail and help you overcome it if you are someone who has this condition.

What Is Sexsomnia? 

So, what is sexsomnia? Similar to the sleepwalking condition, it is a condition where you exhibit sexual behaviors in sleep usually without knowing or remembering about them. We will talk in detail about what is the cause of sexsomnia like unconsciously thinking or having sex in your mind. It can also be triggered by stress. There are many ways how stress can affect your sex life. Stress can make you do sexual activities in your sleep. However, there are other reasons as well. In this article, we will tell you all what to know about sexsomnia. It is usually characterized by replicating sexual activities from your mind in reality and that too in your sleep. So, this is what sexsomnia is.

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What Is The Cause Of Sexsomnia?

Knowing what is sexsomnia is essential to understanding the causes of sexsomnia and unpredictable sleeping sexual behaviors. Don’t you have the curiosity to get into the core of why one exhibits sexual behavior in sleep? Here are some of the reasons: 

1. You unconsciously think about it  

Among the different causes of sexsomnia, one of the causes of sexsomnia is thinking about it all the time and even thinking of it unconsciously. There are a lot of people who constantly have sex, porn, or masturbation in their mind. These people usually end up having sexual thoughts in their unconscious mind which end up playing in their mind when they are sleeping. This causes the person to replicate what’s happening in their unconscious mind in reality. This is also caused by excessive stress and anxiety. So, you go for the soothe-up capsule by Nature Mania to calm yourself and sleep well. 

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2. Noticing a lot of sexual pattern or behavior 

There are many causes of sexsomnia, among them one of the prominent causes is being excessively observant of the sexual pattern or behavior. It might happen that you don’t consciously or constantly think about sex or porn but you observe it closely in the behavior of other people. It can become one of the causes of sexsomnia. This observation unconsciously runs in your mind and when you sleep it takes the form of an unconscious activity you do in sleep. Being excessively observant of the sexual pattern can become the cause of sexsomnia. If you are someone like this it can happen with you as well.

3. Excessive masturbation habit 

There are many causes of sexsomnia, one of them being excessive masturbation. Doing things in limit does not harm but if you are someone who has gotten addicted to masturbation, then you can experience sexsomnia. When you excessively masturbate it can happen that you even masturbate while you are sleeping, this can make you reach out for your private part and you might not even be aware of the same. It is more of a psychological problem. Addiction is one of the causes and knowing how to help children get rid of porn or masturbation is important to avoid such situations and cure it.

excessive masturbation habit
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What Happens in Sexsomnia?

Just enough of what is sexsomnia and its causes does not give any benefit. You must be able to recognize its symptoms to relocate whether you are suffering from it or not. Here are the symptoms of sexsomnia which will help you understand what happens in it.

1. Touching your body in sleep 

When you look into what happens in sexsomnia, one of the things you can easily recognize is that the person tries to touch the body unusually in their sleep. It is different from normally touching your body. What usually happens is that you touch your body sensually and it even goes for your partner’s body. It may not only limit yourself but can even reach up to your partner. You may not be aware of the same but you can touch your private parts and even your partner’s private parts in sleep and feel it. So this is one of the symptoms of sexsomnia that you touch your body.

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2. Moaning in sleep 

There are many symptoms of sexsomnia, one of them is moaning in sleep. Moaning refers to the making of the sound that one usually makes during sexual activities. When a person reaches the extreme of sexual pleasure, they usually make a moaning sound. One of the symptoms of sexsomnia is that the person makes a moaning sound in sleep. There may be times when you wake to the sound and find your partner feeling the intense pleasure while they are asleep, upon waking up they won’t even remember it. This is what can usually happen in sexsomnia that you act in sleep.

3. Sleep masturbation 

When you look into what happens in sexsomnia, one thing that usually takes place is sleep masturbation. What happens is that you start masturbation even in your sleep. It can extend from light masturbation to extensive masturbation and you may not even realize it. This can also happen because of masturbation addiction. Often when you wake up from sleep you will feel exhausted. You can go for the premature combo by Nature Mania to solve the problem of premature ejaculation which usually happens due to excessive masturbation. This is one of the symptoms of sexsomnia. 

Sleep masturbation 
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4. Practicing pelvic thrusting in sleep 

Among the numerous symptoms of sexsomnia, one of the symptoms is pelvic thrusting in sleep. When one performs sex usually the penetrative sex is practiced a lot. It gives extreme pleasure to the person. What usually happens in sexsomnia is that the person starts going for pelvic thrusting in their sleep as if doing penetrative sex. Similar to walking in sleep, you have penetrative sex in your sleep. Upon waking up you might find yourself exhausted or in an abrupt position which might raise questions as you don’t remember what happened while you were sleeping. This is what can happen in sexsomnia.

5. Going for foreplay in sleep 

Considering what happens in sexsomnia, one of the things that can happen in sexsomnia is that you do foreplay in sleep. You might unconsciously think of doing foreplay and start enacting it in sleep. It can go to touching your partner, trying to raise them by sensually arousing them with your touch. What usually takes place is that the partners often end up fearing and shocked by this behavior and it can even hamper your relationship. This is what happens in sexsomnia. It is considered one of the prominent symptoms of sexsomnia. If not taken care of it can worsen. 

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6. Showing sexual aggressiveness in sleep 

Among numerous symptoms of sexsomnia, one of the symptoms of the same is showing sexual aggressiveness in sleep. Many of us have the fantasy of bad sex, also sex is one of the ways to release tension and aggression. So, what happens in sexsomnia is that the person starts expressing that sexual aggression in their sleep. Speaking of going for hard masturbation or aggressively holding their partner. This is not only harmful for you but also for your partner. It can leave your partner terrified and even traumatize them. This is what can happen in sexsomnia. It is harmful to you and your relationship.

Treatment For Sexsomnia

Now that you know nearly all about what is sexsomnia. It is essential that you recognize it and also know how to treat sexsomnia. Sexsomnia may not seem harmful at first but it is harmful and worsens with time. The person does not have any knowledge of what he is doing and it is scary. So, here are some of the things you can do to treat sexsomnia. 

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1. Going to a psychologist or behavioral therapy 

It is essential to go for treatment for sexsomnia. One of the things to immediately do is consult a behavioral psychologist. It is not a sexual problem but a psychological or behavioral problem. Consulting an experienced psychologist can help you treat sexsomnia. Only therapy can help you in the case of sexsomnia.

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2. Keeping your thoughts clean 

Looking for how to treat sexsomnia? One of the things to do is keep your thoughts clean. Sexsomnia takes place when you constantly think about sexual acts, notice sexual behavior, and let it run on your mind. Also, addiction is one of the causes, going for addiction counseling can help to keep your thoughts clean.

3. Try to be stress and anxiety-free 

One of the treatment for sexsomnia is trying to be stress and anxiety-free. Stress and anxiety are some of the causes of sexsomnia. Following the tips for good sleep and trying to reduce stress can help you a lot. You can try meditation and yoga to reduce stress. It can be a helping aid in curing sexsomnia.

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4. Have proper sleep  

When it comes to how to treat sexsomnia, one of the things to do is to have proper sleep. Many times due to improper sleep, stress builds up and you unconsciously think of sex. Knowing the importance of sleep in sexual performance. Try to have a peaceful sleep with no thoughts and calm since it is a sleep-related problem. 

5. Go for meditation

Among different treatment for sexsomnia, one thing that you can do on your own is going for meditation. It is important to know how to overcome mental exhaustion. As it can cause sexsomnia. You can go for meditation which helps you calm your mind and soothe yourself. It is beneficial to overcome sexsomnia along with treatment. 

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In conclusion, you now know what is sexsomnia. Sexsomnia is a condition where you exhibit sexual activities in sleep without being aware of it. You often wake up to exhaustion, abrupt position, and situation, and tiredness. It is also now not hidden when it comes to what is the cause of sexsomnia. Sexsomnia is caused due to constantly thinking about sex or having sexual thoughts. It also leads to improper sleep and mental exhaustion. You can go for sleep therapy to improve your sleep quality. Knowing how to treat sexsomnia is essential and one of the important steps to take is visiting a psychologist as it cannot be treated otherwise.

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1. Can sexsomnia lead to mental problems? 

When it comes to what to know about sexsomnia, it is essential to know that sexsomnia can cause  mental or psychological problems. It does not only cause psychological problems for the one suffering from it but also their partners. It can cause mental stress and even lead to other behavioral problems. 

2. How does sexsomnia hamper relationships?

Sexsomnia can hamper your relationship. It not only hampers you but also your bed partner. When it comes to what to know about sexsomnia, it is essential that engaging in sexual activities in sleep causes your partner to get scared and even fear you. It can make them fear sexual relationships and it can disrupt your sexual life.

3. Does sexsomnia lead to problems in sexual life?

Sexsomnia can cause problems in sexual life. Because of it, you might suffer from erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, etc. When it comes to what happens in sexsomnia, it can cause problems in your sexual life like lack of stamina, low desire, disagreement with your partner, and others.

4. What are the health issues caused by sexsomnia?

There are many things to know when it comes to what to know about sexsomnia. One of the things to know is about the health issues caused by sexsomnia. It can cause exhaustion not only physical but also mental exhaustion. Further, it can cause you difficulty in waking up in sleep or simply in the morning as well. 

5. Can excessive masturbation cause sexsomnia?

There are chances that excessive masturbation can cause sexsomnia. When it comes to what is the cause of sexsomnia, excessive masturbation can cause sexsomnia. You can get addicted to masturbation and engage in it in your sleep. It is one of the precautions for masturbation for males to not get addicted to it.

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