Precautions For Masturbation For Male
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Masturbation in males is very common. Kids from 11 to 12 begin playing with their genitals, especially males, and gradually start experimenting with it, which leads them to masturbation. It is something about which people usually don’t talk, including doctors; however, a guide to male masturbation is needed to guide the males into the correct technique when they are old enough to understand it. There are a few precautions for masturbation for male which must be taken care of while masturbating as it helps in avoiding any risk to genitals. In this article, we will tell you about the precautions you must take while masturbating.

People do Masturbation in Different Ways According to Their Suitability

Masturbation is a method to gain self-pleasure and realize sexual maturity. It gives you the feeling of stimulation which partially fulfills the requirements of physical intimacy. However, there are precautions for masturbation for male which must be paid attention to. Many people are not aware of how to masturbate if you have penis. They do masturbation in different ways according to their suitability. You can also know about how spices can increase sex drive which helps in increasing the pleasure of masturbation. Males usually include their thighs, and genitals to reach the height of self-pleasure. However, masturbation guide for males can help in understanding the correct masturbation technique to increase the stimulation and sensation.

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Precautions for Masturbation For Male

There are certain precautions for masturbation for male that should be taken care of before masturbating. Knowing the correct technique for male masturbation and performing it by keeping in mind all the important aspects help you have great self-pleasure. Here are certain precautions which you must pay attention to avoid any sexual risk in life. There are certain guidelines that you must follow and know before stepping into the world of adults and masturbation.

1. Excessive Masturbation is Harmful

Excessive Masturbation

Masturbation is a way for self-pleasure. In the masturbation guide for males it is advised that excessive masturbation must be avoided. In learning about how to masturbate if you have penis you must pay attention so that you don’t overdo it. Many people question: can masturbation cause hair fall? Though there are not so many ill effects of the same but excessive masturbation can cause nerve damage which helps in ejaculation. It can cause fatigue, back pain, premature ejaculation, loss of stamina, erectile dysfunction, anxiety, etc. Masturbation when. done at moderate levels can provide self-pleasure without any side effects.

2. It Should Not Bother You Mentally, Physically, or Emotionally

Bother You Mentally

Masturbation though provides self-pleasure but it can bother you mentally, physically, and emotionally. The correct technique for male masturbation must be therefore known to avoid any kind of fatigue. Among the harmful effects of masturbation when done in the wrong way come physical and mental anxiety. It can cause anxiety, physical pain in genital areas, weakness in the body, and many more. It is not necessarily responsible for any mental or emotional damage but if it is not done excessively it can cause you to stay at your home and harm you mentally and emotionally. Mental fatigueness can also happen because of improper masturbation.

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3. Masturbation At a Young Age Can be Harmful

In teenagers, a guide to male masturbation should be provided to young males to prevent them from gathering information from here and there. When young males reach puberty, they feel changes in their body and an urge to know about these grows in them. They read about masturbation from improper sources, and perform it in incorrect ways. They must be acquainted with sex counseling if they face any issues related to their genitals or masturbation as it is new to them. They must be taught the right ways to get self-pleasure before they gather information about it from different sources, and that too is wrong and harms them.

4. Don’t Rub Your Penis Hard or Use Hard Hands

Use Hard Hands

In the process of learning how to masturbate if you have penis you must first ensure that you do not rub your penis hard or rub it with hard hands. The reason why do sexual problems happens in males is because they masturbate in a wrong manner. The genital organs are very sensitive and hence you must not rub your penis hard as it can damage your genital organs and damage the nerves which help in ejaculation. Rubbing the penis with hard hands can disrupt the ejaculation process and cause erectile dysfunction. Rubbing the penis with hard hands causes severe damage to the urethral opening present at the tip of the penis. It can cause severe damage to the nerves and damage your sexual life. 

5. Make Sure to Use Lubrication

Use Lubrication

An important technique for male masturbation is using lubrication. The importance of lubrication lies in smooth masturbation. It reduces the harmful effects of masturbation. Using lubrication gives different sensations and even pleasures in having sexual intercourse as it gives the sensation of a lubricated vagina. Many hand lotions are used for masturbation pleasure. It softens the hard penis and also harsh hands and helps go for smooth masturbation. It adds an extra stimulation in the process and hence it is highly used. But attention should be paid that any lubrication should not be used and only the best and one with fewer chemicals should be applied as the organs are very delicate and sensitive. 

6. Take Care of The Frequency

The Frequency

The eagerness to know how to masturbate if you have penis often leads the person to go for frequent masturbation. Before going for frequent masturbation you must know how many times you should masturbate. Masturbation is essential for sexual maturity and it is considered beneficial by many researchers as well. There is no specific time of how many times you must perform it. Many people masturbate daily, some do twice a week, some once a week, and so on. It is completely normal to masturbate daily. However, you must not do excessive masturbation as it may cause fatigue and weakness in your lower body. 

7. Do Not Indulge in Trying New Things

If a guide to male masturbation was provided. It would be recommended that if you are new to masturbation then you must not try new methods of masturbation as it can prove fatal to your genitals. You can use Nature Mania Lift-Up (Massage Oil) Male Enhancer to enhance your sensitive organs. The right way to get self-pleasure is to stick to the correct and basic method and you have the whole life to try and experiment with new methods and determine different ways to gain self-pleasure. Many teenagers learn different masturbation techniques and apply them without having proper knowledge of them which harms them. Therefore, be careful on matters involving genitals as they are sensitive.


Being aware of the precautions for masturbation for male helps in many ways. It helps in preventing the harmful effects of masturbation like fatigue, physical pain, erectile dysfunction, damage to the urethral opening at the tip of the penis, etc. Masturbation is very essential for sexual health and further you can increase your stamina by taking shilajit which is natural and is known to regain lost energy. There are many health benefits of Shilajit and this includes sexual benefits as well. Working on physical health through exercises and meditation also helps in better masturbation. Following the technique for male masturbation can help you feel different sensations and stimulation. Therefore, know all before you begin masturbation to avoid any future risks and issues.

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1. What is the right age to start masturbation?

According to the masturbation guide for males the right age to start masturbation is after you have completed the age of 14 most probably. Many kids start masturbation even from the age of 11 to 12. You can start masturbation anytime you are completely aware of your body and body parts. There is no such compulsion that young teenage boys must start masturbating immediately. They must be properly guided before they try things on their own and harm themselves. It is not easy to talk about masturbation to young kids but parents must guide their children especially male children about sex and masturbation.

2. What should be the frequency while masturbating?

According to a guide to male masturbation, there is no specific time of how many times you must perform it. Many people masturbate daily, some do twice a week, some once a week, and so on. It is completely normal to masturbate daily. Many people even masturbate twice a day. However, you must not do excessive masturbation as it may cause fatigue and weakness in your lower body. Excessive masturbation can cause premature ejaculation and even damage the nerves of the genital organs. Some people perform masturbation twice a month. So, there is no correct frequency and teenagers must not be allowed to indulge in it frequently.

3. What are the harmful effects of masturbation?

Though there are no such harmful effects of masturbation. However, excessive masturbation must be avoided. It can cause addiction which can be harmful for the body and you might have to undergo addiction therapy. Though there are not so many ill effects of the same but excessive masturbation can cause nerve damage of the nerve which helps in ejaculation. It can cause fatigue, back pain, premature ejaculation, loss of stamina, erectile dysfunction, anxiety, etc. Masturbation when done at moderate levels can provide self-pleasure without any side effects. It can mentally, physically, and emotionally disturb you as well.

4. What is the right way to masturbate?

The masturbation guide for males suggests that the right way to get self-pleasure is by using lubrication, which gives different sensations and even provides the pleasure of having sexual intercourse as it gives the sensation of a lubricated vagina. It softens the hard penis and also harsh hands and helps go for smooth masturbation. You must also not use hard hands on the penis or rub it very hard. The right way to masturbate is to slowly arouse the feeling by gently feeling your genitals and keeping the speed slow or gradually increasing the speed. However, avoid excessive masturbation and begin slowly and gradually.

5. Is masturbation the right thing to do?

Masturbation is the right way to get self-pleasure. Many people consider masturbation. However, it is not true. Everybody has the right to masturbate. You can also use Nature Mania Size Combo (Male Enhancer LIFT UP Combo) regularly to enhance your genitals and stamina. They are natural and increase testosterone levels. Many researchers consider masturbation important for a healthy sexual life even if you have a partner. It helps in sexual maturity and is beneficial for sexual life. You can perform masturbation daily with proper guidance and take care that you do not fatigue yourself. Masturbation relaxes your mood and alleviates stress. Further, it also helps in increasing stamina and sexual power.

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