Sexual Benefits Of L-Arginine For Males
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Want to know the supplements that can help you improve your sexual performance, libido and others? Are you looking for a natural supplement that can improve your sexual and personal life? Here we have brought one of the natural supplements. 

In this article, we will be looking at the various sexual benefits of L-Arginine for males. L-arginine is a compound that is very essential for the body and its overall productivity. We will be looking at what L-Arginine is, what its health benefits of L-Arginine, especially sexual benefits for males and the sources from where you can get it. So, let’s first begin with understanding what L-Arginine is.

What Is L-Arginine?

L-arginine is one of the amino acids that is semi-essential, meaning the body can produce it on its own. It is very essential for the production of proteins which is an important ingredient for the various sexual benefits of L-Arginine for males and females. When L-Arginine is produced or consumed, it converts into nitric oxide; as you know, there are several sexual benefits of nitric oxide for men, like improved sexual performance, boosted libido, improved erection and others; therefore, it becomes necessary to take it in appropriate amounts as the body may not produce it sufficiently. 

Let’s first look at the various health benefits of L-Arginine before we move on to the sources of L-Arginine. So, let’s head on to it:

Sexual Benefits Of L-Arginine For Males

L-arginine is a substance that the body makes itself. It has various benefits for both males and females. Here, we will be listing some of the sexual benefits of L-Arginine for males which will not only improve sexual life but also your personal life. These benefits are: 

1. It Increases The Blood Circulation To Your Penile Area

Blood Circulation

One of the most essential L-Arginine benefits for sex is improved blood circulation in the whole body, mainly the penile area. When the blood circulation in the penile area increases, there are sexual desires, and the health of the penis also improves. Your penis appears fuller and bigger in size which increases pleasure and makes your sexual act much better. One of the L-Arginine benefits for males is, therefore, the production of blood circulation. The blood circulation to the whole leads to the overall well-being of the body. It is beneficial for the semen quality and sperm motility which we will discuss later in the other points of this section. 

2. Works Towards Better Erection In Males

As we said above, one of the Arginine sex benefits is that it improves the blood circulation to the penile area. The increased blood flow leads to better erections as well. L-arginine is one of the natural remedies for erectile dysfunction in males. It resolves the problem of premature ejaculation and improves the quality of erection in males, which improves their sexual life by increasing their desires and leading to more pleasure. Men facing the issue of poor ejaculation, delayed erection, and poor erection quality can consume L-Arginine to work on the erection quality and quantity, which is essential for good sexual performance and life along with physical health. 


3. It Improves Your Sexual Performance

We already said that L-Arginine helps in improving your sexual performance. But how? The L-Arginine benefits for males include improving erection quality and blood circulation, which helps in sexual performance. Many males suffer from sexual performance anxiety which leads to poor sexual performance. Apart from following the tips for dealing with sexual performance anxiety in males, you can also adopt L-Arginine, which improves your desires, erections and blood circulation which elevates your mood, gives you strength and stamina and hence leads to better performance when you have sex. Consuming food that has L-Arginine regularly gives you significant results. 

4. It Helps In Protein Formation And Growth Hormone

Growth Hormone

Protein and growth hormone production is also one of the Arginine sex benefits. Protein is an essential element for your body as well as your sex life because it is protein that provides you with better erections, overall well-being, increased time and power. And for that consuming L-Arginine is a must. It is one of the food that increase sperm count as well. Since L-arginine is a type of amino acid, it works in building protein because protein is made from amino acids. It also leads to the production of growth hormone, which helps in increasing sperm count, mobility and quality, which helps in improving your fertility along with helping you have a good sexual life. 

5. It Improves Your Strength And Stamina

Strength and stamina are also some of the Arginine sex benefits. The production of protein not only leads to the production of growth hormones or improving your sex life but also helps in increasing your stamina and strength. If you want to know how to increase stamina for sex, it is the way to achieve it. Improved strength and stamina help you have a better sexual life. It helps in body muscle building and gives you power. If you are someone who goes to the gym or does strenuous exercise, then consuming L-Arginine is a good option as it helps you build muscles and increase your stamina, strength and endurance so that you can give much time to your sexual act. 

6. Other Supplements Work If L-Arginine Is Present


If you think that L-Arginine benefits for sex life can be achieved using other supplements then you are not wrong. Other supplements like Shilajit or Viagra are also useful in improving your sexual life by increasing your performance, stamina, strength and desires. However, they will only work when your body contains L-arginine. Since your body produces it on its own whenever you take other supplements, they work, but the body does not produce it in sufficient amounts always, and therefore, it is necessary to take it from external sources. By that, you can not just enjoy L-Arginine benefits for males but also take other supplements and make them effective. 

7. Good For Cardiovascular Issues


There are not just Arginine sex benefits, but it also has other health benefits, like it reduces the risks of cardiovascular issues. The nitric oxide production done by L-Arginine helps in relaxing your blood vessels, lowering your blood pressure and improving blood circulation, which improves your cardiovascular health. Do you know how stress affects your sex life? Stress leads to increased blood pressure, sugar levels, poor blood circulation and others which causes cardiovascular issues. Therefore, it becomes necessary to work on cardiovascular health, which can be done by L-Arginine consumed through various sources. 

8. It Also Reduces Your Stress Levels

Stress Levels

Stress affects not just your cardiovascular health but also your sexual life. Stress leads to poor sexual life as it hampers hormone production, erections, stamina, blood circulation and others. Using L-arginine helps in balancing stress levels. It lowers the stress levels along with providing you the L-Arginine benefits for sex. You can also go for anxiety counseling to consult a doctor and work on reducing it by seeking proper guidance and help or you can take supplements like L-Arginine. Reducing stress is very important in the case of better overall well-being. You should also include meditation and exercise in your routine to reduce stress levels. 

9. Improves Your Immunity And Prevents Infection

Along with the various health benefits of L-Arginine, one of the health benefits of it is that it improves your immunity and prevents infection. The consumption of L-arginine leads to bodybuilding, protein production, strength, stamina and endurance, which leads to building immunity and availing the benefits of L-arginine for men simultaneously. It decreases the tendency of infection and also helps in healing wounds faster. L-arginine is also known to have healing abilities due to the fact that it supports collagen synthesis. These are some of the sexual benefits of L-Arginine which leads to a better sexual life for both males and females.

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Where Can You Get L-Arginine?

Now that we are aware of the sexual benefits of L-arginine for males, we also need to know from where we can get L-arginine. In this section, we will list some of the possible sources of L-Arginine that you can easily get in the market, like fruits, vegetarian and non-vegetarian options and others. 

1. Fruits Are A Good Source

You can gain L-Arginine benefits for sex when you consume it. In fruits, dried banana, jackfruit, dates, grapes, avocado, kiwi, watermelon, papaya, mango, pineapple, pomegranate, berries, etc are some of the sources of L-Arginine. You should add them to your everyday diet and have at least one fruit daily be it in any form. 

2. You Can Acquire It From Vegetables


Another good sources of L-Arginine is vegetables. Under it, you can go for chickpeas, be it white or green, spinach, broccoli, soya chunks, beetroot, carrots, corn, sweet potato, asparagus, sprouts and mushrooms. Maintaining a healthy diet can get you all the uses of L-Arginine for sex and overall health. 

3. There Are Non-Vegetarian Options As Well


Non-veg is also among the good sources of L-Arginine shrimp, chicken breast, turkey breast, fish like salmon and tuna, egg, lean beef, and other meat are good sources of L-Arginine. To get all the L-Arginine benefits for males you should eat them in moderate amounts weekly. 

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4. Nuts And Seeds Are Also Better Option

Nuts and seeds are also one of the great sources of L-Arginine. These include pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pistachios, pecans, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds and others. These will help you gain the benefits of L-Arginine for men and females if consumed in moderate amounts regularly. 


Upon reaching the conclusion we have come to understand the various sexual benefits of L-Arginine for males. The benefits are similar for females as well. It is just important to note that pregnant women and people with certain medical conditions (liver and kidney issues) take precautions. However, if you have other sexual issues, you can also go for sex counseling to have proper guidance and support. 

Increased sexual performance, testosterone levels, fertility, sperm production, blood circulation, reduced stress levels, and a decrease in the risk of cardiovascular diseases are some of the benefits of L-Arginine for men and women. Fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, and nuts are good sources of the same and consuming them every day can fulfill your daily requirements also. 


1. What Are Other Supplements That Help Improve Sexual Health?

Other supplements that give the benefits of L-Arginine for men can be Shilajit, Ashwagandha, other herbs and Viagra. However, Viagra only works if you have L-arginine already present in your body from before. L-arginine is a healthy substitute that is naturally made in your body and, hence, a safe option. 

2. What Amount Of L-Arginine Is Safe To Consume?

The health benefits of L-Arginine can be achieved by consuming around 1 to 3 gms per day. It is advised to consult your healthcare provider for more personalized results. It is important to note that people with liver or kidney issues, children and pregnant women should consult their doctor before they start consuming it. 

3. Are There Any Side Effects Of Consuming L-Arginine?

Apart from the various uses of L-Arginine for sex, there can be some side effects also which occur when it is consumed in high amounts or with other medicines. It includes nausea, bloating, headache, gastrointestinal issues, itching and may cause vomiting in some cases. It is advised to consume it in moderate amounts. 

4. Are There L-Arginine Supplements Available?

The uses of L-Arginine for sex for both males and females can be availed by using the supplements of L-Arginine. There are many supplements of L-Arginine which contain other supplements like vitamins and minerals. If you are someone who cannot implement a complete diet then you can go for the supplements as well.

5. Can Women Take L-Arginine?

Yes, women can take L-Arginine as it promotes fertility and healthy skin, enhances performance, builds immunity and strength, and elevates mood. Though there are many sexual benefits of L-Arginine for males, for pregnant women it is advised to take it for a short term after consulting the doctor.

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