Signs Your Partner Doesn't Respect You
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Relationships work on equality not only in terms of gender but in feelings as well. An equal quantity of love, respect, trust, understanding, and communication are all required for the relationship to go on smoothly. Lack of any of them, especially respect, can ruin the most beautiful and strongest relationships. Respect in any relationship is the top requirement for the relationship to work. If you witness signs that your partner doesn’t respect you, it is the point where you must take a step back. Pondering over why doesn’t my partner respect me won’t help. Therefore, thinking over the next step matters. We will be talking now about the signs that you don’t respect you. 

How to Know Your Partner Doesn’t Respect You

Looking for hints your partner doesn’t respect you. You have landed at a safe place. Many times when we are deeply in love with our partner we tend to ignore the little things which are a threat to our respect. Paying attention to signs your partner doesn’t respect you will help you realize whether your partner truly loves you or the love is just a facade.

1. They do Not Pay Attention to You

One of the first and foremost signs your partner doesn’t respect you is that they never pay attention to you and most of the time ignore you. If your partner does not pay close attention to what you are speaking or what you are sharing with them and can’t even remember little things that matter to you then it is one of the hints that they don’t respect you. They are ignorant of your necessities and your feelings. Whenever you wish to talk to them they ignore you and make you feel unimportant. They spend their time on other activities instead of making time for you and discard your emotions as a ‘waste’. This happens almost every time you wish to share things that worry you.

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2. They Always Make Fun of You

Make Fun of You

Among other signs your partner disrespects you is that they make fun of you in front of everyone. Teasing each other and making jokes about each other sometimes or just making the person laugh a little bit is at times okay. There must be some naughtiness in the relationship. However, the joke must be light and not insulting. If your partner insults you while making fun of you and that too in front of everybody then this is a sign that they don’t respect you. The weakness of every girl in a relationship is that they dismiss the actions of their partner in the name of love, however, there is a difference between humor and mockery. 

3. They Don’t Value Your Space And Time

Don't Value Your Space And Time

Many many times it is visible that the partner does not value your space and your time. This is one of the other signs your partner doesn’t respect you. It does not give you your personal space and tries to interfere in every matter. However, a little bit of interference is fine but they don’t allow you to enjoy your time and even do not value your time. They always make you rush at the last moment and disgrace you if you wish to spend some time with your friends. They scold you when you make them wait but it is not the same in vice versa. 

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4. They Don’t Treat You Like a Partner

If you are wondering why doesn’t my partner respect me, one of the reasons for this may be that they don’t consider you as their partner. You can look for signs your partner is not serious about you which is one of the pieces of evidence that your partner does not respect you. They either are cheating on you or do not consider you important enough to include you in their priority list or consider you while making any decisions. They do not give you the importance of being a partner. Your opinions or decisions hardly matter to them. This is a direct sign that your partner does not respect you. 

5. They Do Not Prioritize Your Choices And Value Your Loved Ones

Prioritize Your Choices

There are often some mistakes that will destroy your relationship and one of them is that your partner does not prioritize your choices and value your loved ones. This is also among other hints your partner doesn’t respect you. When there is respect in a relationship despite any argument or anyone, your partner will always prioritize your choices if they are right. They will value your loved ones because you love them. For them respect you and they are both equal. If your partner doesn’t value your choices and pay attention to your wishes they don’t respect you as a being and are with you for their interests. 

What to Do if Your Partner Doesn’t Respect You

Being aware of the hints your partner doesn’t respect you will not help, taking proper steps will. Hovering and overthinking over why doesn’t my partner respect me will not make him respect you. You need to take a stand for your respect on your own and make them realize the importance of your presence. Here, we will tell you about what you can do if your partner does not respect you. Being in a relationship where there is no respect won’t let you live in peace.

1. Understanding Love And Respect is Not Negotiable

Understanding Love And Respect

Relationships are similar to a weight scale, equal weight on both sides will balance the scale. Love and respect are the weights that balance the scale of a relationship. You need to know how to get my partner to respect me to make the relationship go smoothly. However, this is not possible every time as you cannot force the other to respect you. Instead of pondering over why my partner doesn’t respect my feelings, understand that respect is not something that can be negotiated.

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2. Communicate Your Concerns

Many people get struck over why doesn’t my partner respect me. Instead of finding reasons, communicate with your partner about your concerns related to respect and boundaries. Make them understand that respect is central in any relationship. You can check on how to end a toxic relationship if your partner does not wish to change their behavior. There can be many reasons why my partner doesn’t respect my feelings like you might not have treated them properly before, or they might not recognize you as their partner. This all can be solved by communication and attempting to understand each other.

3. Move Out of The Relationship if Nothing Changes

Out of The Relationship

Sticking over why my partner doesn’t respect my feelings won’t do any good. You need to understand how to know if the love is one-sided or if the respect element has worn out of the relationship or not. When you can recognize the signs your partner disrespects you then you should take a step back. If your partner after many attempts of conversation does not respect you, move out of the relationship as respect is not to be traded with love. Staying in a relationship where you are not valued and cared for is harmful to your mental health as well as self-respect and self-esteem.


Looking over all the hints your partner doesn’t respect you will help you decide whether the relationship is worth fighting for or not. Many couples go for couple counseling because their relationship lacks the basic feelings which are essential for long-term relationships like respect, trust, communication, loyalty, etc. There are different ways to look at how to know your partner doesn’t respect you. They don’t prioritize your choices and value your decisions. They ignore you and your feelings. Further, they don’t treat you as their better half but more as a time pass or fling. Moving out of a relationship at the very moment when your partner disrespects you is the best way to work on yourself and value yourself.


1. Is love more important than respect?

When you witness signs your partner disrespects you it makes you question whether you stay or leave. Relationships are similar to a weight scale, love, and respect are the weights that balance the scale of a relationship. It is not possible to make the other person respect you until they are willing to do so. Instead of pondering over why my partner doesn’t respect my feelings, understand that respect is not something that can be negotiated. Both love and respect are important however, love cannot go without respect. 

2. How do I know whether my partner respects me or not?

If you are looking for an answer to how to know your partner doesn’t respect you there are certain things you must be aware of. There are things you should know about boys in a relationship. This will help you understand their behavior. The signs your partner doesn’t respect you include that they prioritize your choices, demand and value your feelings, ignore you, and do not consider it important to include you in any of their life decisions. Further, they don’t value your personal space or time. You must be at their beck and call. They cheat on you or always mock you in front of everyone. These are some ways to find out if your partner respects you or not.

3. Should I move out of a relationship where there is no respect?

First, learn how to know your partner doesn’t respect you. When you can recognize the signs that your partner does not respect you then you should take a step back. Yes, you can consider moving out if they never treat you properly. If your partner after many attempts of conversation does not respect you, move out of the relationship as respect is not to be traded with love. A relationship cannot go long if there is no respect between the couples.

4. How to get my partner to respect me?

If you are hardly thinking over how to get my partner to respect me then you can work on first respecting yourself. Many times when you don’t respect yourself chances are that your partner will also take you lightly. Therefore, raise your self-respect. Communicate with your partner about the importance of respect and why it is central. Watch over your behavior whether you have disrespected your partner in any way or not and if yes, try to mend your behavior and seek forgiveness. Your partner might be trying to show you your behavior.

5. What should I do if my partner used to respect me but it is not the same now?

If with time you are witnessing signs your partner disrespects you, you need to pause for a moment and look for the reason your partner is not respecting you. Since respect has gradually diminished. Many couples go for marriage counseling to understand the issues behind it. There can be many reasons why my partner doesn’t respect my feelings like you might not have treated them properly before, and they might not recognize you as their partner. This all can be solved by communication and attempting to understand each other.

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