Sexual Benefits Of Shatavari for Men
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Nature has provided us with everything, from food to medicinal herbs. Everything is provided to us which benefits us from every aspect of our life. Under this comes the ayurvedic medicinal herbs that come as a boon to human health. We all are aware of Ashwagandha, Shilajit, and Viagra, but there’s another herb that stands out along with them, that is, Shatavari. 

In this article, we will be focusing on the sexual benefits of Shatavari for men and how it enhances the potential of men along with other health benefits. We will be talking about what Shatavari is, its general benefits, what Shatavari uses for sexual life, and how you can consume it. So, let’s dive in.

What is Shatavari?

Shatavari is an Ayurvedic herb used in medicine from ancient times. It is a root that is consumed to treat several illnesses and keep the body healthy. It is the storehouse of many potential vitamins, nutrients, and acids that are essential for the human body to treat diarrhea, boost female reproduction and many others.

Not only in pushing up the physical health of humans come its benefits but there are also sexual benefits of Shatavari for men and women. Therefore it becomes essential to look at the uses of Shatavari and how you can include it in your daily diet. So, let’s have a look at the benefits of Shatavari.

Benefits of Shatavari

Before speaking about Shatavari uses for sexual life, we will first focus on the other benefits of consuming Shatavari. These are: 

1. Source Of Various Vitamins And Other Nutrients

Various Vitamins

One of the benefits of Shatavari is that it is the source of various vitamins like Vitamin A, B-6, copper, manganese, zinc, cobalt, ascorbic acid, folic acid and others which are essential for human health in depression, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, cough, arthritis and many more thus contributing significantly to your health. 

2. Works Magically In Case Of Inflammation

Being anti-inflammatory is another Shatavari benefit for men and women. Be it any inflammation in the body or sexual organs like in urinary parts or swelling, consumption of Shatavari is very beneficial as due to the presence of antioxidants and other elements, it reduces the inflammation and helps in staying fit.

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3. Helpful In Almost All Of The Health Issues

Isn’t it just a regular issue that one has to go through one or the other ailments? One of the benefits of Shatavari is that it helps you to treat other health issues like diabetes, and cough, reducing stress and anxiety. You can also go for anxiety counseling to work over your stress and anxiety issues which lead to many other problems. 

4. It Contains Essential Oils Beneficial For The Body

Essential Oils

Another of the Shatavari benefits for men is that it contains beneficial essential oils which are very good for your hair and body. Do you want to know how to stop hair fall? Shatavari can help you, the rose and sandalwood essential oils are not only good for your body but also your hair as they rejuvenate and strengthen the roots.

5. It Helps Increase Weight

Your physical body stays at its best when you have a balanced weight which contributes to your strength and stamina. Increasing the weight and in turn your stamina and strength is one of the benefits of Shatavari. The herb has strengthening elements that help you gain weight along with helping you fight different infections. 

Sexual benefits of Shatavari for men

Now, moving on to the sexual benefits of Shatavari for men, it is essential to look at the factors that affect sexual life and how Shatavari helps in eliminating these. So, here are some of the sexual benefits of Shatavari. 

1. Works In Increasing Feelings And Sexual Urges

Sexual Urges

Intensifying and increasing the sexual desires and feelings of males is one of the Shatavari sexual benefits. It is a natural stimulant that works on reducing your mental anxiety and stress and balances your hormones along with boosting and stimulating the sexual hormones that push up your sexual urges and desires. 

There are many reasons for low libido in young males, one is being stressed, anxiety and hormonal disbalance. Shatavari in balancing this helps both males and females to increase their libido or sexual desires and urges which is very essential to live a pleasurable sexual life as it intensifies the feelings of both partners.

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2. It Pushes Up Your Testosterone Levels

In males, their sexual life gets twists and turns in the urges, desires, and pleasure, because of their sexual hormones, mainly testosterone. The testosterone levels in males drive the sexual act. Here in the Shatavari sexual benefits for men is the leveling up of testosterone hormones which increases their sexual desires and pleasure.

The signs of low testosterone in males usually signal low desire, poor sperm quality, and low stamina, and this also happens due to reduced blood flow. Shatavari helps in increasing blood flow and testosterone levels which makes their sexual life intriguing and enhances pleasure, thus consuming it is beneficial for males’ sexuality. 

3. Increases Your Sperm Quality And Quantity

Sperm Quality And Quantity

Another of the Shatavari sexual benefits is the improvement in sperm quality and quantity. The boost in the testosterone levels in males improves and increases the sperm quality and quantity along with improvement in the semen volume. It also thus works on the improvement of erectile dysfunction and helps in proper erection. 

You can consider taking sex counseling to work out the sexual issues that come up between the couples. There are many reasons for low sperm count in males and to cure it naturally, Shatavari is one of the best ayurvedic herbs you can go for. In the later section, we will tell you how you can consume it to benefit your physical and sexual health. 

4. Naturally Improves Your Sexual Performance

Overall, the sexual benefits of Shatavari for men include enhancing and improving the sexual performance of males and also females. It is a natural antioxidant and stimulator that works to help you maintain your sexual performance by keeping your physical and sexual health intact. 

Consuming Shatavari powder or any other form of Shatavari helps in the eradication of many sexual problems like erectile dysfunction, low testosterone levels, poor semen volume and sperm quality and quantity. By treating this, Shatavari helps to improve your sexual performance and satisfy your partner in bed. 

5. It Helps Increase Your Stamina

Increase Your Stamina

Shatavari sexual benefits also include an increase in stamina. It is essential to have the stamina to stay longer in bed and also to satisfy your partner. The use of Shatavari helps in increasing your energy so that you can have memorable moments without any trouble. This is done by many contributing factors.

It becomes essential to know how to improve stamina during sex naturally, and that is through Shatavari. It helps you gain weight to increase your strength and stamina along with improving your sperm count, sexual desires, testosterone levels and other improvements in your sexual health due to its various nutritional qualities. 

6. Provide Health Benefits For Your Sexual Organ

Yet, another of the Shatavari sexual benefits for men is helping the sexual organs stay in shape. It has anti-inflammatory substances, antioxidants, various vitamins and minerals that protect the genitals and help reduce any swelling or other issues. Thus improving your sexual life and helping you fulfill your desires. 

There are many reasons why men have early discharge and this can happen due to problems with sexual organs like the prostate. Using Shatavari helps protect the prostate gland by keeping it safe from oxidants and other harmful elements. Thus, it helps in working together in all aspects and improves sexual health and vitality. 

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How to consume Shatavari?

As you are aware of the sexual benefits of Shatavari for men, it is time you also get a look into how to consume it. Here are the ways:

1. Consume It Less Quantity And Not Much

When it comes to how to consume Shatavari, it is essential to remember that it should be consumed in low quantities as it produces heat in the body. If you are taking Shatavari powder, it should be in a minimal amount, for example, take only half or one teaspoon of Shatavari and not more.

2. You Can Take It In Mixed Form With Other Herbs

Mixed Form With Other Herbs

If you want to know how to consume Shatavari, you can do it by consuming it with other herbs like Ashwagandha, Safed Musli and others. You can take Shatavari powder along with other herbs and consume it with water, milk or honey in the morning or twice a day or as prescribed. 

3. Consult With Your Doctor if You Have Other Health Issues

Consult With Your Doctor

There can be some of the Shatavari side effects and hence before you consume it, consult your doctor. If you are someone who takes medicine for low blood sugar or diuretic medicine, consult your doctor or avoid it despite the Shatavari uses for sexual life or physical health. 

4. Consume It In Its Different Forms

Another method under how to consume Shatavari is to go for different forms in which it is available for gaining Shatavari uses for sexual life. You can go for powder, tablets, juice or any other form. Try the powder with water, milk, honey, juice or ghee. You must make sure to look at the quantity. 


Wrapping up the article, there are many sexual benefits of Shatavari for men, from increasing the libido to improving the health of sexual organs, there are many ways in which Shatavari helps you. Do you know how spices can increase sex drive? Just like spices help you with your sexual life, similarly Shatavari is one of the herbs that are very essential to maintaining a good and pleasurable sexual life.

Though, there are some of the Shatavari side effects, consuming it in low amounts along with other herbs. Following the Shatavari benefits for men, it has similar benefits for females as well. Shatavari is a natural remedy to cure most of the physical and sexual health problems and hence its consumption is beneficial. 


1. What is the best time to consume Shatavari?

The best time to consume the Shatavari powder or its other forms is to take it on an empty stomach, 1 hour before lunch or dinner or 2 hours after eating lunch or dinner. It is best to consume it with water or warm milk and only half a teaspoon twice a day. 

2. Are there any side effects of Shatavari?

There can be Shatavari side effects if excess of it is consumed. People who have an allergy to asparagus should avoid it. Further, it can cause rashes, dizziness, skin, itchy eyes, an increase in heart rate, breathing difficulties and other minor problems. 

3. What are the benefits of Shatavari for females?

There are some of the Shatavari sexual benefits for females as well like it improves the women’s fertility, regulates hormones, reduces the menstrual cramps, healthy ovulation, and its antioxidants also delay aging and cell damage.

4. Who should avoid the consumption of Shatavari?

Despite Shatavari benefits for men and women, some people must avoid the consumption of Shatavari like people who are taking diuretic medicines, who have allergies, or people who are taking medicine for low blood sugar as Shatavari lowers blood sugar. 

5. What illnesses are cured by the use of Shatavari?

Among the Shatavari sexual benefits for men and women, it helps in improving fertility, sperm count, hormonal levels, PCOS, and some other illnesses cured by it is diarrhea, ulcers, cough, and kidney issues, boosts immunity power and cures the liver as well.

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