How To Stop Hair Fall? - Important Tips
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Hair loss in old age is understood to be caused by aging, but when you have severe hair fall at a young age it is something to look at as urgent. It becomes essential to know how to stop hair fall. Hair beautifies a person, there are many reasons why men like long hair girls or why girls are attracted to the hair of males. Therefore, taking care of it is of prime importance. In this article, we will talk about hair fall prevention methods and what causes hair fall as hair symbolizes ourselves and our identity. It is a key to our confidence. 

Causes of hair fall

How To Stop Hair Fall
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Before knowing about how to stop hair fall, it is essential to understand what are the causes of the same. The ways to reduce hair fall can be implemented only when the cause is known. Among men, there are also doubts about whether can masturbation cause hair fall or not. However, it is a question of much research, here we lay down the most common reasons why hair fall takes place. 

1. Having sweat in your hair

There are many ways to reduce hair fall, among them one is having constant sweat in your scalp. People who wear helmets all day long, electricians who wear caps, or anyone who wears something on their head for long hours can have a sweaty scalp. Also, some people sweat more naturally. So, when people don’t wash their hair regularly and properly there are chances of hair fall. This is what causes hair fall. It makes the scalp itchy and causes infection, further making the hair follicles weak and the hair dull. Hence, it is one of the major causes of hair fall. 

sweat causes hairfall
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2. Genetic hair loss

Among many different causes of hair fall, one of the causes of hair fall is genetic hair fall. Many people lose their hair because of certain genetic factors. Some people even have less hair due to hereditary reasons. It usually takes place with age. However, certain medical conditions or hair quality and strength also pass on to the children and therefore there is hair fall. This is one of the reasons for hair fall. You can go for natural remedies discussed later in the article. However, treatments are advised in such cases as it is hereditary or genetically taking place. This is one of the causes. 

3. Frequently styling your hair

There are many ways to reduce hair fall, but to walk on those it is essential to know what causes hair fall. One of the reasons why hair fall takes place is frequently styling your hair. When you frequently style your hair, use different chemical substances, dryer, straightener, or curler. The hair gets damaged and burns. It is one of the major causes of hair fall as these days hardly some people don’t style their hair by making different styles or using products on them. It makes the hair rough, weak, and dull thereby causing hair fall and split ends. It is another reason for hair fall. 

frequent hair styling causes hairloss
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4. Not properly caring for your hair

Among many different causes of hair fall, one of the causes of hair fall is not taking care of it. Some people don’t wash their hair frequently, or properly or overwash it. Not taking care of the hair can make them weak and also cause hair fall at an early age. Some of the harmful habits for hair include not oiling the hair, using harmful chemicals, making tight braids, exposing it to high heat, or open winds, not combing hair for days, washing it with warm water, always drying hair dryer, rubbing the hair from harsh clothes. These are some of the reasons for hair fall and habits that harm the hair. 

5. Poor eating habits and medication 

There are many ways to reduce hair fall but to make them work it is essential that you identify the reason why hair fall is taking place. Hair fall can also be one of the signs of low testosterone in males or vice versa. Poor eating habits and certain medicines also cause hair fall, eating junk food, avoiding healthy meals, consuming alcohol, smoking, etc work together to cause hair fall. This is what causes hair fall. Our body and the things we consume and do are linked and are determinant in the functioning of different body parts, and so is hair. Hence, whatever we eat reflects in our body and hair.

Poor eating habits causes hairfall
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6. Being under a lot of stress

One of the causes of hair fall is being under a lot of stress. Stress has been claimed as one of the major factors leading to hair loss. Usually, hair loss begins with aging but these days people put themselves under a lot of stress, tension, pressure, and anxiety which causes hair loss. Stress causes hormonal imbalance and also makes the hair follicles stop the growth of new hair and hence, no growth of hair. You can go for anxiety counseling to reduce the levels of anxiety and stress and hence work in reducing the hair fall caused by stress. This is also one of the reasons for hair fall

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How to stop hair fall?

In the current century, no one is away from the problem of hair fall. It is essential to find solutions for it. There are many remedies to stop hair fall in men and women. Let’s learn how to stop hair fall. These are: 

1. Don’t wash your hair every day

There are various natural remedies to stop hair fall but it is essential to practice them and form a regular habit of it. One of the hair fall prevention methods is that you should not wash your hair every day but wash it regularly without skipping it. Especially, people who have sweaty scalps should regularly and on a routine basis wash their hair. You can set a routine for particular days when you wash your hair and wash your hair on those days. It will help you in keeping up with the schedule and keep your hair clean. But remember don’t overwash and have a gap between each wash.

Don't wash your hair every day
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2. Go for frequent oiling

When you look into how to prevent hair fall, one of the methods in the same is to do oiling. It does not mean that you wash your hair with oil but take oil in the required amount and massage it all over your scalp with your fingertips lightly by applying pressure. You must strictly oil your hair before washing it and make this your habit. It is one of the best ways to stop hair fall. So me people oil their hair a day before washing it at night and leave it overnight. You can do the same or you can apply the oil 2 to 3 hours before washing your hair. This is an essential step in the care of hair. You can slightly warm the oil.

3. Take healthy diet

One of the natural remedies to stop hair fall is to have a healthy diet. You should consume protein-rich food, and green leafy vegetables for iron as iron is very beneficial for healthy hair. You should avoid junk food. You should also go for meditation as there are different benefits of morning meditation. It reduces stress which causes hair fall. Consume fruits, amla, nuts, and other dry fruits to maintain the quality and quantity of your hair. This is one of the hair fall prevention methods. A healthy diet contributes to having a healthy body and subsequently healthy hair. So, you must pay attention to what you eat. 

 healthy diet for healthy hair
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4. Use a good quality shampoo

An important step in how to prevent hair fall is buying the shampoo after full consideration. Not all the shampoo is good for hair. Certain brands contain sulfate and paraben which are not good for hair. Choose the shampoo that is free from these chemicals and contains natural ingredients like bramhi, shikakai, hyaluronic acid, etc. It is one of the best ways to stop hair fall. You must choose the best shampoo and carefully check the ingredient descriptions given in them. Dilute the shampoo in water before applying it to the hair to reduce the proportions of chemicals in the shampoo. 

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5. Avoid styling your hair a lot 

One of the easiest methods to stop hair fall is to avoid styling your hair frequently. You can style your hair occasionally and that too using good product and other heat resistant spray to avoid damage and burns to the hair. Instead, you can go for natural remedies to stop hair fall along with avoiding it and also you can use natural curlers which make the hair naturally. Avoid using hair spray or other gel. This is one of the hair fall prevention methods you can use to protect your hair. Anything done frequently is harmful. So, it is important to make a note of if you are someone who styles their hair. 

Avoid styling your hair a lot
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6. Stop making tight braids

One of the ways how to prevent hair fall is by avoiding very tight braids. It leads to loss of hair in the fronts and also makes them weak from the base. You might have noticed many kids or even elders having very tight pony and hair pulled back very tightly. This makes the hair weak from the base and causes front hair loss. So avoid making tight braids and rather go for a loose hairstyle or make loose braids. This is one of the best ways to stop hair fall. You should also avoid the pony and sleep with it or open your hair at night. Make loose braids or two loose braids and you are good to go for the night’s sleep. 


To conclude the article, you might now have understood how to stop hair fall. It is essential to look after your overall health to have healthy, strong, thick, and long hair. This means inculcating proper diet, meditation, looking after your hair, and working ways to improve your sleep cycle if your sleep schedule is improper. Sleep is essential to have all organs of your body and other hormones work well and perfectly. Following the natural remedies to stop hair fall though can take time but works well with no side effects. However, you must understand and check whether it suits you or not as not everything suits everyone. 

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1. What are some of the diseases that cause hair loss?

There are many reasons for hair fall, among them some can be genetic, stress, no proper care but there are some diseases as well which are reasons for what causes hair fall. These are Alopecia areata, Chemotherapy, hormonal imbalances, trichotillomania, scalp infections, thyroid problems, and other health conditions that make hair follicles weak. 

2. How to care for hair?

To know how to prevent hair fall you must know how to care for hair. Hair care is an essential process in the treatment of hair loss. You must oil your hair at least two times a week and wash your hair twice a week or thrice depending on the requirement. Apply diluted shampoo and use as many natural products as possible.  

3. Which natural ingredients are best for hair?

The natural ingredients that are beneficial for hair are Shikakai, Aloe vera, Onion, Hibiscus, Kalonji, Bramhi, lavender, fenugreek, etc. The products available today are chemically induced and have preservatives that are not good for hair. Hence you must look and get yourself things that contain natural ingredients. 

4. Which oils can I apply to my hair?

There are many oils which are beneficial for your hair. It is more beneficial if it is naturally derived yet using these oils works magically on hair. These are castor oil, coconut oil, onion oil, jojoba oil, rosemary essential oil, tea tree essential oil, almond oil, oil containing amla, geranium oil, olive oil, walnut oil, other essential oils, etc. 

5. What are some of the hair treatments?

One of the best ways to stop hair fall is going for proper care of hair, using natural ingredients, and avoiding any stress. However, you can also go for sleep therapy as improper sleep can cause the hair follicles to go weak. Other treatments you can go for regaining lost hair are corticosteroid injections, scalp treatment, etc. 

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