Why Men Have Early Discharge? - Know The Reasons
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Getting intimate always stirs up the heart, but what will happen when you are just about to go for intercourse or have just started the intercourse and you end up having an orgasm? All the fun, pleasure, and intimacy turns to dust and you cannot enjoy it anymore. It may happen due to any reason but it’s happening enough to ruin the occasion. In this article, we will be talking about why men have early discharge or in other words what is premature ejaculation. We will be telling you in detail about what are its symptoms, its causes, and how you can treat it. 

What is premature ejaculation? 

What is premature ejaculation
Why Men Have Early Discharge? 10

Before knowing why men have early discharge, it is essential to know about premature ejaculation. It refers to early ejaculation before having sex or immediately after the beginning of sex. It is essential to know how to recognize premature ejaculation as not every early discharge is premature ejaculation. You may have a proper erection but in the beginning only. If it happens once or twice it is not premature ejaculation. If it extends for more than 3 months then you must see a doctor. It is important to know how to cure PE permanently so that you can enjoy your sexual life. Let’s look at the symptoms of premature ejaculation. 

Symptoms of premature ejaculation?  Why Men Have Early Discharge?

Numerous causes are behind why men have early discharge, but before looking over that we will have a look at the symptoms of premature ejaculation. Not every time you have an early discharge signifies that you have premature ejaculation. Some symptoms should be noticed over some time to be sure of the same.

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1. You have discharge within a minute after penetration 

The most prominent symptoms of premature ejaculation is that you get an erection just after a minute of penetrative sex. It also means that you get discharged even while you are doing foreplay or getting some sensitivity from your partner. You are unable to have control over yourself and even the slight sensitivity gets you erect and discharged and further, you cannot enjoy sex. It can be accompanied by erectile dysfunction which means you have an unstable erection. You can use the erectile combo by Nature Mania to cure erectile dysfunction. But you must be sure of whether you have erectile dysfunction or not. It is usually premature ejaculation that hits. 

discharge within a minute after penetration 
Why Men Have Early Discharge? 12

2. You have the fear that you can have discharge anytime 

Among other different symptoms of premature ejaculation, one of the symptoms is you live in anxiety about when you can have discharge. You do not have a stable erection even during sex. You are not aware of when you can get discharged while going in for sex. It can come when you foreplay, immediately after penetrative or anal sex, while doing oral, or even when your partner touches you. You are not sure of when an erection can take place and hence you also fear sex or engaging in any kind of foreplay. This is one of the symptoms of premature ejaculation. If such symptoms are continuing for more than 3 months then you should take it seriously. 

3. You are afraid to even stay or sleep by the side of your partner

There are various symptoms of premature ejaculation, one of the symptoms of premature ejaculation is that you are afraid of even staying close or sleeping next to your partner because you are afraid that you can have ejaculation. It may happen that whenever you sleep by the side of your partner or get too close to them you have discharge. It may be because of nervousness, anxiety, or even stress. You can go for anxiety counseling to deal with performance anxiety or even nervousness that can cause premature ejaculation. It is one of the extreme-level symptoms of premature ejaculation when even physical touch causes discharge.

afraid due to premature ejaculation
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Causes of premature ejaculation

There are many reasons why men have early discharge, it may be out of fear, sensitivity, excitement, or any other problems. It is essential to recognize the cause of premature ejaculation to treat it. However, these many causes of premature ejaculation are classified into two prominent categories.

1. Psychological causes 

Among the various causes of premature ejaculation, one of the causes is psychological. It refers to early-age sex experience, depression, guilt, abuse, poor body image, sensitivity, relationship problems, performance anxiety, and others. It means that premature ejaculation takes place due to psychological problems. In such cases, it is necessary to know how to stop performance anxiety in males. These psychological causes of the quick release of sperm often are triggered because of excitement, fear, or anxiety.  

Psychological causes of premature ejaculation
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2. Biological causes 

There are many causes of the quick release of sperm, among them one of the causes is biological cause. This means that the person is having some medical issues which leads to premature ejaculation. It includes hormonal disbalance, brain chemical issues like neurotransmitter issues that mean issues in establishing signaling, prostate inflammation, and other problems. It is often accompanied by erectile dysfunction. This is one of the causes of premature ejaculation. It is necessary to diagnose what is the cause of premature ejaculation.

Types of premature ejaculation 

You now know why men have early discharge, but you know that even premature ejaculation has types based on the time of its occurrence. To know how to recognize premature ejaculation it is essential to know the types as well. The reasons for both the types are different and the treatment as well. There are two types of premature ejaculation.

1. Primary premature ejaculation 

Primary premature ejaculation means when you have premature ejaculation from your adolescent. If specifically defined it means that the child has been discharged from his teenage. It is a lifelong condition that begins as soon as the person becomes sexually active. The causes of the quick release of sperm in the case of primary PE are usually psychological reasons. This is also one of the reasons why do sexual problems happen in male. Abuse, traumatic sexual experience, and other factors contribute to primary PE. Recognizing and going for prescribed treatment as told later in the article is essential to treat it. It is an early-age condition and can extend lifelong if not treated. 

Primary premature ejaculation 
Why Men Have Early Discharge? 15

2. Secondary premature ejaculation

Another category of premature ejaculation is secondary premature ejaculation. It occurs late in age, usually around the 30s to 40s or even in the 50s. It does not occur from the beginning but later in life. The causes of the quick release of sperm in case of secondary premature ejaculation can be both psychological and biological like drugs, prostate inflammation, poor sex experience, guilt, performance anxiety, and many more. It is essential to know how to recognize premature ejaculation to identify its cure and type. It can be cured with the help of therapy, medications, and by taking proper care of your diet. So this is the other category of premature ejaculation that males encounter.

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Why Men Have Early Discharge? 16

What is the treatment of premature ejaculation?

There are many reasons why men have early discharge and based on these reasons the treatment of premature ejaculation goes on. Further, it is essential to understand how to cure PE permanently to have a pleasurable sexual life. There are two major treatments prescribed for PE along with some other aids. Let’s have a look at the treatment. 

1. Therapy 

There are various treatment of premature ejaculation, among them the most prominent treatment is therapy. Therapy is essential to treat premature ejaculation, especially in the case of psychological causes like depression, guilt, performance anxiety, fear, abuse, poor sex experience, stress, and others. Also, masturbation addiction can lead to premature ejaculation. Going for sex counseling is the most prominent treatment in the case of PE. The therapy sessions help you in overcoming your fear, depression, guilt, anxiety, and any other psychological problems. Also, biological causes need therapy sessions to treat premature ejaculation. Taking therapy sessions is inevitable to cure PE.

treatment of premature ejaculation
Why Men Have Early Discharge? 17

2. Medications 

One of the methods how to cure PE permanently is by medications. Certain medications are prescribed by the doctor to treat premature ejaculation, especially in the case of biological causes like hormonal disbalance, prostate inflammation, and even some of the psychological causes. You can also go for the premature combo by Nature Mania. It is purely organic and rarely has any side effects. It contains natural ingredients which are known to treat premature ejaculation. Taking medications along with the therapy sessions helps in quickly curing the problem of early discharge in males. This is one of the treatments which is undertaken for Premature Ejaculation. 

3. Boost your confidence 

Practicing to boost your confidence is essential for the treatment of premature ejaculation. Many times fear, lack of confidence, performance anxiety, stress, and tension also lead to premature ejaculation. Knowing how stress can affect your sex life is an inseparable part of the treatment. Stress is known to lower your confidence which impacts your sexual life and ejaculation. Many times due to performance anxiety and fear often one encounters premature ejaculation, it can be treated by working on boosting your confidence during sex. Having trust in yourself and communication with your partner aids in the treatment and increases your confidence level. 

Boost your confidence 
Why Men Have Early Discharge? 18

4. Cherish your partner’s body 

One of the aids that helps in the treatment of premature ejaculation is to avoid concentrating on your body and cherish your partner’s body and enjoy. It is one of the performance mistakes you and your partner are making. Usually while having sex people concentrate on their own body and their pleasure but the reciprocal should happen and the partners should communicate together and have an understanding between them to enjoy sex. Focus on foreplay, communication, and embracing each other rather than on the ejaculation issue. It aids in the treatment of premature ejaculation and also improves your sexual life. It should be prioritized in sexual life and between partners. 


The reasons why men have early discharge are numerous. Premature ejaculation means when you have discharge before or immediately as soon as you go for penetrative sex. There are various causes of the same like fear, excitement, sensitivity, arousal, psychological causes like guilt, performance anxiety, depression, abuse, poor sex experience, biological causes like prostate inflammation, hormonal disbalance, excessive masturbation, etc. It is essential to know that sex treatment and medications can help you cure PE. However, you should make yourself aware of certain things to know taking sex treatment. Try to communicate with your partner, boost your confidence, and cherish your partner’s body, all this helps in treating PE. So, this is all what is premature ejaculation.


1. What is the difference between premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction?

When it comes to what is premature ejaculation, means having discharge just before or immediately after going for sex. It can also take place at touch or during foreplay whereas erectile dysfunction is the condition where the man is unable to have a firm or stable erection during intercourse. There is a thin difference between both of them.

2. Can premature ejaculation cause other health issues?

Premature ejaculation does not necessarily cause any health problems however it can lead to psychological issues and even contribute to erectile dysfunction. It can cause problems in pregnancy and even revenue or sexual pleasures so it is advised to consult a doctor. However, there are no such major health issues related to PE.

3. When should I go to a doctor for premature ejaculation?

Before attending to medications or consulting a doctor it is essential to know how to recognize premature ejaculation. It is not essential that once or twice early discharge is PE. If you are constantly having early discharge for 3 months or more then you should go and see a doctor. It is advised to look at all the factors and notice the timeline before going to the doctor. 

4. What food to eat for premature ejaculation?

To know how to cure PE permanently, it is advised to look at the food you consume. There are certain foods you should consume for premature ejaculation like carom seeds. There are many benefits of carom seeds for men. You can also consume bananas, walnuts and other nuts, green vegetables avocados, spinach, and other fruits. 

5. Do women also suffer from early discharge?

Though early discharge is considered a problem for males it can also be witnessed in women. Many women also suffer from early climax or early discharge due to various reasons. However, it is not a serious problem for females. It may be caused by sensitivity, touch, or excitement. But if it comes only on seeing your partner you should consult a doctor.

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