10 Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend Before Dating Him
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Well, starting a new relationship can be exciting and also a bit scary. Before moving to a new relationship you should make sure that you have a good understanding with your boyfriend. Well if you are wondering What are good questions to ask a BF?

You can know him better by asking him a few questions that will show how compatible you guys are with each other. Ask questions that you think will be ideal to know him more and are fun to talk to. Finding out more about his personality values and expectations for the relationship is important regardless of how you go about it. You can even consider Relationship counseling or marriage counselling if you can’t ask him direct questions.

If you’re still in the pre-dating stage you can even ask flirty questions by asking What would our first date look like? Have you ever fantasised about me? For you to get started we have listed here 10 Questions to ask your boyfriend before dating him.

Ask Your Boyfriend

Things To Ask Your Boyfriend Before Dating

Having an understanding of what your boyfriend thinks or comes from into a relationship is important before you start dating. Asking Questions to ask your boyfriend before dating him will be great as it will lead to compatibility between you and your partner and asking these questions can help you see if you both like the same things and want the same things in life.

1. What Are You Like As A Boyfriend?

Knowing What are good questions to ask a BF?It can help you realise what the relationship will be like. When you are in a relationship, find out about his routines and traits. He might say “I’m very supportive and like to encourage my partner’s goals”.

Or he might say something like “I enjoy organising enjoyable outings such as weekend hikes or dinner preparations.” This can help you determine whether his style is like what you want from your partner or not.

He may also talk about how he resolves conflicts saying things like “When there’s a disagreement I prefer to talk things out calmly and find a solution together.” By knowing things like this you will be able to imagine what the future would look like with him and what can you expect from him.

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2. What Does A Healthy Relationship Look Like To You?

Asking these Questions to ask your boyfriend before dating him is important because it lets you understand what he thinks a healthy relationship should be like. He might say things like “A healthy relationship is where there’s respect for each other and their common interests”

If you are wondering What should I ask a guy while dating him? Then,It is like when you ask such questions, you learn how and what he means about a healthy relationship. Maybe he would also say it’s important to respect each other’s need for privacy while spending quality time together such as going on regular date nights or trying new things.

Finding out what he thinks about can help you determine whether or not you both share the same values or not and if your conception of a relationship is the same or not.

3. How Do You View Financial Responsibilities In A Relationship?

Financial Responsibilities

Questions to ask your boyfriend before dating him include Money and financial responsibilities because it is important to talk about. This can be uncomfortable to talk about but it’s necessary. Find out your boyfriend’s thoughts on splitting the cost of ownership.

Find out if he prefers to spend or save money. Does he think you should divide expenses equally? Find out if he believes lending money to friends or family is a good idea as well. You can tell whether you two agree on important issues by knowing his financial philosophy.

Asking these types of questions can help you in the long run of the relationship because eventually money is important to survive and so saving it is equally important. So it is advisable to know his thoughts about it.

4. Do You Have Any Regrets?


It is a good question to start a meaningful discussion. Everybody has times when they wish they knew Things to ask your boyfriend before dating .By sharing these you can know about his past and his growth as a result of his experiences.

He might be sorry that he didn’t spend more time with his family or that he didn’t take advantage of a career opportunity. When you hear about his regrets you get to see his thoughtful side and how he accepts and grows from his mistakes.

By asking these types of questions you let him speak and share his life experiences with you which eventually makes your relationship stronger. Furthermore, it presents an opportunity to discuss life lessons and how they have shaped who he is today.

5. What Are You Afraid Of?

Afraid Of

Questions to ask your boyfriend before dating him include what he’s afraid of? You need to know about your boyfriend’s vulnerabilities and how he deals with them and find out what fears him. You two can increase mutual trust and support by talking about these fears.

When he says he is scared of failing, it shows that he cares about his career, and if he says that he is afraid of losing someone close, it shows how much he cares about his relationships.

Knowing his fears is not enough, you also need to reassure him that you are there to support him in facing them. If he’s nervous in public speaking then you could help him in practice or you can encourage him.

6. Where Is Your Happy Place?

If you are wondering What should I ask a guy while dating him? Then, You can learn a lot about your boyfriend by finding out where he feels happiest and relaxed. Something is soothing about the waves and the feeling of the sand at the beach that may be his happy place.

It shows how much he enjoys the outdoors and peaceful settings. In addition, he might find happiness playing video games at home, indicating that he enjoys hobbies and comfort. It will be easier for you to share those moments with him if you know where he feels most comfortable.

You may find that you share a happy place such as a park or café that you both like. In that case, that spot or location becomes a bonding place for both of you where you both can be relaxed and chill.

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7. What Are You Looking For In A Relationship?

If you are thinking What are questions to ask a guy? Then, asking your partner what they want from a relationship can help you know what you can expect from him when you are dating him. It helps you know if you’re a good match. You can talk about what you both expect and what matters to you.

If you are wondering How to make your relationship strong? Then asking these questions helps you understand each other’s feelings and plans for the future. It’s good to be open and honest from the start. He might say he wants someone to go on trips and hikes with. Or he might want a calm, supportive relationship where you both help each other grow. This helps you see if your goals match.

Maybe you care more about your job, while he wants to get married and have kids soon. By talking about what you both want, you can see if your dreams fit together or if there might be problems. This is a big difference to know about.

8. Ask Them About Their Exes

About Their Exes

If you are thinking about what questions to ask your boyfriend before dating him over text. Then, ask them about their past relationships or if any exes they had. It can be hard to talk about this at first but it tells you a lot about a person whom you will be dating.

Be careful if they say things like all their exes were crazy and the relationship broke because of them and he didn’t do anything rather he tried saving the relationship but they didn’t care much about it.

If he says such things about all her exes that might mean that they don’t wanna admit that they were wrong because you don’t know the story of both sides. But if they talk about what they have learned from their past relationships and how they have worked on themselves and how the relationship taught them to talk better or they have become a better person after that relationship.

This shows they’ve grown up and are ready for a good relationship with you. It means they think about their actions and try to be better.

9. How Will You React To Fights And Disagreements?

If you are thinking What are questions to ask a guy? Then, it’s important to understand how he handles fights and disagreements because arguments and fights are a part of every relationship. Asking such questions like how will you act when we fight or if we have any disagreements in future?

If you are wondering How to stop fighting in a relationship. Then, their answer itself will tell you everything about what they think and how things will work in future. They might say things like “they usually need some time alone to think and most of the time they act calmly”.

This shows that they care about things and will be willing to fix the problems. If you are thinking about what questions to ask your boyfriend before dating him over text. Then,Knowing the pattern of them to solve or handle fights can help you both solve problems better and avoid future misunderstandings. You can also let them know how you deal with fights. By this way it works for both of you.

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10. How Do You Support And Show Love To Your Partner?

Questions to ask your boyfriend before dating him include how he shows his love,care and support before you start dating him. Because this will help you in setting real expectations from him rather than burdening him with unrealistic expectations. You can ask him things like how would you show love to your partner?

His answer can tell a lot of things about him like he would answer by helping you out in things or by small and sweet gestures in love.This shows he thinks about what his partner needs and wants to make them happy. Knowing these serious questions to ask your boyfriend helps you see if you two fit well together.

It also lets you tell him how you like to be loved. This way, you both know how to make each other feel good. When you understand each other’s ways of showing love, you can have a happier relationship.


In conclusion of Tips for teenage relationships can get to know about many things by asking him these questions and by doing so you can establish a solid basis for a long-lasting relationship and make sure whether you two are genuinely compatible or not.

These serious questions to ask your boyfriend can help you and your partner understand each other better. They can make your relationship happier. You can ask fun questions or serious ones. Only remember one thing before dating.

It is important to talk openly with each other about everything because this is the need for a good relationship. Don’t be afraid about it or to ask questions to your boyfriend because this will be beneficial for your relationship in the long run.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What things do a good boyfriend have?

A good boyfriend is someone who shows you kindness, shows interest in your feelings and listens to you. When you are with him you feel relaxed and secure. He’s someone who can be your everything and can take care of you like you would do. Or just wants you to be happy with whatever life decisions you make.

2. How can I determine if my partner feels the same way about me?

If your boyfriend remembers things you tell him and smiles a lot when he sees you and wants to spend time with you then it’s likely that he likes you. He might also attempt to make you feel special by doing small gestures that you like or he might surprise you with gifts that you love or will want to spend time doing different activities with you that you like.

3. Should I ask about his future goals and aspirations before dating him?

Well yes! It is a good idea to find out about your boyfriend’s future goals and aspirations as by doing this you can know what he wants in his life and whether your and his goals match or not.

4. How should I deal with my boyfriend if he gets angry during fights?

You can try talking out what makes him angry or you can keep yourself calm and let him become cool too and then find a solution together while listening to one another and it is important to take a pause and relax for a while.

5. By doing what I can express my love for my boyfriend?

You can express your love for your boyfriend by being understanding, encouraging or paying attention to his little things or listening when he speaks and show some love, care and support to him. You can be kind by praising his efforts.

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