Have you ever heard of people finding someone intellectually attractive? Or have you seen someone admiring intelligence over physical features or romance? If yes, then you have met people about whom we will talk and if not, then this is the chance to know what kind of preferences they have. So I would like to ask you, do you know what is sapiosexual?
In this article, we will be talking about people who categorize themselves as sapiosexual. We will tell you what it means, what are the signs of a sapiosexual, how being a sapiosexual affects relationships and what can you do about it. So, let’s begin by knowing about them.
What Is Sapiosexual?
Let’s understand what is sapiosexual. It is a category of people who identify themselves as being sexually attracted to the intellectual or intelligence of the person rather than the physical beauty. Just like that are people who get attracted by the face and hair or the physical features these people get attracted to the intelligence of the person. There are certain signs of how to know you are sapiosexual which we will tell later.

Understanding what is personality and working on it is essential but for sapiosexuals, intelligence in personality holds the highest position and they want to form relationships with them. It has come into usage in recent years when people are recognizing themselves as being one. But how to know that, what is the sapiosexual sign?
Signs Of A Sapiosexual
Just understanding who are sapiosexual isn’t enough. It is essential that you know the signs of a sapiosexual to be able to distinguish your partner or yourself. Here’s how to know you are sapiosexual or if your partner is one.
1. You Love Doing Productive Things With Your Partner
If you notice your partner or yourself more attracted to doing productive things which yields to your knowledge and intelligence rather than engaging in clubbing, partying or sex, then this is one of the signs of a sapiosexual. You will be more concentrated on spending your time with your partner doing beneficial things.

For example, one of the sapiosexual sign is you will want to go to a library or a museum on educational trips or on a search mission that will help you learn new things and explore the world and people rather than staying in bed and watching a romantic movie on weekends.
2. You Crave For Deep Communication
If you don’t know how to know you are sapiosexual then one of the signs is that you crave more deep intelligible communication rather than normal small talk or daily chit chats full stop you will want to engage in a thoughtful conversation with the person to learn new things or gain new insights and will yourself excited for the same.
For example, as the sapiosexual sign indicates you will find yourself or your partner who is sapiosexual to get more engaged and attentive or excited when it comes to topics that are intellectual or which are deep such that you can explore things. There will be less romantic talk and more understanding of each other’s intellect.
3. For You Intelligence Is Much More Important Than Physicality
There are many different signs of a sapiosexual, one of them being that for you their physical features or sexual attractiveness gains the second or minor position and the topmost priority is given to the intelligence. So unlike others, you will not be attracted to them by their physical beauty but after you have measured their intelligence.

When you are concerned about what does sapiosexual mean, it means that you find a person appealing and arousing only when you find them to someone intelligent. So not the charming face or beautiful skin or hair or style will be attractive but if they are intelligent you will get instant arousal or appeal from them.
4. You Prefer Quiet, Undisturbed Settings More Than Clubs
Do you feel quiet spaces, libraries, museums, book stores calling you out to spend time in rather than restaurants, cafes, clubhouses or pubs? This is another sign of how to know you are sapiosexual. When it comes to going on dates or spending time together you prefer undisturbed settings more appealing and inviting.
You want to go on dates like reading books together, doing productive activities together, exploring the museums, where you grow intellectually instead of spending time on a normal netflix and chill. This is the sapiosexual sign which indicates that you or your partner are such then they are sapiosexual.
5. The Attraction Is Towards The Nerdy Nature Of The Person
Do you remember that nerdy student in your classrooms or your college, with those glasses on concentrating on understanding the concepts and studying? Do you find yourself being attracted to these qualities in a person? This is what does sapiosexual mean, you find yourself sexually attracted to those nerdy people or qualities.

You often look for the quality of dominance of intelligence or learning new things in the person. Going for the IQ testing, rather than a love check seems a more plausible idea to you. If you are someone or are with someone who possesses these qualities then it is a signal that either you or the person you are dating is a sapiosexual.
How Does Being A Sapiosexual Affect Relationships?
People might think that it is easy being a sapiosexual after knowing who are sapiosexual, but you must understand every individual is different and it impacts the relationship. Here we will tell you how sapiosexual affects relationships or has an impact on their partner.
1. You Both May Have Different Turn On
Being a sapiosexual can variously affect your relationship and one of the impact of sapiosexual on relationship can be that you and your partner may have different turns on if both of you are not sapiosexual. This can be a hindrance or obstacle in your relationship as a sapiosexual partner may want a library date but the other person may want a beach date.

In certain cases, these differences grow on and also become one of the reasons for different types of cheating in a relationship like intellectual cheating where the person shares their aspirations and dreams with another person. It is essential to understand and prioritize each other’s needs, for example, going for turns one by one.
2. There may be Pressure To Be Smart
Another way of how sapiosexual affects relationship is that if both partners are sapiosexuals then you both may have the pressure of improving your intelligence and trying to be more smart to grab the attention of your partner and be on their minds. The pressure to grow more intelligent than your partner can cause tension in a relationship.
Just like one tries to be beautiful in a relationship to please their partner or feel attractive to them in the case of a sapiosexual they or their partner try to improve their intelligence to feel attracted to the partner. Even a non-sapiosexual tries to grow intellectually. Knowing how to mature emotionally and mentally can help you in such cases.
3. The Relationship Progress Slowly Or Gradually
Do you feel that there is no or very slow development in your relationship as you have not engaged in any physical intimacy or emotional bonding? Another impact of sapiosexual on relationship is that the relationship progresses very slowly and gradually for sapiosexuals, it is necessary to measure your intelligence to feel for you.

Until and unless a sapiosexual feels that you are intelligent and get attracted to you, relationships develop very slowly, it is only after being intellectually satisfied that they can go for deeper connections and slowly start the emotional and physical bonding. If you find it difficult to understand it, seeking advice from sex counseling can help you.
4. You May Not At Times Understand Each Other
There are many ways how sapiosexual affects relationship, one of them being the inability to understand each other at certain moments. If you both are not sapiosexuals there can be instances where you both find it difficult to understand each other’s liking and each other’s turn which can cause disturbance in a relationship.
Where reading together a book might be foreplay for sapiosexuals, engaging in physical intimacy might arouse the other person. Where studying together may sound thrilling to one, and candlelight dinner to the other. Not communicating and understanding in these situations is one of the mistakes that will destroy your relationship.
5. The Activities You Do Might Not Align
The activities you do or want to do together may not align or go parallel with others. This is the impact of sapiosexual on relationship. Having different sexual ideas may cause certain conflicts in relationships like one being unable to engage in the other’s work as it may not sound exciting to you thus bringing the gap in your relationship.
In these cases, one of the tips to make your relationship stronger is to communicate about each other’s likes and dislikes and get to a mutual decision. You can try going for alternative date plans, trying to embrace your partner’s ideas, equally prioritizing each other’s perspective and plans for the relationship to make it work.
Wrapping up, now that you know what is sapiosexual, it becomes easy to understand the other person and their liking and dislikes in the relationship. A person doesn’t need to be essentially sapiosexual, it must be thoroughly validated. Get on the checklist for the signs of sapiosexual but also understand the impact of sapiosexual on relationship and work on it to maintain your relationship and grow the bond strong.
It is important to understand that there can be different liking appeals for a person. When it comes to what does sapiosexual mean, understand that being one is not wrong or the person is telling a lie. Though there have been many controversies regarding this, it is not a rumour. If you have a sapiosexual partner you can learn how to increase your emotional intelligence just like you work on yourself while you are in another relationship.
1. How Are Sapiosexuals Different From Demisexual Identity?
Sapiosexuals are different from other sexual identities like demisexual. When it comes to what is sapiosexual, are the ones who are sexually attracted to intelligent people, while being a demisexual means that you prioritize emotional bonding before physical relationships with your partner.
2. How To Maintain A Relationship With Sapiosexuals?
There are many ways in how sapiosexual affects relationship, so it is essential to know how to maintain a relationship with them. You both must communicate and try to understand each other’s preferences. Prioritizing each other’s needs and patiently communicating about your feelings is essential.
3. Is It True That There Are People Who Get Attracted Towards Intelligence?
Yes, there are indeed people who get attracted towards intelligence rather than physical features. This is what does sapiosexual mean. Though there are various controversies, being a sapiosexual is not false as a person may feel for any of the qualities in a person be it intelligence only.
4. What Is The Best Place to Visit A Sapiosexual?
If you know who are sapiosexual, then you may also have an idea of what they like and prefer. Therefore the best places to visit a sapiosexual become the ones that either help them go for deep conversations or intellectual places like museums, libraries, book stores.
5. Which Group Is Usually Counted Under Sapiosexuals?
When you learn about what is sapiosexual, you will get to know that there is no category or gender which are categorized or counted as sapiosexual. It can be anyone male female transgender or any person from the LGBTQ+ community. You are sapiosexual if you are attracted to intelligence.