Is Penile Fracture Possible? What Are Its Causes and Treatment?
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You might have heard of various kinds of fracture but have you ever heard of penile fracture? There have been several concerns whether is penile fracture possible or are these only rumors?    

In this article, we will find out whether or not penile fracture is possible and, if it is true, what is the treatment of penile fracture, what causes it, and how you will know that you have a penile fracture. So, let’s begin by knowing what is penile fracture and if it is possible or not. 

Is Penile Fracture Possible?

The concern over is penile fracture possible because the penis is a boneless organ, and fracture refers to the crack or breaking of the bones, so how is it even possible? When the penis is in its erect form, it is more like a bone than a muscle, and therefore, penile injury or wound is usually termed a penile fracture. So, now you know what is penile fracture. It means any trauma or injury to the penis while it is in its erected form or during intercourse.

There are several causes of penile fracture and you can recognise it easily with the help of the signs of penile fracture. So, let’s head on to the causes.

Causes Of Penile Fracture 

Since the penile fracture is not a rumor and takes place, certain reasons or conditions are responsible for it. In this section, we will be discussing the penile fracture cause which is often neglected or not paid attention to.

1. Rough And Excessive Masturbation

Rough and excessive masturbation is one of the major causes of penile fracture. Usually, males don’t realize it, but when they are masturbation, they go very rough on their penis, leading to penile fracture. Also, excessive masturbation can lead to penile trauma or fracture. There are certain precautions for masturbation for males that you must follow while you are going for masturbation which also include that you should not go hard on your penis or apply excessive pressure on it. To make sure complications like these do not take place, enjoy masturbation while being gentle on your penis. 

2. Applying Wrong Pressure On The Penis

Pressure On The Penis

Now that you have got the answer to: is penile fracture possible, there are certain reasons behind the same. Applying the wrong pressure on a penis is also one of the reasons why you may have to face a penile fracture. Holding your penis with much pressure or applying a lot of pressure while doing masturbation, intercourse, handjob or even while handling your penis is a penile fracture cause. Since the penis is a very sensitive organ, you must be careful while handling it, follow the masturbation technique for guys and avoid applying incorrect or excessive pressure on it or bending it in the wrong way leading to penile fracture. 

3. Having Extremely Rough Sex

One of the causes of penile fracture is that it is caused by having extremely rough sex. Usually, when couples have sex, they go for extremely rough sex wherein they don’t recognise the pressure they are applying on the penis or rub their penis roughly over the body. In positions like cowgirl position, your penis might bend in the wrong direction or get hurt, due to which you may have a penile fracture, and this is also one of the reasons you have pain after sex. It is essential in this case that you properly thrust the penis or make sure that it is not bent incorrectly or placed in the wrong way so that you don’t have to face a penile fracture.

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4. Facing A Wound Or Trauma

When it comes to what is penile fracture, it refers to hurt or injury to the penis. When your penis is hurt, then, also you may have to face a penile fracture. Penile trauma or injury can take place due to many reasons like getting hit over the penis, rolling on the side leading to extreme pressure, while playing a sport or falling, all these are reasons for penile fracture. Paying attention to the penile fracture cause and making sure to avoid them are some of the best ways you can prevent penile fracture as the injury can be very fatal to your genital and may lead to other complications as well.

5. Your Partner Is Applying A Lot Of Thrust

Lot Of Thrust

Among the various causes of penile fracture, one of the common reasons you may encounter penile fracture is because your female partner might be applying a lot of thrust on it while performing sex or hand blow. Many times, in certain sexual fantasies or positions, the female lies above their partner, where they take charge of sexual pleasure. While going for penetrative sex or hand jobs, females apply a lot of pressure on the penis, which can make them bent or incorrectly placed, leading to penile fracture. Hence, it is important that you apply the right pressure, thrust it correctly and look over the things to avoid while giving blow jobs to men

6. Trying To Stop Erection

Trying to stop erection is also a penile fracture cause. Many males try to stop their erection by bending their penis or changing the shape of it. This is usually practiced by males. When they don’t want to reach the peak of the stimulation by erection enhancement, they often try to stop their erection, which is also known as edging. This allows us to increase the time in sex and gain more pleasure. Though there is nothing wrong in doing it, many times while trying to stop the election by bending the penis can lead to penile fracture. Hence, if you want to practice it make sure that you don’t exert it.   

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Symptoms Of Penile Fracture

Now that you know the causes of penile fracture, how will you know whether you have a fracture or if it is just a minor wound? There are some of the signs of penile fracture that will help you to know whether you have a penile fracture or not. These symptoms are: 

1. You Will Hear A ‘Pop’ Sound

Many people have curiosity regarding: is penile fracture possible or not? It is possible, and there are various causes for it, as we have seen above. However, it is essential to recognise it, and one of the symptoms of penile fracture is that whenever you have a penile fracture, you will hear a ‘pop’ sound. Just like when something cracks, there is a sound created by, something similar happens with your penis. Whenever you have a penile fracture, you will hear a pop sound, and this is the signal that will help you recognise it. It is one of the most important symptoms which definitely takes place. 

2. Discharge Of Blood In Urine

 Blood In Urine

Among the other different signs of penile fracture, one of the symptoms that you are suffering from or have penile fracture is that you will have a discharge of blood in your urine. Though it may indicate other illnesses regarding your genitals, it is one of the accompanying signs of penile fracture. If you have heard a pop sound and you also have a discharge of blood in your erection or urine, then it is surely a penile fracture, and you should go for treatment immediately. There are various treatments you can go for and have it diagnosed so that it does not lead to other complications.

3. Pain And Redness In Penis

While there are various symptoms of penile fracture, one of the symptoms of the same is redness, swelling and pain in the penis. Even when you have an injury on your penis, it leads to pain, swelling and redness in your penis. So, when you have a penile fracture, it causes pain, redness and swelling of the penis, making it difficult to do anything or even have sex. Therefore if you have pain in your penis then you must not neglect it and immediately seek professional help to avoid any further complications. Taking proper treatment at the right time is important so that you can have a healthy sexual life. 

4. It Will Hamper Your Sexual Performance

Sexual Performance

The inability to perform properly while having sex is also one of the signs of penile fracture. While you are having pain, swelling, and redness in your penis along with bleeding while having an erection or urination, then performing sex in this condition is extremely difficult and painful. You also might not be able to go for intercourse or even foreplay since the level of pain can be extreme or long-term. Hence, if you are unable to perform properly in bed or have pain with other signs, then it may indicate that you might be having a penile fracture. It is essential to take treatment in these conditions, and if you feel that if problems exceed, you can take sex counseling

5. Facing An Immediate Erection

Immediate Erection

Yet another important sign among the various symptoms of penile fracture is having an immediate erection after you hear the pop sound. While the pop sound is one of the definitive signals that you have a penile fracture, facing an immediate erection after this sound is also one of the symptoms that you have a penile fracture. This happens because your penis is unable to hold the fluid leading to immediate erection. Just knowing how to deal with the problem of erection in males is not enough. Therefore, if you have all the above-stated signs along with immediate erection, then it is a penile fracture, and you must go for immediate treatment so that the condition does not get worse and create issues in your sexual life.

Treatment Of Penile Fracture 

When you can recognise the symptoms or signs of penile fracture, it is then only you can go for treatment but how to treat penile fracture? Here are some of the prescribed treatments for penile fracture. These methods are:

1. Consult A Urologist


One of the most important and immediate treatments how to treat penile fracture is to consult a urologist. You never know how much worse the condition may get, and hence, it is important that you consult a urologist to get yourself checked and go for the prescribed treatment and medications, be it surgical or non-surgical treatment. 

2. Give Proper Rest To Your Penis

While many people are confused over: is penile fracture possible or not, erasing the doubt it is possible and giving your penis proper rest is among the methods of how to treat penile fracture. It is essential to give your penis rest by not indulging in any kind of masturbation or sexual activities, and if you are addicted, take addiction counseling, wear light clothes and avoid any pressure.

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3. Taking Up Different Therapies

Apart from the above-stated treatment of penile fracture, different therapies are prescribed by urologists to treat the penis and make it healthy. However, these therapies must be done under guidance and with proper care so that the condition does not worsen. These are often prescribed with other treatments and medications. 


We begin the article with: is penile fracture possible? And by coming this far we have got to know that penile fractures are possible and may happen when you are not careful enough with your penis. Any trauma or injury to your penis caused by a fall, excessive masturbation or sexual intercourse is what is penile fracture. When you go for very rough sex or excessive masturbation, along with suffering from any penile injury, it leads to penile fracture, which can be recognised by a pop sound made when the fracture takes place, along with bleeding in the urine, pain, swelling and redness in the penis, and others. You can learn how to choose the best lube for sex to avoid friction during sex and also learn how to treat penile fracture, that is by consulting a urologist and taking care of your penis.

Hence, make sure that you don’t get too excited and instead of pleasure serve yourself with penile fracture.


1. Who Is Likely to Face Penile Fracture?

People who indulge in excessive masturbation and rough sex and encounter penile injury or are over the age of 40 usually encounter penile fractures. Also, if you are not careful with your penis and do not handle it carefully, you may have a penile fracture. Thus, it is essential to take care of your genitals. 

2. What Are The Ways To Diagnose Penile  Fracture?

While the treatment of penile fracture is the ultimate solution, it is important to go through the diagnosis before the treatment which may include ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and Retrograde urethrogram (RUG). These are some of the ways to diagnose a penile fracture.

3. Can Penile Fracture Cure On Its Own?

Penile fracture is not usually cured on its own when it is very major; however, if it is slight and does not cause pain still, you must see a urologist and get yourself checked since it can be a surgical emergency. And you must consult a specialized doctor instead of doing anything on your own. 

4. What Will Happen If Penile Fracture Is Not Treated?

If the penile fracture is not being treated, there can be severe consequences as it can lead to erectile dysfunction, sexual dysfunction, penile curvature that is not normal, painful erection, difficulty in having sex and various other issues like arteriovenous fistulas, penile abscess, etc.  

5. How To Prevent Penile Fracture?

There are various ways to prevent penile fracture like being gentle on your penis and not applying extreme pressure. Avoiding rough sex and excessive masturbation, be careful to avoid any injury to your penis and handle it carefully. By following these ways you can avoid penile fracture.

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