8 Signs Of Abuse In A Relationship
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Abuse can happen to anyone and it can be hard to recognize, by identifying what, you will have a clear vision as to where things are going wrong. Abuse is not only physical. It could also be psychological, emotional, or verbal. It is very important to know the signs of abuse and abusive relationships. If you recognize these symptoms, it is important to seek help and support.

However, let us talk about the 8 signs of an abusive relationship in this article. These signs exist to allow people to truly determine if they might be in an unhealthy relationship or not. Everyone deserves to be in a loving, safe relationship. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you must seek help and reach out to loved ones. This is no way for anyone to feel from people that should love you

Abusive Relationship

What Is An Abusive Relationship?

In a relationship with abuse, one person does something harmful to hurt or control another person. This kind of relationship can happen between partners, friends, or family. Abuse may be physical, such as hitting or pushing. Or it may be emotional, manipulative, or threatening someone so that they feel bad about themselves. Verbal abuse includes yelling at or saying mean things to someone. Psychological abuse means controlling what another person does, how they feel or finally, making them afraid. These are some abusive relationship signs you should be aware of.

Therefore, In an abusive relationship, the abuser uses fear, guilt, and shame to keep the other person under their control. They may try to keep their partner away from friends or family, even watch their phone. They may also control money and financial matters. This is a clear indication of abuse in relationships. Abusive relationships hurt the person being abused and make them feel bad, afraid, or incapable. It is important to recognize these signs and get help. Everyone deserves to feel safe and respected in their relationships. If you think you are in an abusive relationship, talk to someone you trust and get support.

Read more about Signs Your Child is Sexually Abused here. Like any relationship even a long distance, one can become toxic and abusive if you don’t set clear boundaries and have open communication. 

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How Does A Toxic Relationship Affect Your Life?

A toxic relationship has other consequences on life as well. It can cause you to be miserable, stressed and worried. It even lowers your ego level and makes you feel less of a person. These are some of the common signs of abusive relationships. You are always scared that you will say or do the wrong thing. This constant stress probably also does not help your mental health. When left untreated, this can result in a host of anxiety and depression and ruin your life.

You might even start to feel as if you are alone in a toxic relationship. This means, that not only are they canning the friends that you are talking to, but they make an effort to ensure you do not interact with anyone. It is very isolating. These are some characteristics of an abusive relationship. So not only does a toxic partnership weaken your mental body but it starts to negatively impact your physical body as well.

8 Signs Of Abuse In A Relationship

Abuse in a relationship can take many forms. It is important to recognize the signs so you can protect yourself or help someone else. Here are eight signs of abuse in a relationship that everyone should know.

1. You Are Constantly Criticised

Constantly Criticised

When your partner is abusive and says you are good – for nothing or that they are better than you. Eg: Your physical and mental appearance are also targeted and you’re told things like “You’re stupid” or “You can’t do anything right.” It can ruin your self-esteem and prevent you from doing anything. It is one of those common signs of abuse and abusive relationships. This is one of the most common signs of abuse and abusive relationships.

2. They Control What You Do

Your partner tries to dominate every aspect of your life. They tell you what to wear next week, where you can go and whose company you may or may not keep. They insist on knowing your timetable and are mad if they are left out. This control makes you feel trapped. This is one of the most hurtful abusive relationship signs.

3. You Are Isolated From Your Friends

Isolated From Your Friends

Your partner refuses to let you have any outside support. They will prevent you from seeing friends and family, or perhaps make you feel guilty about spending time with others. They could also spread lies about those you love. Being isolated can leave you feeling all alone and always waiting for your partner’s approval. This is a clear indication of abuse in relationships.

4. They Are Physically Violent

This behavior involves your partner physically attacking or terrifying you. It can consist of a blow or slap, kicking or pushing. They could also threaten to hurt either you, themselves, or the children if your response isn’t what they want. This generates an environment of terror and makes you feel unsafe in your own home. This is a huge signal of abusive relationships.

5. They Are Extremely Jealous

Extremely Jealous

Noticing how irrational your partner gets makes you wonder if you’re doing anything wrong. They will keep asking questions about what you’re doing and who are you with all day long. They might make attempts to limit your contacts to other people. Such extreme jealousy can make you feel under surveillance all the time. This is one of the major characteristics of an abusive relationship.

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6. They Monitor Your Digital Activities

When your partner spies on your mobile phone he/she instantly loses all the respect for your privacy. They can just steal your passwords. It is a way to ultimately try to control and manipulate you, they make it seem as though there is no privacy left for you. This is one of the biggest signs of abuse in a relationship.

7. They Control Your Earnings

Control Your Earnings

Your partner is in control of the finances and does not allow you to spend freely. They may stop you from earning income from freelance work, or give an allowance that must be asked for. Such financial control makes you feel helpless and dependent on them for basic things like food and shelter. This is one of the warning signs of abuse and abusive relationships.

8. They Force Unwanted Sexual Activities

Your partner pressurizes and forces you into sexual activity that you don’t want. They do this through threats, brute force, or emotional appeal until they get what they want. This kind of abuse can leave you feeling degraded and helpless and is destructive to your feeling of self-worth. This is one of the most common abusive relationship signs.

Knowing these signs of abuse can help you to identify if either you or someone you love is in an unhealthy relationship. If you see yourself in any of these, it may be a call for help and the answer to abuse in relationships. We all deserve to feel safe, to be aware, to be loved. Seek help from a friend you can trust, a friend, a family member, or even a professional. You are not alone, there is help out there. All you need to do is learn how to be present during hard times for your partner without being judgemental

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How To Save Yourself From An Abusive Relationship?

Being in an abusive relationship is very hard. It’s important to know how to protect yourself and get help. You must learn what are the signal of abusive relationships. Here are some simple steps to save yourself from an abusive relationship:

1. Recognize The Signs

Understand that abuse isn’t just physical. It also can be emotional, verbal, or psychological. You should know the abusive signs and please remember, it’s not your fault. Moreover,  you should also be aware of Is It Good To Have Sex During Periods and also be careful about these things while dating anyone.

2. Reach Out For Help

Talk with someone you trust, be it a friend, family member, or therapist. If you share your situation this will bring help and means to find a safe exit from the abusive relationship.

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3. Create A Safety Plan

Plan how to leave your situation unharmed. Have important documents, cash, and a small bag ready to go if you need them. This will save you precious time.

4. Seek Professional Help

The first thing you should do is get in touch with organizations that help people caught in abusive situations with relationships. They provide guidance and support, and perhaps a place of refuge as well.

5. Focus On Your Well-Being

Your Well-Being

Look after your mental and physical health. You can’t be in a happy relationship if you are not happy and comfortable with yourself.

Leaving an abusive relationship is not easy, but it is possible. You just need to learn these characteristics of an abusive relationship and avoid them. Remember, you deserve to be safe and happy. Seeking help and making a plan are important steps toward a better life.


Recognizing signs of abuse in a relationship may be hard at first, but it’s crucial. Abuse can happen in various forms and not just physically. It can be emotional and psychological; financial too. Everyone has the right to feel safe and respected. If you are in a relationship where this is not happening, get help. Talk to someone you can trust like the police or an organization that provides support for victims of abuse. You don’t have to be alone dealing with this kind of problem. Remember that this is not your fault. Abuse is never acceptable and you deserve to be treated with respect. Take the first step towards a better life. Your safety and wellness are everything. Don’t hesitate to ask for help and to protect yourself.


1. What Are Common Signs Of Physical Abuse In A Relationship?

Common signs of physical abuse are punching, slapping, kicking, and strangling. This may include your partner causing bruises or marks on your body with their hands, using objects to beat you & even threatening you of physical safety. If you are afraid of what your partner will do next – that is abuse. If anytime needed you may consult a sex counselor to get a better understanding of abuse in a relationship.

2. How do you recognize emotional abuse in a relationship?

If your partner is always mocking or degrading you, insulting other people and making you feel inadequate, taking control over what you do, and/or isolating themselves from friends, these are all forms of emotional abuse. Likewise, he or she will guilt-trip you over things you did not do

3. What Are The Signs Of Verbal Abuse In A Relationship?

Signs of Verbal abuse like yelling, name-calling, or demeaning comments For example, your partner could shame you, make you responsible for issues, or discourage you in the presence of others. He might even begin threatening you. Words that make you feel bad about who/what you are is verbal abuse from your partner.

4. How Can You Be Sure If Your Partner Is Gaslighting You?

Gaslighting is when your partner denies things that they have said or done you are left feeling like you can’t trust your memory and would be confused. This is manipulative behavior and can easily trick you into thinking you are crazy, too sensitive, or your feelings might be incorrect

5. What Are The Red Flags Of Sexual Abuse In A Relationship?

 If your partner violates your boundaries, it may be a sign of sexual abuse. He ignores your boundary lines and threatens you when you do not conform. Sexual abuse is if you are made to do or are manipulated into doing any sexual activity feeling scared, pressured, or obligated.

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