15 Exercises To Boost Testosterone Naturally
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What if we tell you that you can boost your testosterone levels by just exercising? How about having your body move and then getting your testosterone up? Exercises to boost testosterone naturally are one of the best ways one can think of when it comes to your sexual life. Along with your diet, lifestyle habits and medications exercise is one of the ways to deal with low testosterone. But what causes low testosterone? In this article, we will be looking at how to naturally increase testosterone and also what leads to low testosterone levels. Let’s first understand the reasons for low testosterone. 

Reasons For Low Testosterone

Low Testosterone

Before we move on to the exercises to boost testosterone naturally, it is essential to know what causes the decrease in the testosterone hormones. There are many reasons which we have tried to categorize into some points. So, let’s have a look at the reasons for low testosterone. 

1. Your Lifestyle Is One Of The Reasons

Lifestyle changes are one of the reasons for low testosterone. Factors like aging, stress, lack of sleep, alcohol, smoking, sedentary living and many others lead to disturbance in T levels. If you have such a lifestyle, getting your testosterone level checked and understanding how to read testosterone reports can tell you the severity of the situation and work on it. 

2. Certain Medical Conditions Can Also Lead To Low Testosterone

Medical conditions like Hypogonadism, diabetes, high blood pressure, chronic inflammation, or even pituitary gland problems all can lead to low testosterone. In these conditions, the testes or the glands are unable to produce testosterone hormone. further diabetes and BP reduces the blood flow, and therefore, it is essential to know how to boost testosterone naturally.

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3. Genetic disorders Are Also One Of The Reasons

Among the other reasons for low testosterone can be genetic disorders. Genetic problems like Klinefelter syndrome affect the development of the testis and result in poor testosterone production. Even certain injuries, medicines like steroids, opioids, and exposure to chemicals cause a decrease in the testosterone hormone. 

4. Obesity Leads To Decrease In Testosterone

Ever thought why obesity is one of the reasons for low testosterone? Due to excessive weight, the body fat starts converting the testosterone into estrogen reducing the amount of testosterone in the body. This causes severe issues in the body, especially for men. The decrease in sexual desires is one of the signs of low testosterone which gets reflected with excessive weight as well. 

15 Exercises To Boost Testosterone Naturally 

Now that we know what leads to low testosterone, we will now look at 15 different exercises to boost testosterone naturally. These exercises will help you increase hormones significantly, so, here are the 15 exercises. 

1. Get Yourself Into Some Cardio Workout

Cardio Workout

So, are you all set to know how to boost testosterone naturally? A cardio workout is one of the best ways to boost testosterone levels as it significantly reduces weight. Cardio exercises are the ones that involve aerobic exercise or metabolism. It is also known as cardiovascular exercise and includes air jumps, jogging at the same place, stair climbing, burpees and many more. 

It increases the oxygen supply to your body and significantly helps you reduce weight, both of which help in increasing the testosterone hormone in the body. It is among some of the ways to boost testosterone naturally quickly while maintaining fitness. 

2. Focus On Some Strength Training

Along with cardio exercises to boost testosterone naturally, focusing on strength training is also something that you must do. Strength training refers to exercises where your muscles are trained against heavy weight, or your muscles undergo resistance. A study conducted to check T levels shows that it increases after strength training.

The training usually includes weightlifting. Along with the muscle build-up, the fat is distributed equally. So, intense heavy lifting is how to naturally increase testosterone not only in males but also in females but it may last maybe up to just a few mins or even an hour. 

3. Going For Normal Exercise Can Also Help

Normal Exercise

Even if you don’t do intense workouts, going from normal exercises every day can also help you maintain a decent level of testosterone hormone in your body. Among the few ways to boost testosterone naturally, it is something you can do regularly and help yourself be fit not only bodily but also in terms of hormones. 

Exercises like side jump, skipping, planks, Shoulder presses, lunges, glute bridges and others are natural ways to build testosterone. Switching between intense workouts for a few days and normal exercises for others will make you less exhausted and work on yourself simultaneously.

4. Men Can Go For High-Intensity Interval Training

Want to know the tips to improve sex life at home? If you want to have a passionate night without sexual issues or performance pressure, the testosterone hormones need to be in balance. Men can go for high-intensity interval training, which means a short period of intense workout with a short period of recovery amidst them. 

HIIT includes any type of cardio or aerobic workout, skipping, treadmill, mountain climbing exercises and many more. You can plan it like sets of stair climbing or skipping, and after that brief recovery period, which will help significantly increase testosterone naturally. Each intense exercise must be alternated with a recovery period.

5. Concentrate On Full Body Workout

Full Body Workout

Full body workout is among the different ways to boost testosterone naturally. Full body workout engages your whole body and muscles, not only helping in maintaining your weight, muscle strength, stamina, and muscle build but also increasing testosterone levels quickly. 

The full-body workout includes burpees, kickbacks, side planks, high knee runs, triceps dips, jumping jacks, triceps push-ups, mountain climbers, bicycle crunches, renegade rows, jump lunges and others. If you want to know how to naturally increase testosterone, then this is how you can do it.

6. Going To Gym Can Work As Well

Working out at home or even exercising can help, but if you want to go to the gym for proper strength training with all equipment and under guidance, you can surely seek it. Going to the gym and doing endurance or strength training like bench lift, treadmill and others is also how to boost testosterone naturally as it engages your muscles and contributes towards weight loss. 

Working on reducing your weight under proper guidance and training reduces the risk of injuries and also leads to increase testosterone naturally. If you feel demotivated or lazy at home, going to the gym could be a good option as watching other’s workout will motivate you to do it yourself. 

7. Engage In Quick Warm-up Exercises

Simply getting into an intense workout is not something that works well for your body. If you want to know the ways to boost testosterone naturally, beginning with light warm-up exercises can help you get your body and muscles into form to go for an intense workout, even if it is just for 3 to 5 minutes. 

Ever thought whether does prolonged sitting cause erectile dysfunction or not? Prolonged sitting is one of the reasons for low testosterone resulting in erectile dysfunction and low libido. The warm-up exercises, including pre-workout stretches, arm circles, high knees, butt kicks, flexibility exercises, and others, help in maintaining the hormonal balance in the body along with adding movement to your body, reducing the risk of erectile dysfunction.

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8. Doing Pushups And Pullups

Push-ups and pull-ups are the simplest exercises that one can do anywhere. Since the production of testosterone hormone revolves around weight and muscles, these exercises can help you increase it. But knowing how to naturally increase testosterone is not enough, you should know how to do it as well. 

Push-ups and pull-up exercises to boost testosterone naturally can be done easily. For pull-ups, you need to grab a bar; now try to pull yourself up such that your chin goes about the bar. Lower yourself down and again lift yourself. Similarly, in push-ups, take a plank position and lower yourself by bending your arms without touching the ground. Pull yourself up again. 

9. Working On Maintaining A Healthy Weight

Healthy Weight

Obesity is one of the reasons why you don’t have enough testosterone levels. No exercise can benefit you until and unless you manage to maintain your weight while doing those exercises. Just knowing how to boost testosterone naturally will not help but working on it will. You must do the exercises regularly if possible. 

It is also one of the natural remedies for erectile dysfunction, where low testosterone levels are one of the reasons for the same. Doing intense workouts along with warm-ups, normal routine exercise, running, and full-body workouts is extremely important not just for testosterone levels but also reduces the risks of cardiovascular diseases. 

10. Squats, Deadlifts And Bench Presses Can Increase It

Squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and other weightlifting and muscle training exercises are the route to increase testosterone naturally. Squats are usually done by taking a medium stance and then sitting half down by bending your knees and then rising; you must place your hands either on your waist or in prayer.

The bench press is usually done in the gym, or even if you have the equipment, you can lay down on a bench or flat surface while your legs are bent from knees onto the ground, and you lift the weight by extending the arms upward. Deadlifts, among the natural ways to build testosterone, are done by standing straight, bending and lifting weights from the ground. 

11. Doing Sprints Also Increases Testosterone Levels

Increases Testosterone Levels

Sprint is a form of running where you run at full speed over a short distance and then again come back to the starting point at full speed and repeat it in sets. Sprints are also performed on treadmills and the ground, especially by runners and act as one of the natural ways to build testosterone to significantly higher levels. 

Sprints are good for the whole body as they increase oxygen intake and your heart rate. This also increases the hormones. It may happen that the rise is for short intervals, but it can also help you in long-term hormonal balance if practiced regularly, just like HIIT. It can be done by both men and women, unlike HIIT. 

12. Practicing Yoga And Meditation

Stress is one of the reasons why testosterone levels decrease in the body. It not only harms your physical health but also your sexual life. It is essential to reduce the stress level for which you can use the Nature Mania Soothe-up capsule, which calms down the mind and body, reducing stress and anxiety. 

Apart from this, you can also go for meditation and yoga, a form of exercise that helps you relax down and calm a bit. It also helps to increase testosterone naturally simultaneously reducing the risk of other diseases like high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, and others.

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13. Do Not Overexert Yourself As It Can Backfire

Though exercising is necessary to boost your testosterone levels, one thing that must be kept in mind is that you must not overexert yourself as it can harm your body and even the hormone balance. Just like low testosterone can harm the body similarly excess of it can also harm the body and your sexual life. 

Even if exercises are natural ways to build testosterone, taking breaks in between is important. You should listen to your body and understand its limits, don’t overdo it or do exercises which your body cannot handle. Be slow and gentle with it and make gradual progress. Excelling in exercises is not a one-day task but years of hard work.

14. Taking Supplements Like Will Also  Help

Taking Supplements

Apart from exercise, taking certain supplements also helps you boost testosterone levels. One of such natural supplements to increase testosterone is using the Tes-up capsule. It is ayurvedic and contains garlic, ashwagandha, Jaipal and other herbs, vitamins and minerals which are essential to boost the testosterone hormone. 

Apart from improving testosterone levels naturally, it also enhances sexual performance, stamina and desire, strength, muscle growth, endurance, overall mood and well-being. If you are still confused about supplements you can seek sex counseling so that you can get guidance and know what you should do.

15. Have A Good Sleep And Proper Diet

At last, not just with exercise, but having a proper lifestyle is also essential. A sound sleep and a proper diet both are necessary if you want to boost your testosterone levels along with exercises. You can also go for sleep therapy to work on your sleep cycle. Further, food is also one of the natural supplements to increase testosterone, which provides it with nutrients that boost the hormones.

The best ways to boost testosterone is by having quality 7 to 8 hrs of sleep along with seafood like salmon, mussels, tuna, fish, oysters, fruits and vegetables like green leafy, lentils, nuts, seeds, and other sources of Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin D to stay healthy physically as well as sexually with good performance. 


As we conclude the article, there are various exercises to boost testosterone naturally, especially those which involve highly intense workouts, cardio, strength or resistance training like weightlifting, squats, bench presses, deadlift, pushups, pullups, jumping jacks, side planks, butt kicks, sprints and many more. It is also important to note that along with exercises you must work on taking some natural supplements to increase testosterone after consulting your doctor or therapist. Have a well-balanced diet, proper sleep and medications and other necessary steps. Testosterone is the guiding sex hormone in males which leads to sex desire, maintaining erection, ejaculation and sexual issues and therefore its decrease in the body can substantially affect your sexual life. 


1. What Are The Other Ways To Boost Testosterone?

Other best ways to boost testosterone are opting for a physically active lifestyle, getting better sleep, eating a balanced diet, reducing the level of stress and anxiety and cutting off on alcohol and smoking. By applying all of the techniques, you can easily boost the testosterone hormone. 

2. What Happens If Testosterone Level Goes Down?

With the decrease in testosterone levels, not only your physical life but also your sexual life comes to a halt. You may face issues like a decrease in libido, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation or problems in ejaculation. It also decreases strength, stamina and endurance. 

3. How Does An Increase In Testosterone Levels Help?

With the increase in testosterone hormones, you will have an increase in your sexual desires or libido, a reduced risk of erectile dysfunction, and an increase in strength, stamina, endurance, overall well-being and mood, sperm production, bone growth and even production of red blood cells. 

4. What Are The Signs Of Low Testosterone Levels?

Some of the signs of low testosterone are that you will not have the desire to perform sex, you will have erection issues, irritated mood and poor physical health as well. It is important to know the best ways to boost testosterone to lead a normal and healthy life.

5. How Does Testosterone Levels Impact Daily Activities?

Testosterone affects the body’s strength and stamina, and thus, a significant decrease in its level can impact not only your sexual life but also your day-to-day activity by making you feel weak and interfering with your daily routines.

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