How To Control Your Sexual Urge In Public Places
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Ever wondered what is Compulsive Sexual Disorder? Do you feel a sexual urge when you are working? Are you unable to concentrate on your work due to these thoughts? 

You might feel the urge to satisfy your arousal, especially when you see something or someone, even if you are busy with something important at your workplace. There are times when you don’t know what to do to control sexual urges. You might find yourself unable to concentrate on your work due to this excessive desire or thoughts. In this article, we will be looking at what these sexual urges are, how they impact your life, how they occur and how to control your sexual urges in public places.

What Is Sexual Urges And Its Symptoms 

So, what is Compulsive Sexual Disorder? It is a sexual disorder or behavior wherein a person has intense and excessive sexual desire, urge or thought which can’t be easily controlled and hampers their day-to-day life. It is one of the signs you are a sex addict and need proper counseling to help yourself from sudden and unwanted sexual urges. 

The symptoms of this disorder may include feeling aroused, getting the urge to masturbate even if it is your office, you feel horny with touch or seeing them and others. It becomes essential in such cases to look for how to control your sexual urge in public places so that you don’t end up in a difficult situation. Let’s first begin understanding how it impacts your relationship. 

Disadvantages Of Unwanted Sexual Desires

Unwanted Sexual Desires

Many ways of getting these unwanted sexual desires can harm you and your workspace. Not only does it hamper your relationship, but it also affects your work performance, and thus, it is essential to know how to control your sexual urge in public places. Some of the disadvantages of the sexual urges during work are: 

1. It Shifts Your Focus And Concentration

Among the disadvantage of unwanted sexual urges, the most important one is that it shifts your attention from your work to getting yourself satisfied. You will not be able to concentrate or focus on what you are doing and thus will hamper your performance leading to poor performance at work and decreasing your productivity

2. All Your Energy Is Drained

Having all energy drained is another disadvantage of unwanted sexual urges. Having unwanted sexual thoughts and desires while you are working can shift your focus and attention, thus also shifting your energy from your work to these thoughts, and this leads to the draining of all the energy you have and, hence, feeling a lack of motivation to work. 

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3. You May Have To Go Through Guilt And Embarrassment

Another major disadvantage of unwanted sexual urges is that it leads you to the cycle of embarrassment, guilt and shame. Imagine a situation where you get sexual desires, and you find yourself erected in your office, and someone suddenly comes to you and sees you likewise. The impression it makes of you can leave you all embarrassed and guilty, leaving you with no face.

Why Does The Situation Of Sexual Urge Control Occur?

Before we move on to how to control your sexual urge in public places, let’s have a look at why the situation of controlling your sexual urge occurs; that means what leads you to have this sexual urge that leaves you in a situation from which the way out is difficult. Some of the reasons are:

1. You Keep On Watching One Thing Continuously

Watching One Thing Continuously

Are you into the habit of watching porn, or other sexual things regularly? If you watch certain sexually explicit things regularly or repeatedly then it can cause you to have sexual urges. Moreover, if you try to hold yourself while continuing to watch things, that can worsen your situation where the urges show up, and you can’t control them. In such cases, it is necessary that you take addiction counseling as it will guide you to leave the habit of watching sexually explicit things and also pave the way to control sexual urges, reducing the intensity and gradually helping you further.

2. A Lot Of Questions Run In Your Mind

It is a natural human tendency to question everything they watch or see. Similarly, when you want to sexually explicit things or think about them, you tend to question it, and hence, a lot of questions run in your mind. It is natural for a being to experience things that run in the mind. And this is what happens with sexual urges. It pops up the more you think of it. Knowing what to do to control sexual urges can help you ease down but what will help you more is avoiding thinking of the questions and seeking their answers. It can be one of the ways to control sexual urges but it may not work as well. 

3. Your Mind Does Not Allow You The Freedom

The Freedom

Another common reason why your sexual urges erupt suddenly can be that you always try to suppress your desires. Your mind doesn’t allow you the freedom to exercise all the things you imagine that may be your fantasy or performance issue. This causes the sexual urge to get blocked, and it may happen without a heads-up while you are working or in a public place. Allowing yourself to feel it in proper places where your dignity and privacy can be maintained is helpful. Further, you can look up different tips for dealing with sexual performance anxiety in males so that you don’t have a fear in the corner of your mind. 

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4. You Have A Lot Of Responsibilities

Have you tried shutting down your desires when you are working, saying to yourself that you have a lot of responsibilities? This also causes the urge block which may impact your sexual life. This, along with the one above, can cause you to experience uncontrolled sexual desires or thoughts, which can prove to be destructive for you. Knowing how to control sexual thoughts becomes necessary so that you don’t let out your desire in the wrong place at the wrong time and in the wrong way. Following the tips to control sexual urges along with finding the proper to release them without having s constant fear. 

5. Due To Some Medical Factors

Medical Factors

Another set of reasons why you may have sexual desires is due to some medical factors. Few disorders or issues in both males and females can lead to sexual urges. Following the tips to treat compulsive sex disorder, seeking proper medications helps you deal with or overcome it. We will be looking at all the ways to control sexual urges in the next section which will guide you about proper treatment. Usually, multiple psychological factors, that is, facing several psychological issues, can affect you and cause compulsive sexual disorder, which is uncontrolled sexual desires or thoughts. 

6. Due To Emotional Or Work Stress

Do you know how stress affects your sex life? Stress impacts your relationship and your sexual life very negatively. Being overburdened with work tension or life stress, workload, and other factors can make you find your release in sexual desires. The reduction of stress to experience sexual thoughts or desires will become a habit that can lead to a poor sexual life and also personal life as you will desire the release each time you are stressed and won’t be able to stay focused. Emphasizing and practicing tips to control sexual urges is one of the ways to avoid them. Further, you can practice meditation to reduce your stress levels. 

7. There Is Hormonal Imbalance In The Body

Hormonal Imbalance

Another reason why you may have sudden sexual desires or compulsory sexual desire is due to hormonal imbalance. The fact that you are experiencing intense sexual urges can mean that you have higher testosterone levels. It can also be because of the imbalance in the hormones caused by stress or other lifestyle habits. Going for different meditation practices may prove to be useful like balanced hormones is one of the benefits of bee breathing for sex. So, these are some of the reasons why you may have to suffer from uncontrolled sexual urges. Now let’s have a look at what to do to control sexual urges

How To Control Sexual Urges In Public Places? 

So, now that you know what can trigger you to get sexually aroused or your blocked sexual urges, it becomes essential to look at how to control your sexual urges in public places so that you don’t make yourself a joke in front of others and also improve your sexual life. So, some of the ways to control your intense sexual desires are: 

1. Stretch Your Body

Stretch Your Body

The first step how to control sexual urges is stretching the body. It is important to shift your attention or divorce the signals of the brain from sexual feelings to something else, and for that, what you can try is stretching your body. If possible, try to move around and move your hands and joints, but if you cannot move, you can just move your hands, fingers or legs to shift your attention and brain signals to these movements. It is one of the basic tips to treat compulsive sex disorder. Since your mind is all concentrated on those sexual desires it is important that you divert it by moving yourself so that it does not exceed. 

2. Try To Recognize The Trigger

Recognize The Trigger

Recognising that trigger is also an important step in how to control sexual thoughts. Try to understand the pattern which leads to the sexual urges like is it something that you watch or you hear, or is it something that you touch or think that leads to this intense sexual urge. Once you’re able to recognise the trigger, you can easily avoid it, especially while you’re working, so that you don’t have to face this situation. It is not one of the spot treatment tips to treat compulsive sex disorder, but it will take time for you to understand, recognise and avoid it. 

3. Don’t Sit Idle Or See Something Else

Many people think that sitting idle or seeing something else can help them divert their attention from sexual urges but this is not how it happens. Sitting idle will only increase your urge, and even if you see something, you will get reminded of it; therefore, it does not work. So, looking for the best ways to stop sex addiction, or shifting your attention is the only solution. Try not to wait for it to dismiss itself as it can increase and go beyond your control. This is how to control sexual urges by applying different ideas and working on them to reduce the chances. 

4. Book A Consultation With The Therapist

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Finally, the most important factor is seeking help. It is not possible to control the urge on your own, and therefore, one of the ways how to control sexual thoughts is by seeking support and guidance. Going for sex counseling is one of the ultimate treatment methods you can apply for compulsive sexual disorder. With the help of therapy sessions, you will be able to work on your sexual life and gradually decrease the intensity of sexual urges to none of them while you are working. There will be proper treatment sessions where you will gradually learn how to control yourself and your sexual urges and focus on your work.


With this, we have concluded, beginning from understanding what is Compulsive Sexual Disorder, that is, intense sexual urges and thoughts that can’t be controlled, and we further looked up how to control your sexual urges in public places by stretching your body, taking therapy sessions, stay hydrated, and recognising the triggers. 

Following the tips to control sexual urges helps you save your face in front of others and skip the embarrassment. There are many different reasons why the sexual urge gets blocked, due to which you may experience it while working, like watching something repetitively, subsiding the feelings for responsibilities, due to stress or anxiety, hormonal imbalance and others. 


1. Do Females Also Go Through Compulsive Sexual Disorder?

Yes, it is not just an issue that males go through but also females go through compulsive sexual disorder. They also experience the urge to have sex or masturbate while working. Following the tips to control sexual urges is the way to avoid facing these situations especially when you are surrounded by people. 

2. How Does Unwanted Sexual Urges Impact Your Relationship?

Yes, unwanted sexual urges can have a bad impact on your relationship. Not only does it cause you to lose concentration at work, but it also can lead to arguments in your relationship, as it can make your partner feel like you are cheating. Therefore, knowing the ways to control sexual urges is the ultimate solution.

3. What Happens When One Has Sexual Thoughts?

There are many things you can feel when you have sexual thoughts. It can include the urge to have sex, masturbation or physical contact. You may feel aroused or have a penis erected in the case of males. Knowing how to control sexual thoughts will aid you to subside these symptoms and feel comfortable being in public places or while working.

4. Is Having Excessive Sexual Thoughts After Seeing Someone Common?

No, it is not common that you have excessive sexual urges or thoughts as soon as you see someone. Finding someone attractive is different but feeling the desire is not typical. Therefore, it is essential to know what to do to control sexual urges so that you don’t end up embarrassing yourself or getting awkward. 

5. How To Increase My Concentration At Work?

To be able to concentrate on your work, it is important to know how to control sexual urges and identify the triggers; seeking therapy will help you subside sexual thoughts, and then you can work on focusing again on your work using different techniques like Pomodoro, staying hydrated, avoiding procrastination and others.

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