Have you ever tried giving your partner oral pleasure? How did the blow job go? Or did you face any difficulty while going for a deep throat?
Deep throat refers to giving a deep blow job to your partner, allowing the penis to go all into your mouth, but not everyone can do it since it requires a lot of muscular strength of the mouth and practice. Having the ideas and the tips for doing deep throat can make it a little easier.
In this article, we will be looking at what are the difficulties in doing deep throat, how to deep throat, the tips to make deep throat easier and what are the safety measures or precautions that you must take while doing it. It will help you to get at ease with deepthroat and become an expert.
Issues Faced In Deep Throat Oral Sex
The tips for doing deep throat can be mastered fully only if you know the difficulty faced while doing it. All the beginners in oral sex, especially in blow jobs, have to face these issues. These are:
1. Your Partner Feels Vomiting Or Gagging While Doing It
While going for a deep throat oral, your partner may feel vomiting or gag. It is important to understand that it is not that your partner does it knowingly but it shows that they are beginners. Their mouth muscles are not yet strong enough to hold the penis, therefore they are feeling a gag.
2. Your Partner May Not Like It Or Hesitate To Do It
Another difficulties in doing deep throat is that your partner may not like the idea of doing a deep throat. Many times it happens that the partner does not like blow jobs, in such cases, it is necessary to communicate and understand each other’s needs. You can even go for couple counseling to resolve it.
3. Sexual Pleasure Is Not Attended To If Not Done Properly

The couple might be doing a blow job, but what if the pleasure needed is not met? This is another difficulties in doing deep throat. The partner might not be performing it correctly which leads to no sexual pleasure for both the partners causing them to have an upset sex life or even personal life.
4. It Can Hurt Either Of The Partners When Doing So
Deep throat can hurt at times and it is one of the difficulties in doing deep throat. You might hurt your partner in the process with your teeth or your mouth as it is a delicate organ and doing deep throat should be a little delicate process giving you pleasure instead of any injuries.
How to deep throat?
Deep throat oral sex is not just a cup of tea but it requires regular practice. To expertise in this field, it is necessary to get hold of the technique and apply it. Here are the basic steps that will help you deep throat.
1. Do Not Rush While Doing It

The first thing to remember when you are learning how to deep throat is to understand that it must go slow. Do not try to speed up and complete it will only lead to a gag and will not be pleasurable. Learning about how to do oral sex and for how long is beneficial to begin with. Start slow and gradually go deep.
2. Use Edible Flavored Lubrication
Many females or your partner may not like deep throat oral sex because to them it might not taste good. To make the deep throat easier for beginners or to increase the pleasure you can go for edible flavored lubrication as it enhances the taste and is edible so that the lubrication does not cause a reaction.
3. Pay Attention To The Body Language

Just don’t concentrate on the penis only! One thing to always remember when you are learning how to deep throat is to understand that paying attention to your partner’s body and taking cues is extremely important. Just don’t only focus on the penis, make sure that you observe their body language and take cues.
4. Go For An Easy Comfortable Position
It may happen that the position you are going for while doing deep throat oral sex exerts a lot of pressure on you or your mouth. Going for an easy position or the one that gives you control of the act is helpful. It is essential to understand that beginning with an easy pose can help you.
5. Remember To Regularly Breathe Slowly
Finally, it is essential to regularly breathe slowly. When you are learning how to deep throat, remember that when you are doing deep throat you may feel gag or vomit, try to ignore it and breathe slowly, this will help you continue with the act as breathing can help you a lot.
Tips for doing deep-throat
Don’t you want your deep throat experience to be memorable? Following some of the tips for blow jobs will help strengthen your bond with your partner along with easing the process. Here are some of the blow job tips:
1. Make Sure Hygiene Is Not Compromised

One of the tips for doing deep throat is to keep hygiene a priority. You won’t want your partner to make faces when your penis is not in a good position. Therefore, one of the deep throat tips is to keep your genitals always clean and hygienic so that your partner can do it without any second thoughts.
2. It Is Not For Beginners And Needs Practice
Understanding that deep throat oral sex is not for a beginner is essential. To expertise in it, one of the deep throat tips is to regularly practice it. You can do that by inserting your finger in your mouth to make your mouth muscles strong and reduce the feeling of vomiting or gagging.
3. Use Flavored Edible Lubrication

To enhance the pleasure and intimacy between couples in deep throats, you can go for flavored edible lubrication. It is another blow job tips, as it not only makes the process tasty but increases the intensity. There are many flavored lubricants available but make sure that it is edible to avoid infection.
4. Open Up About Your Feelings For Deep-throat
Another of the deep throat tips is to understand the importance of communication. Be open about how you feel about deep throat, do you like it or not? How do you want it to happen? If you find it difficult you can try booking a sex counseling session which will help you open up about your feelings.
5. You Can Also Use Sex Toys To Enhance Pleasure

Sex toys are another blow job tips that will enhance your pleasure. Do you know what are butt plugs? It is a kind of sex toy for anal sex, just like this, using other toys during deep throat can help to increase the intensity of sex and increase your pleasure, either use them for both partners or one.
6. Add It As A Regular Practice And Encourage Your Partner
Practicing is another deep throat tips, the more you practice the more you are likely to master the technique and enjoy it. Add it to your sexual acts and go slow with it. Gradually you will get habituated and will do good. Also, encourage your partner and give them support that they are doing their best.
7. Understand Your Partner And Give Her Time
To enjoy oral sex, it is essential to have open communication and understand that each person is different. One of the blow job tips is to try to understand your partner and know that they are already trying their best. Give her time to learn and get better at it and it will also help to strengthen your bond.
Precautions in deep throat
Just following the tips for doing deep throat is not enough, but taking care of the safety measures and looking forward to taking precautions is important. Here are some of the precautions that you must follow.
1. Do Not Neglect Hygiene As It Can Cause Infection

One of the basic precautions in deep throat oral sex is taking care of hygiene. Make sure that you have thoroughly cleaned your penis. Not taking care of hygiene can lead to infections, foul smells and make oral sex difficult, contributing to a bad sexual experience for both partners.
2. Avoid It If You Have Any Infection Or Wound
Other precautions to take while going for deep throat oral sex is to avoid giving blow jobs if you have any genital infection or mouth infection. Doing deep throat oral sex when you have a wound or infection can increase the chances of STDs or transferring it to your partner or even deteriorates your infection.
3. Do Not Go For Deep Throat If You Are New To It

Starting with a deep throat as a beginner in oral sex is one thing to avoid. This is one of the precautions in deep throat. As a beginner, it becomes very difficult to initially get involved in a deep throat as it can cause gag or vomiting. So, move into it slowly and gradually with tiny steps.
4. Chances Of Acquiring STD And Other Infection
Among different precautions in deep throat, one is to make sure you use protection. Many people question: can oral sex cause AIDS or not. Though the chances are less, there is still the possibility of acquiring any STDs or other infections. Hence, go for practicing safe sex be it penetrative or oral.
Now that you know the tips for doing deep throat, it becomes easy to ace the game of how to satisfy your husband. Blow jobs are the best way to satisfy your male partner and let him reach the peak of sensual pleasures, thus it becomes essential to understand how to do deep oral sex and its other aspects like precautions to take, issues that one can face and awareness about how to practice safe oral sex or deep throat.
So, now you have the idea of how you can give your partner the best oral experience but make sure to communicate and practice.
1. What is the correct way to do a deep throat?
The correct way of going for deep throat oral sex is first to get into an easy position. You can either go kneeling or another one. Further, use flavored lubrication, use both your hands and tongue and slowly go for a deep throat after some normal oral sex. With practice, you can excel in this art.
2. Are there any side effects if you go for a deep throat?
There are as such no side effects of deep oral sex but yes if you are a beginner you may vomit or gag, with little irritation, and dryness in your throat. There are chances of acquiring infection if proper care is not taken. Excessive deep throating can cause harm to your mouth canal or esophagus.
3. How to convince your partner to do a deep-throat oral sex?
There are times when your partner does not have the same view regarding deep throat oral sex. Knowing the tips to convince your wife for oral sex can help you in convincing your partner like communicating with them, expressing your desire, and talking about safety measures and fears can help you in it.
4. Why maintain hygiene for a deep throat?
There are several reasons why you must maintain hygiene when going for deep oral sex. Some are to avoid infections, STDs, foul smells, personal hygiene and embarrassment in front of your partner. Also, to have a healthy body it is necessary to maintain hygiene.
5. Does deep throat increase the pleasure in sexual acts?
Yes, deep oral sex immensely increases the pleasure in sex. For few men, it is the main source of pleasure and stimulation. The G-spot of men is sometimes stimulated by a deep throat and also can become over-stimulating giving intense pleasure to both partners.
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