Want to enjoy sex but don’t know what the different things that help to increase sexual pleasure are? Most of the time our sexual life becomes boring because we are not aware of the different things available for us to increase our sexual pleasure and add a new spark to our experience. There are a variety of things available, each with different varieties among themselves, which helps to enhance your sexual experience along with increasing your sexual pleasure.
In this article, we will discuss the tips to increase sexual pleasure and look at the various ways to boost your sex drive using things that are available at your house or in the market to increase your sexual pleasure.
15 Things That Help To Increase Sexual Pleasure
Using a variety of things according to your preferences and exploring the different varieties is the way you bring spice to your sexual life. Here, we will talk about the various varieties which are available and are waiting to be explored. Let’s head straight towards knowing the 15 things that help to increase sexual pleasure.
1. Go For Different Positions

Do you always go for same-sex positions? If yes, then it is visible why you have a poor and boring sexual life. Pleasure comes when things are different and a change is brought. Experimenting with different sex positions can help you discover different ways by which you can gain pleasure while having intercourse. If you think that you are unable to understand what the positions are or need proper guidance about how to do it, you can always go for sex counseling. Positions like 69, sideways, seashell, doggy, the positions, kneeling for oral, legs on the shoulder, carrying your partner, etc, are some of the ways to enhance sexual pleasure.
2. Use Different Variety Of Condoms
Using different varieties of condoms is one of the tips to increase sexual pleasure. Condoms give you protection when you have intercourse which reduces your worry. Further, many varieties of condoms add pleasure along with protection. The delayed condom gives protection and increases time; the flavored condom adds flavor with protection; the extra dot gives you more arousal with protection, etc. So, there are many subvarieties in condoms that you can use, like the chocolate flavor or strawberry flavor. These are things that help to increase sexual pleasure, along with making sure that you practice safe sex to avoid STDs, unwanted pregnancies and other infections.
3. There Are Varieties Of Lubes
Lubes are also one of the ways to enhance sexual pleasure. Lubes are an important element of sexual life. Going for sex without lubes makes your sexual life difficult and the experience rough. Lubes make penetrative sex easy as it allows smooth insertion. Knowing how to choose the best lube for sex is one of the ways you can make your sexual life interesting. There are different types of lubes available, like flavored lubes, which give you smoothness along with pleasure when you are going for oral sex, as many partners don’t like the taste. So, go for flavored lubes to add a new experience to your sexual life and increase pleasure.
4. Using Sprays For More Pleasure

One of the things that help to increase sexual pleasure is using sprays. Sprays are usually the ones that are used to increase the time. They are known as delayed sprays. Applying them after cleaning your penis before sex helps you increase the time in ejaculation so that you can enjoy and experience the pleasure more than the usual time. One of the tips to increase sexual pleasure is to use them in case you feel you have sex for a very short period. Using the delayed spray helps you increase your time of ejaculation and gain peak and intense arousal and pleasure during your sexual performance or intercourse.
5. Going For Massage Gels
So, how to increase pleasure in sex? What if you have tried different lubes or sprays, but you still want to go for something new? Massage gels are another set of things you can use to increase pleasure. Imagine you are about to begin your sexual act, and you add the sensual massage that can arouse you in a few minutes. The touch and slide of the fingers sending signals to arouse you add more pleasure to your sexual life. It is one of the ways to enhance sexual pleasure. There are a variety of massage gels available in the market that can help you explore and experiment with different types of gels.
6. Supplements Are Also Available

Along with protection, spray, massage gels, or lubes, different supplements help in pleasure while having sex. One of the tips to increase sexual pleasure is taking doctor-recommended supplements that help you gain instant pleasure, like protein powder, etc, by increasing your desire and libido. You can also go for other herbs like Shilajit or Viagra which helps in increasing sexual pleasure. There are many health benefits of shilajit which not only improves your sexual life but also helps you improve your sexual life. Taking these supplements improves your hormone levels, libido and sperm motility.
7. Increasing Pleasure With Sex Toys
Among the various ways of how to boost sexual pleasure, one of the ways is using sex toys. Sex toys are not just used for self-pleasure or masturbation, but they can be used with your partner as well while you are having intercourse. There are different types of sex toys available like dildos, vibrators, cock rings, anal sex toys, masturbators, sex dolls and many more. You can use the various types of sex toys while having sex to give each other pleasure or enjoy the fun and excitement of double penetration. It is one of the ways to enhance sexual pleasure so that you don’t stick to penetrative sex but also make it more interesting with a twist.
8. There Are Certain Food That Increases Pleasure

Do you know how to increase pleasure in sex? Several food items can help boost your testosterone levels and thus work towards increasing your libido. They can also be used to add spice to your relationship so that you can make it more playful and interesting. Adding some of the food items like oysters, tuna, fruits and nuts, dairy products, lentils, green leafy, spices like cinnamon, ginger, clove, etc, to your diet is one of the tips for better sex. You can use wine or chocolate while you are going for sex to add sweetness to make your sexual life pleasurable and increase the amount of foreplay to make you want it more.
9. Focus More On Foreplay
Foreplay is one of the natural ways to increase sexual pleasure. Many couples don’t consider foreplay as an important part of a sexual act. For them, it is only the penetrative sex that is main and gives pleasure. However, it is a complete myth. Foreplay helps you gain maximum pleasure through intense arousal. Going for different ways to give love bite to your partner, using ice or chocolate syrups, kissing, hugs, oral sex, sensual massage, playing with your partner’s body, and others are some of the foreplay techniques by which you can use make your sex life different from everyday along with increasing intimacy and passion.
10. Being Consistent With Exercises
Doing instant remedies for sexual pleasure is not just a way you can always have an exciting sexual act. It is necessary to maintain your body and stamina so that every time you go for intercourse, you can have the best experience. The answer to the question of how to increase pleasure in sex lies in regular exercise. Going for a healthy lifestyle and doing pelvic floor exercises helps you strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which play a major role in performing sex and enjoying it. One of the tips for better sex is that you should work on your eating habits as well so that you don’t have to face any issues in your sexual or personal life.
11. Live Your Fantasies

One of the natural ways to increase sexual pleasure is to live your different fantasies. It is important that you communicate with your partner and get to know about each other’s fantasies so that you can act together to make them real. There are many secret fantasies of men during sex, and even females have their fantasies, which can include feet fetish, hair fetish, femdom, cross-dressing, role play and others. Play with your partner and their body so that you can have maximum pleasure while you are going for intercourse. Explore different fantasies at different times and enjoy them, so that you can simultaneously know what you and your partner like.
12. Explore Different Places To Make It Engaging

Just performing sex every day in your bedroom does not make your sex life engaging and interesting. It is essential that you change the environment and the things you look at while you are having sex. Always watching that same ceiling fan or wall is not how to increase pleasure in sex. Your house and the outside world have many areas which you can explore to have sex. Some of the places where you can have sex are the living room, bathroom, beach, sofa, pool table, garden, shower, tabletop, kitchen, etc. Exploring different positions and fantasies there can help you add something new to your sex life and add pleasure to it.
13. Go For Some Dirty Talk

Do you know the power of communication? Have you ever wondered how talking to your partner can do wonders for your sexual life? When it comes to how to boost sexual pleasure, one of the ways is talking dirty to your partner. Going for cheesy conversation, adding a sense of desperation, hunger, and dirty jokes can make your sex life pleasurable and funny which makes you want more and keep it continuing. It helps in releasing the strain in the sexual relationship and builds closeness. It is one of the natural ways to increase sexual pleasure and add a spark or intimacy to your relationship without much effort.
14. Use Different Things Available At Your House
Apart from everything, there are many things present in your house that can help you gain pleasure while having sex. But do you know what they are and how to boost sexual pleasure using them? Different things like your sofa, pillow, table, food items, bed edge, bathroom, and mirror add pleasure to your sexual life and bring intimacy to your relationship. Following tips to improve sex life at home can help you to bring change to your sexual life which might have become monotonous and boring due to having sex in the same environment and repeated sexual routine. So, with these tips, you can easily bring your sex life to track.
15. Practice Safe Sex For Stress-Free Sex Life
While you are learning how to boost sexual pleasure and apply it, you won’t want any extra tension that would lead you to worry more than enjoying your act. Going for sexual at without any protection can keep you on the edge of worry and you won’t be able to enjoy the things you add to your sexual life. One of the natural ways to increase sexual pleasure is by going for safe sex. Do not ignore the protections that protect you, as now many subvarieties protect along with adding pleasure. Go for a regular checkup and make sure you leave it at risk or chance.
Now, as we conclude the article, we have listed almost 15 different things that help to increase sexual pleasure and add engagement back to your sexual life. You must keep exploring different things so that you are well aware of what suits you the best and adds spice to your sexual life. Every item or thing has a different subvariety within it, which brings that something extra you were looking for. However, if your personal life or relationship is not going well, which is affecting your sexual life, it is necessary to fix it. You can go for couple counseling to make your relationship smooth and then adopt the ways to boost sex drive and bring the romance back.
1. What Things Can Decrease Pleasure In Sex?
Many things decrease pleasure in sex which includes poor lifestyle habits, poor eating habits, decreased testosterone levels, boring or monotonous sexual life, poor libido, medical conditions and others. It is essential that you follow the tips for better sex to bring the spark, spirit and essence back to your sexual life.
2. How To Satisfy My Male Partner In Sex?
There are many tips for better sex life and to satisfy your husband or male partner. Some of them include going for different positions that stimulate them, holding or grabbing their hair, exploring their fantasies, understanding them, telling them what you like, going for oral sex and sometimes even dominating them.
3. Why Does My Sexual Life Become Boring?
There are many reasons why your sexual life becomes boring and why you should go for things that help to increase sexual pleasure. Some of them include decreased sexual desires, hormonal imbalance, repeating the same sexual routine, having issues in your relationship, medical conditions, performance anxiety, poor communication and others.
4. What Are Precautions To Take While Having Sex?
While you are following different ways to boost sex drive, it is essential that you take certain precautions so that you don’t end up acquiring STDs or other infections. These include using condoms and other protections, going for dental dams or oral protection, maintaining hygiene, going for regular check-ups, and avoiding the use of common injections or used protection.
5. What To Do To Satisfy My Female Partner?
Using the different ways to boost sex drive, you can easily satisfy your Female partner. Spend more time in foreplay and building up the moment, go for different positions that give her orgasm, use different lubes and sex toys and add sensual massages to increase the intimacy, communicate with her and keep her asking whether she likes your act or not.