You can often hear people saying things like I won’t go back to my ex, I hate him for what he did after a breakup and whatnot but deep down all of us know that breakups can cause a wide range of emotions in us and be extremely difficult to process.
Sometimes you can even think that by telling yourself that you deserved better and that it was their loss you would feel better but, instead of feeling good, it causes more anger and depression. Many breakups that happen often confuse you by letting you question yourself about why this happened to you or are you sure that you want this breakup.
Even though a breakup causes a lot of pain and sadness still, it is very difficult to forget about the times that you have spent together or how much you love them and the things that you were grateful for. It is absolutely normal to feel confused and to have such questions after a breakup. Because moving on from a person you loved once can be difficult. Here in this blog, we have listed the 15 reasons you still love your ex.
Reasons Why You Still Love Your Ex
When a relationship ends mutually, reasons you still love your ex can be extremely personal to you. Despite the breakup, the feelings, attachment, and emotions that you had in the relationship can still be there after a breakup. Understanding the reasons can help you heal from your breakup.
1. You Still Remember The Shared Memories Together
When you think about the happy fun times and moments with your ex, those memories of you two together can be the reason why you still love them.
Like maybe for example, you remember a road trip that you took with her and while on that road trip, you guys laughed so much that your stomachs hurt.
Or when you are sitting alone in your room you remember an amazing evening that you two spent watching a movie together and you enjoyed their company. These moments and experiences stay with you because these moments make you feel good and connected and because of these feelings you end up thinking about is dating your ex right?
2. Emotional Connection That You Had With Your Partner

Deep emotional bonding is similar to that feeling you get when you just vibe with someone. It’s something you two can communicate without exchanging words. Or a connection like even if you didn’t express it aloud your ex could tell when you were upset or knew just how to make you feel better.
It’s difficult to forget the uniqueness of that type of relationship. Because your ex was a genuine person and those feelings may still be felt even after a breakup.
For example, remember how you used to talk to your ex about everything and how in times of stress your ex could always make you laugh or feel better. It can be difficult to break the strong bond of those times.
3. Physically Attracted To Each Other
Remember the first time you ever saw your ex? You might have loved the way he looked at you or been amazed by his smile. It takes time for those emotions to go away. You may miss the way he used to make you feel or how he used to smile at you with his glowing eyes and excitement after seeing you and this can be the reasons you still love your ex.
It’s difficult to move on from these feelings even after you have broken up because of the attraction that you had with them.
4. The Comfort In The Relationship

It is difficult to let go of someone when you feel comfortable and safe in their company. Why do I still love my ex so much? Because someone can become your safe place when you can be yourself around them without any fear or when you’ve been with them for a while.
For example, you get very comfortable with each other when you are together. These comforting feelings of safety are hard to replace and find in anyone else. This is why you must still be in love with him because of the way he cared for you and comforted you when you needed him the most.
5. Understood You Better
Your ex may have understood you better than anyone else at times. He was completely aware of your emotions both happy and sad. And things that make you extremely happy or sad.
He could read your thoughts and there was no need for you to let them know what happened and why you were feeling low or happy even though you guys were poles apart but you had an understanding that nobody could replace.
6. You Feel Like There’s No Replacement
When someone has a unique understanding of you it makes them feel unique as though no one else would be able to take their position. And if you are worried about Is it normal to still love my ex? Then yes it is because sometimes we are unable to replace the person.
For example, there are some things that only couples can get or only he could understand and no one else.
And it becomes difficult to find someone to replace who will understand them the way you did because that is something that makes you still love your ex.
7. Grown Together In Life

You grow together for many good reasons in a relationship which makes it difficult for you to move on from your Ex. When you are in a relationship you try to change things about yourself and make adjustments to make the other partner feel good and appreciated.
These small changes and growth in your overall personality are something you miss once you break up and can be the reason that you are still in love with your ex. Even after a break you realise that you have grown as an individual with your ex and it becomes hard to forget someone who was part of many good and bad things in your life standing beside you.
8. Having A Break-Up Without Closure
Even after a breakup feelings of love, and attachment care can still be there because of unspoken words or thoughts. Sometimes people don’t break up with a closure or by giving a proper reason for breaking up and let the other person think that What could be the reason that I still love my ex? This could be the reason that the other partner may still be in love with their Ex in the hope that he’ll come back.
When you don’t get closure it can be hard to move on. Those questions and feelings might make you feel that the story is not yet finished even though the relationship has ended.
9. Feeling Sad Or Missing Out

Feeling sad can be because you are now missing the happy moments that you had with them. Why do I still love my ex so much? Because you are missing them or feeling sad without them. It brings back happy memories much like when you look at old pictures or listen to your favourite song.
Even though you are no longer together the feeling of nostalgia can make it hard to move on for you. And the feeling of sadness and missing that person and memories with them can be the reason that you still love your ex.
10. Hoping For A Relationship To Work In Future
Some people hope that their relationship will succeed in the future even after it ends. This hope is like giving a relationship a second chance to work. The feeling of hope and belief that everything will be fine soon even after the breakup can be the reason that you are still in love with your ex.
When a relationship ends because of one person, that person might think that will sort things out and will try and make the other person understand things and fix things up and can be happy together again. But this is not the case after you break up.
11. Your Ex Had Some Special Qualities

He seems to possess a unique quality that sets him apart from everyone else. For example your ex could give you pleasure in a way that nobody can match him. And after breaking up you might end up searching for ways to give orgasm to a female but get nothing like they did. That uniqueness is the special thing about your ex that you feel is irreplaceable. And these qualities make them unforgettable and special.
After the relationship ends you might have those qualities of your Ex and can begin to see how rare and valuable they were to you. Missing all these things about them can be the reason that you still love your ex.
12. Feeling Lonely After A Breakup
It is normal to feel lonely for the touch and companionship that you have lost after a breakup. What could be the reason that I still love my ex? It is like a person feels a lack of a friend with whom he shares his emotions and thoughts.
When you break you often miss the feeling of laughing and talking to that person with whom you have shared a considerable amount of time discussing life and plans. So it is natural for you to feel lonely after you break up as all your future planning and dreams would just be now in memories and not in real life.
13. Feelings Of Regret After Breakup

Regret can sometimes set in after a breakup. It is like you regret saying or doing something you chose not to say. Sometimes during arguments, we do say such things that we might have not said anyway and then we feel guilty about it later.
Because of these actions, you might want to go back and fix things up with your partner but you know that there’s no chance of getting things sorted out and this regret makes you love your ex even after the breakup if you have feelings of regret and wanna give a chance to your relationship consider relationship counselling they could explain you things in better way.
14. Comparing New People To Your Ex
After a breakup, it is common to find that you are comparing new people to your Ex. At times one might find himself thinking about how his or her Ex used to make them laugh or how they used to know you better.
Even if you try to move on with someone every time something happens you tend to compare your partner with your ex and might end up thinking about what could be the signs to identify a girl is not virgin.
These types of comparisons can increase your appreciation and sense of loss for what you once had.
15. You Need Some Time To Move On
When a relationship ends the strong emotion of love doesn’t simply go away in a day or two. The process of healing takes time and it is the reasons you still love your ex. Like is an extraordinary emotion that lasts for some time or sometimes even for a lifespan. It is quite understandable that you may still care about him and would wish him well.
Love is more than just being with him. It is important to give yourself time to process things and to heal and move on in life after a breakup. Love remains a part of you even if the relationship ends.
Everyone goes through breakups which are stressful no matter how old you are and it is quite alright to still love your ex after the breakup. If you feel Is it normal to still love my ex? Then yes! Sometimes it can make you recall the time when you had happy moments with them or the relationship you had with them. Happiness, affection, and protection enjoyed by them may be what makes you still love them.
At a point of time after the breakup, you might regret the decision to break up with them. Does love for an ex ever go away? It can but love just doesn’t go away in a day it takes time to heal and move on from the breakup. Give yourself some time to heal and process the feeling of the breakup, start accepting things and focus on your happiness.
While missing your ex and caring about them is okay and even thinking things like Who is First to Move on After a Breakup is okay there’s nothing that you can do about it, just let the time pass until you eventually move on.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the reasons you still love your ex?
Because you experienced unique emotions and moments with your ex you may find yourself thinking about them frequently. It’s common to miss someone who played a significant role in your life. Spend some time healing and concentrating on the things that bring you joy.
2. Is it right to love your ex once you have separated?
You can still be friends with your Ex after a breakup, so, yes, it is all right to have some feelings toward your Ex even after the breakup. Not all love fades quickly. You have to understand that you have feelings, and it is proper to step back for a while to think about why you care about them.
3. How do I stop having feelings for an ex?
It does not happen instantly and is also not an easy task to let go of someone you once loved. Try to focus on interests that can provide personal enrichment and make you happy. Surround yourself with affectionate people and your loved ones. It is good that you give yourself a chance to miss the other person while you focus on fun things that you have to do.
4. What would happen if I made comparisons between myself and my former partner?
It’s common to draw comparisons between the new person that comes into your life and your Ex particularly if they hold special meaning for you. Try not to continuously compare though and instead give new relationships a chance. People should be valued for who they are because they are all unique.
5. Does love for an ex ever go away?
As you heal and move on with your life feelings for your ex might gradually fade. Even though you may always have happy memories of them time and new experiences usually cause the strong feelings to fade. Your feelings will change if you put your attention on personal development and making new relationships.
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