15 Tips To Do Sex Chat With Your Bf
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Dive into the world of intimate chats where you engage in sexual talks over calls or texts with your bf and find the answers to how do I sex chat my boyfriend

Physical intimacy is very essential in any relationship to maintain it, and when you don’t engage in physical intimacy, you need to have another option to let out your sexual desires. This is why sex chats or adult chats have become a part of conversations in many relationships. Knowing how to do sex chat with females or males is the other option to exercise your sexual urges and engage in romance over text with your partner. 

In this article, we will be talking about 15 tips to do sex chat with your bf so that you can have intimate and spicy conversations. 

15 Tips To Do Sex Chat With Your Bf 

Sex chats are very common in a relationship especially when it is a long-distance relationship. Here are 15 tips on how to sex chat with your bf which will initiate the spark in your relationship as well.

1. Always Take Consent Before Beginning

Always seeking consent is one of the most important tips to do sex chat with your bf. Before starting any kind of sexual conversation with a partner it is necessary that you talk to them about it and see their consent whether they want to do it or not. Many times partners are not comfortable having sexual conversations on text or call because of privacy issues or trust issues. Therefore, it becomes important that you talk to them about it and seek their consent. This is how to do sex chat, that is, you must take their permission, be it boundary, make them comfortable and respect their decision. 

2. Try To Build An Image Or Sex Fantasy

Building an image or creating a sex fantasy is also one of the ways to do adult chat with your boyfriend. Often, creating a sex fantasy while having a sex chat makes the conversation more intimate and sensuous. If you know about some of the fantasies of your boyfriend then try to build the conversation around those fantasies. There are many secret fantasies of men during sex, so try to learn about them or create your sexual fantasy or build an image while you have a chat, such as playing the submissive wife and partner dominating husband on the bed or crossdressing fantasy and others. 

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3. Give A Detailed Description

One of the tips to do sex chat with your bf is to give a detailed description. One of the common things that happens in sex chats is a description of events that have occurred previously or that you want to have. Usually, partners talk about what they want to do and try to enact it through text. While you do this try to give a detailed description so that your partner knows that you are totally involved in the chat and are taking the conversation seriously. When learning how to do sex talk, try to implement it, for example, say, ‘ I am slowly going down while holding your waist and kissing your chest’ instead of ‘I am going down on you’. 

4. Always Pay Attention To Listening Than Speaking

Pay Attention To Listening

Try to speak less and hear more when having a sex chat with your boyfriend. It is also one of the precautions in sex chat. When you speak more, you are all concentrated on what you like and what you want, and you often skip the parts where your partners express their likes and dislikes. Therefore, try to always pay attention to what the partner is saying so that you can know what they like while having a sex chat, and you can implement it in your next conversation. This is also one of the keys to how to survive a long-distance relationship. It makes you patient and helps you understand things clearly. 

5. Appreciate And Compliment Your Partner

Appreciating and complimenting your boyfriend is also one of the tips to do sex chat with your bf. When you have sex chat with them try to appreciate them about what they have done previously or what they are doing now, what part you like the most about their act and their talk. Further, compliment them about their looks, body and other aspects so that your partner feels confident. For example, compliment them like, ‘I just loved the way you kissed me last time’, or ‘I adore the muscles you have’. Now, you know how to do sex chat with your boyfriend and make it interesting and sensuous. 

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6. Be Specific About Things You Like In Them

Being specific about the things you like in a partner is also one of the ways to do adult chat with your boyfriend. The more specific and detailed description you give them about what you like in them, the more they are excited and feel valued which makes your sex chats more pleasurable. For example, say, ‘I like the way you open your shirt’ or ‘I love it when you hold my neck from back sensually’. Adding specific and minute details of the acts done by your partner is how to sex chat with your bf. They will absolutely love it and will be happy to please you, trying to do it more often. 

7. Be Careful With The Words You Use

Words You Use

There are some precautions in sex chat that you should take care of, that is, always be careful with the words you use. Many times, the words we use or the way we talk might seem fine to us, but it may not seem the same way to your partner. You may use certain words or sentences without a wrong intention and just to make the conversation more exciting but your partner may take it otherwise since it is all in text and not face-to-face. For example, instead of ‘I want your body’, say ‘I need you’ to avoid any misinterpretation. This is how to do sex talk with your partner without hurting them or their sentiments. 

8. Gradually Move Ahead After Beginning Softly

Beginning Softly

Whenever you are about to start sex chat or are learning how to sex chat with your bf, one thing that you must always remember is to gradually move ahead and not jump directly to the most intimate talks. Just like in intercourse, you first begin with foreplay for stimulation of your partner and then go for sex. similarly, in sex chat, you must begin softly and slowly move ahead to the main talk. Talk first about embracing kissing and how you love them then move to more intimate chats of sex. Following these tips to do sex chat will help you form trust with your partner and let them know how much you love them. 

9. Try To Explore Different Expressions And Techniques

Different Expressions

One of the ways to do adult chat with your boyfriend is by trying to explore different expressions and techniques. Doing the sex chat in the same way can make it monotonous and boring and negatively impact your sex life therefore, try to explore different techniques and expressions so that you can always have something new in your hand. For example, when learning about how to do sex talk, try to use different tones while you are talking to your partner, like being serious one time, having a sexy voice another time, being sturdy or cute the other time and many more. Your partner will love it and enjoy it as well. 

10. Go Slow While You Are Doing Adult Chat

Adult Chat

If you are looking for solutions to how do i sex chat my boyfriend? One of the ways is to be very slow while doing adult chat as you cannot randomly start any adult chat and you should slowly pick up the pace while having sex conversation. If you are too fast while doing adult chats, you may stumble while talking or texting and even skip certain things which may make your sentences or feelings come out negatively. Therefore, it is important that you go slow and clearly state your words so that you can enjoy it. Further, you can also use it as foreplay tips for new couples to stimulate your partner. 

11. Don’t Get Too Much Indulged Into It

Much Indulged Into

Trying not to indulge too much in it is also how you do sex chat. If you are a part of sex chat groups wherein you engage in sex chat with random people or always talk about it with your partner, then you must get cautious as indulging too much in it can affect your relationship as well as your mental health. It is one of the signs you are a sex addict. Know the limits and boundaries of sex chat and try not to always think about it as it can affect you mentally. Further, don’t always have sex chat with your partner and also give time to other conversations. This is the answer to how do i sex chat my boyfriend

12. Many People Like To Use Single Word For Stimulation

There are many tips to do sex chat, one of them is using a single word or sound for stimulation. Do you know that women make certain sounds while having sex, and many men like hearing them or it stimulates them? When you use a single word or sound word like ‘Ahh’ or moan just like you do while having sex, it makes the sex chat interesting and arouses your man. This is also one of the tips to spice up a relationship as it makes the chats interesting and pleasurable. You can send voice notes to your partner while making the sound to make the texts more authentic and pleasurable even in texts. 

13. Make Yourself And Your Partner Comfortable

Partner Comfortable

Looking for answers to how do I sex chat my boyfriend? One of the ways is to make yourself and your partner comfortable while you are having an adult chat. Remember that there are certain boundaries that you must not cross even when you are having an intimate conversation, as it can hurt your partner’s sentiments and make them feel that you don’t care about their feelings. Also, you must not do things that you are not comfortable with; if any such situation arises, say no and make sure your partner knows why you are saying no. If you find talking about certain things difficult, you can take a couple counseling to improve your understanding and convey your message. 

14. Always Seek A Feedback To Improve Yourself

Seeking feedback is also one of the ways to do adult chat with your boyfriend. Your boyfriend will love it when you ask how you can improve yourself what part they liked the most in the conversation, and what they did not, as they will feel that you care about how they feel and are ready to implement the possible changes for them and will make them feel that you prioritize their feelings. This also helps you know what they like the most so that you can improve yourself. So, this is how to sex chat with your bf where you want to improve each other and come up with new ways to make it interesting. 

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15. Take The Necessary Precautions While Doing Adult Chats

While you engage in adult chats, certain things must be taken care of. Following the precautions in sex chat is necessary as it is about privacy and respect for the people involved. Try to avoid sharing your pictures and videos with your partner; in case you have been in a long-term relationship and trust them completely, share your pictures, making sure that they cannot be saved like in view once of WhatsApp. However, if you have met someone recently or don’t trust them don’t share your pictures. It is among one of the most important tips to do sex chat so that you don’t regret it later. 


Engaging in sweet talk, remembering past moments, appreciating and complimenting them for what they do and what you like about the activity, building their sex fantasies, and making a single sound voice or words are some of the tips to do sex chat with your bf which we talked about in this article. A relationship is a very delicate partnership that needs a balance between both partners. Both partners must take care of each other’s necessities and feelings likewise. 

While you learn about how to do sex chat, you must pay attention to certain things like choosing your words wisely so that it does not come out the other way, maintaining privacy and respecting each other’s opinions, and many more. Sex chats are a way to build an intimate connection with your partner and are also done before intercourse to set the mood. It embarks you on the journey of trust, which is essential in a relationship.

However, if certain things are disturbing you or your sex life, then you can go for sex counseling to bring your sex life back on track. 


1. What Are The Benefits Of Doing Sex Chat?

There are many benefits of doing sex chat like it improves the intimacy and connection between the partners, helps you build trust and also lets you know your partner closely. Sometimes it makes your partner feel they are being loved and appreciated for their body as well and makes them more confident about their body. 

2. How To Do Sex Chat With Girlfriend?

If you are looking for how to do sex talk with your girlfriend, then some of the tips are to appreciate her body, tell her what you like about her, connect with her emotionally and not just talk about her body, recount memories with her, connect with her by creating fantasies and listen patiently with her. 

3. Is Doing Sex Chat Necessary?

It is not necessary that you do sex chat with your partner; however, after a certain period, the relationship moves into a space where you get comfortable with each other and engage in sex chat, especially in relationships where you don’t meet often. Following the tips to do sex chat helps you have a comfortable conversation. 

4. What To Do If My Partner Does Not Like Sex Chat?

If your partner does not like sex chat or is not comfortable doing it, you should give them time to open up. Ask them politely about the things that they feel uncomfortable with or do not like, and try not to include them in your chats initially. You should be careful and patient with them to ease their anxiety. 

5. What Are The Precautions In Sex Chats?

Following the precautions while having sex chats is one of the tips to do sex chat with your bf. Use protective measures when you send your pictures or videos. For example, view once in WhatsApp or other protective apps. Do not indulge too much in it, as it can drive your mental state and make you addicted.

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