20 Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy
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Throughout your pregnancy, every bite of the food that you eat and drink affects your growing baby. Some foods and drinks that are fine for you might not be good for your baby. To keep your baby healthy it is important to have good food and to avoid food poisoning. 

Pregnancy comes with lots of responsibilities of what you should eat and what not and being a pregnant woman you should be attentive of what you are having. Important tips to follow to get pregnant can include a healthy lifestyle and diet because your overall health impacts your fertility and it is important to take care of your health for your baby.

Being an expecting mother you should avoid taking caffeine in excess and alcohol completely and while you are breastfeeding the child. Foods for pregnant women should include healthy snacks like fruits, chickpeas, or almonds for the best health of your baby and you during your pregnancy. 

You can consider sex counselling for any issues or concerns that you have relating to your pregnancy.  Still, some foods are suggested not to have when you are expecting a baby and you should avoid these food items. In this blog, we have listed 20 foods to avoid during pregnancy.

Eating Habits During Pregnancy

Healthy Eating Habits During Pregnancy

Having healthy food is important during pregnancy because whatever you eat will indirectly be consumed by the baby too. You should consider having foods rich in protein, vitamin, iron and calcium. Remember, during pregnancy time avoid food that could be harmful, to you as well as to your baby. 

  1. Include protein in your diet that will promote healthy growth in your child.
  2. Add minerals and vitamins to your diet that are important for the growth of your baby.
  3. Add healthy fats and carbohydrates to your diet for energy 
  4. Add lots and lots of fruits, fibre, and fluids to your diet which will keep you hydrated.
  5. Foods for pregnant women should include plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
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20 Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy 4

What Not To Eat When Pregnant

1. Do Not Eat Fish While Pregnant

What foods to avoid when pregnant? Well, avoid having high-mercury fish because mercury fishes are often found in polluted waters which can affect your kidneys, immune system, and nervous system. It can also cause serious developmental problems for your unborn child. 

Also, you should avoid having undercooked raw fish as it could contain some dangerous parasites or bacteria that can result in infections that will eventually pass to your unborn child increasing the risk of stillbirth, premature delivery, and dehydration. 

It is equally important to know when to avoid sex during pregnancy is important to ensure both maternal and foetal health.

Pro tip:- Avoid having undercooked or raw fish becuase that can be harmful for you and to your baby. Consult your doctor for further guidance.

2. Avoid Undercooked Or Raw Meat

Raw Meat

Having raw or undercooked meats will put you at risk of eating parasites and bacteria that will infect you and your unborn child. And these are the foods to avoid when you are pregnant. 

However, avoid any undercooked meat, especially meats that are used in patties, burgers, pork, and poultry. Further, these meats frequently have high sodium and unhealthy fats. 

Pro tip:- It is important to fully cook processed meats such as deli meats, pepperoni, hot dogs, and lunch meat as they may contain bacteria that can be not good for a pregnant woman.

3. Raw Eggs Should Not Be Taken In Pregnancy

If you are thinking What foods to avoid when pregnant? Then, It’s best to stay away from raw eggs when pregnant. Salmonella is a type of harmful bacteria that is found in raw eggs and it can make you sick. Salmonella can be dangerous for both you and your baby because it can cause fever, diarrhoea, and stomach cramps. 

For advice on what foods to eat and avoid during pregnancy to keep you and your baby safe always consult your doctor. 

Pro tip:- Well to remove any bacteria from the eggs it must be cooked all the way through until the whites and yolks are solid and cooked.

4. You Should Not Have Unpasteurized Dairy Products

Unpasteurized Dairy Products

When you are an expecting mother, Foods to avoid during pregnancy include unpasteurized dairy products as they may contain dangerous bacteria like listeria. Listeria can cause sickness in both you and your baby. varieties of cheese and milk are examples of unpasteurized dairy products. 

You should always consider consulting your doctor before making any changes in your diet because it might impact your health.  

Pro tip:- It is important to choose pasteurised dairy products as this process removes harmful bacteria and makes the food safer to consume while you are pregnant.

5. Unpasteurized Juices Should Be Avoided

Unpasteurized Juices

You should avoid having juices that are packed and claim that they are real fruit juices when you are expecting because these juices may contain harmful bacteria and are Foods to avoid during pregnancy. 

These bacteria have the potential to harm both you and your unborn child and cause major pregnancy complications. Juices are safe to consume after they have undergone pasteurisation, a process that involves heating liquids to kill bacteria. Unpasteurized juices on the other hand skip this step and so raise the possibility of contamination. 

Pro tip:- To protect yourself and your child it is best to select pasteurised juices. Don’t forget to ask your doctor for specific recommendations regarding your diet while pregnant. 

6. Soft Cheeses Should Not Be Taken In Pregnancy

If you are wondering What not to eat when pregnant? Then, expecting mothers should avoid soft cheeses such as brie, Camembert, feta, and blue cheese as they may contain listeria bacteria. 

There are Serious side effects like miscarriage or stillbirth that can be brought on by listeria. 

Pro tip:- If you want to lower your risk of listeriosis it’s important to choose hard cheeses or pasteurised versions of these soft ones.  

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7. Don’t Have Unwashed Fruits Or Vegetables

Foods to avoid when pregnant include not having raw or unwashed fruits or vegetables directly from the store because it is not good for you and your baby’s health as it may have harmful bacteria and parasites. 

Pro tip:- It is advisable to properly wash the vegetables and fruits before you eat them. Washing them removes dirt, and pesticides from them. 

8. Stay Away From Excessively Salty Foods

Foods to avoid when pregnant include overly salty foods when pregnant. Your body may need more water if you will have salty foods in excess that are not good for you and your child. 

Pro tip:- Avoid such excessively salty foods during pregnancy and instead have home made food that is less in salt. 

9. Say No To Herbal Teas During Pregnancy

Herbal Teas During Pregnancy

One has to be very careful especially when it comes to taking most of the herbal teas during pregnancy. Some of these teas contain certain herbs that are not healthy for you and the baby leading it to Foods to avoid while pregnant. 

Overall, for you to be in a safe position when taking herbal tea then it is advised that you consult your doctor before you take any of it. Take teas that are pregnancy safe at all times. 

Pro tip:- Pregnancy is a sensitive period in a woman’s life and, therefore, it is very important to decide what foods you want to put in your health and your unborn child’s health.

10. Do Not Have Extremely Spicy Foods

If you are pregnant, Foods to avoid while pregnant are eating a lot of spicy food. At times when you eat spicy food, you can develop heartburn or some level of discomfort in the stomach. Regarding this it is advisable that pregnant women should opt for softer foods so as to minimise any chances. 

Depending on your requirements and your physical condition, they shall be in a position to give you advice. 

Pro tip:- Pregnancy is one situation where it is always advisable to consult your doctor or any healthcare provider on the foods that you should be taking. 

11. Skip Raw Sprouts During Pregnancy

Raw Sprouts

Dangerous bacteria such as E.coli and Salmonella which can cause illness in pregnant women can be found in raw sprouts such as radish, clover, and mung bean sprouts thus these are the Foods for pregnant women to avoid. 

These microorganisms can lead to food poisoning and increase the risk of complications for you and your baby. To lower your risk of illness it is safer to stay away from raw sprouts completely while you are pregnant. 

Pro tip:- To maintain the health of both you and your unborn child it is always a good idea to speak with your doctor about what foods to avoid while pregnant. 

12. Limit The Amounts Of Caffeine Intake

Having an excessive amount of caffeine during pregnancy may raise the chance of miscarriage. Tea coffee soda and certain energy drinks all contain caffeine. Reducing your daily caffeine intake is important during pregnancy. 

Pro tip:- Always check the labels and consult your doctor to find out how much caffeine is safe for you to consume while pregnant. 

13. No Alcohol During Pregnancy

No Alcohol During Pregnancy

Having alcohol is not good if you are expecting a baby. Because it causes birth defects and issues in pregnancy that can affect the baby’s brain and development of the child. 

Not even a small amount of alcohol can be considered good during pregnancy because consuming it has harmful effects on your child. 

Pro tip:- It is advisable to avoid alcohol completely when you are expecting a baby.

14. Stay Away From Artificial Sweeteners

It is best to stay away from large amounts of artificial sweeteners when pregnant. These sweeteners which are present in many diet sodas, sugar-free candies, and other goods may be harmful to an unborn child making them Foods for pregnant women to avoid. Small doses might be acceptable but consuming too much could have harmful consequences. 

Pro tip:- It’s important to read food labels and limit the amount of food and drink that contains artificial sweeteners. 

15. Don’t Eat Raw Or Unpasteurized Honey

Unpasteurized Honey

Botulism spores are dangerous bacteria that can be present in raw or unpasteurized honey. Pregnant women may be at risk from these bacteria for both themselves and their unborn child. To reduce the chance of becoming sick, raw honey must be avoided. 

Pro tip:- Always choose pasteurised honey which has been treated to eradicate any potentially dangerous bacteria. If you are unsure about what foods are safe for you to eat while pregnant don’t forget to speak with your doctor. 

16. Avoid Having Energy Drinks During Pregnancy

Energy drinks are high in caffeine and other stimulants which can be dangerous for you and your unborn child while you are pregnant. High caffeine consumption has been connected to problems like preterm labour, low birth weight and miscarriage. 

It’s important to avoid these foods during pregnancy and choose more nutritious energy sources like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. 

Pro tip:- To protect both your health and the health of your unborn child, never change your diet while you are pregnant without first consulting your physician. 

17. Limit Your Intake Of Refined Carbohydrates

Refined Carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrate consumption should be limited while pregnant. These can be found in foods such as sweetened beverages, sugary snacks, and white bread. Refined carbohydrates may raise blood sugar levels which may be harmful to both you and your unborn child and thus these foods to avoid during pregnancy. 

Pro tip:- As whole grains include more nutrients and fibre try to concentrate on eating them instead such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, and oats. 

18. Say Goodbye To Foods High In Artificial Additives

During pregnancy, artificial additives or preservatives should be foods to avoid during pregnancy because you and your unborn child may be harmed by these substances. Opt for whole fresh foods over processed ones whenever possible. 

Pro tip:- Read labels carefully and avoid foods with long ingredients that you can’t pronounce 

19. You Should Not Have Unpasteurized Or Raw Almonds

Raw Almonds are the foods to avoid during pregnancy. Raw almonds contain dangerous bacteria that could affect both you and your child hence it is better to have pasteurised almonds.

Pro tip: Remember that before making any dietary changes always consult your doctor. They can offer you specific advice about what foods are safe to eat during pregnancy.

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20. Do Not Have Excess Amount Of Ajwain (carom Seeds)

Ajwain or carom seeds is a well known spice in India which is added to food mainly for digestion and special taste. Nevertheless, pregnant women should not take large amounts of ajwain because these seeds can provoke the uterus and might cause contractions which in turn can lead to preterm labor or even miscarriage. 

While small amounts are used during cooking this is relatively safe for human consumption, however during pregnancy it is advisable to avoid ajwain in your food because it can affect your baby’s health.

Pro Tip: It is always important to seek your doctor’s approval before you add any of the spices and herbs during your pregnancy.


It’s important to pay attention to what you eat and drink during pregnancy because it has an immediate effect on your developing baby’s health. Many foods are healthy and safe for pregnant women but some foods to avoid during pregnancy include raw eggs, high-mercury fish, undercooked meat, certain soft cheeses, and unpasteurized dairy products. 

Moreover, for wellness for both the mother and her unborn child, it is wise for a pregnant woman to limit her intake of alcohol and caffeine, avoid artificial sweeteners and foods that are rich in refined carbohydrates. 

As regards the diet the expecting mothers should provide their bodies with nutrients that are necessary for a successful pregnancy through healthy diets that are foods containing vitamin and mineral, fruits vegetables lean proteins and whole grains. 

Furthermore, another big issue which should be explained to your daughters is health and safety tips, including how to teach your daughters about STD prevention and awareness.

Frequently Asked Question 

1. How can I keep up a healthy weight after giving birth?

A balanced diet that includes whole foods fruits vegetables lean proteins and whole grains should be your main priority. Incorporate frequent physical activity into your routine with your doctor’s approval and practice portion control and mindful eating to prevent overeating. 

2. Which are some of the foods that are unsafe for pregnant women?

 Do not eat fish that contain high levels of mercury such as swordfish, raw or rare beef, pork and poultry, raw or lightly cooked eggs and unpasteurized milk and soft cheeses. Such foods may be contaminated with various insects, bacteria or toxins which might be dangerous to your baby. 

3. Can I eat spicy food as a pregnant woman?

Spicy foods are better avoided during pregnancy because they can lead to heartburn and other health related problems so it is advisable to not to take very spicy foods regularly. If you love foods that are spiced, then take limited portions of spicy foods and check how your body works as a result. 

4. As a pregnant woman what foods are healthy for my baby?

Ensure you take many fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grain foods. Sprouted products, vegetables, and fruits containing vitamins and minerals plus products with proteins that will help in both the baby’s growth and your health. 

5. Is coffee safe for pregnant women?

One should be able to have coffee but it should not be in large proportions, a cup each in a day should be enough. Excessive consumption of caffeine may harm your unborn baby by increasing the chances of a miscarriage. One should always clarify with the doctor regarding her caffeine consumption.

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