20 Things To Avoid While Giving Blow Job To Men
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Giving a blowjob can be a form of intimacy between you and your partner increasing emotional and physical closeness and trust. Whenever you are giving a blow job you need to know about things to avoid and make sure that you have a safe and enjoyable experience for both of you.

Although everyone has different tastes, a few typical mistakes can lessen the enjoyment or cause discomfort. Whether you’re experienced with this or just trying to get better knowing these things to avoid while giving blow job to men will boost your confidence and make sure your partner is happy. 

In this article, we learn about 20 things to avoid while giving blowjobs to men. It is also important to note that for this to be enjoyable for both partners, the key is communication.

Things To Avoid While Giving Blow Job To Men

Some of the things that one should avoid when performing Blow jobs on Men are as follows; Knowing the right things to avoid while giving a blow job can make a big difference. 

In this blog, below we have mentioned things not to do while giving a blowjob. 

1. Not Covering The Teeth Properly

Covering The Teeth Properly

While giving a blowjob remember not to use your teeth because it can be a painful and uncomfortable experience for your partner and this is the most common Blowjob mistake that women make. You can try to cover your teeth with your lips keeping them soft. Use your mouth and tongue instead of teeth and be gentle with it. 

Start slowly and observe his response. If he seems uncomfortable, change your behaviour. Asking him what makes him feel good is important because communication is important. Take your time and pay attention to his comfort because the whole point is for you both to enjoy the experience.

Pro tip:- Use your lips and tongue instead of your teeth for giving him pleasurable blowjobs. 

2. Maintaining No Hygiene

Giving a blow job requires careful attention to hygiene. To ensure a positive experience both partners should make sure they are clean. To make it more exciting and pleasant for you both, give it a quick wash before you begin. Sweat and odours can be eliminated this way. 

It can also be beneficial to brush your teeth or use a fresh breath mint before giving a blowjob. By doing these small hygiene tips you can make sure that the experience is comfortable and enjoyable so that both of you can concentrate on enjoying the moment.

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3. Not Using Lubrication On His Penis

For everything to feel comfortable, pleasant and moist to them you must use lubricants when performing a blowjob. It’s better to make use of water-based lubricants or saliva while giving a blowjob since you do not want dryness in that area since friction will make it uncomfortable for both of you to continue after some time.

If you are worried about What are the things to avoid giving him a blowjob? Well, it is not lubricating the area properly where you can also feel uncomfortable and even painful not having a wet mouth or not using any lubricant. It is advised to make a lot of saliva or any appropriate lubrication so that everything remains wet. This will make the entire process much more enjoyable for you and your partner.

Pro tip:- Always use a good amount of saliva or lubricant to wet the penis for a better experience.

4. Don’t Force A Deep-Throat


Yes, deep-throating can be a lot of fun; however, one has to know their limitations. It can be awkward and uncomfortable to do it if you push yourself too hard. Go as deep as is comfortable for you and always pay attention to your body. 

To help control it, take it slow and inhale via your nose this is one of the tips for doing deep throat. It’s acceptable to pause and make adjustments if you begin to feel uncomfortable. You’ll have a better experience together and your partner will appreciate that you’re looking after yourself. 

5. Forgetting A Whole Region

Wondering about What are the things to avoid giving him a blowjob? So avoid just focusing on the penis and not giving attention to other genital parts while giving a blowjob to men. A man’s testicles and the immediate surrounding area can be very sensitive and erogenous anywhere along the genital area.

These places can be greatly stimulated through some light touching such as when kissing or gently rubbing. Try to explore other areas to discover where your partner feels most relaxed other than focusing on that particular area only. For the two of you, this can enhance the experience’s level of entertainment.

Pro tip:- Rather than forgetting a whole region give soft and gentle touches on testicles to cover the area for better experience. 

6. Giving Too Much Pressure

Too Much Pressure

The pressure that may be exerted while carrying out a blow job may be so much that it actually causes your partner a little discomfort or even pain. It is particularly true when it comes to working with sensitive areas; one must be patient and gentle with his or her touches. Begin with small movements and seek permission from your partner asking them if the touch is okay or not.

Be careful not to hold too tightly if using your hand while holding. You must become aware of your partner’s reactions as those are the things you should not make your partner go through so always change the pressure to make the session as enjoyable as possible. The best strokes are always light.

7. Less Use Of Hands

In addition, the use of your hands is very important in enhancing the blow job and avoiding using your hands while you give him a blow job is not a good idea. This is a way to use your hands if your mouth is busy, you can gently massage the penis. This can be great for your partner and also creates more stimulation.

Additionally, to enhance the experience you can lightly touch other parts such as the balls. Oh, and do not forget about your hands! They also bring the fun and the fun factor into the whole experience for your partner.

Pro tip:- Use your hands to massage the penis and touch the sensitive areas to make your partner arouse. 

8. Going Too Fast During Blowjob

Going Too Fast

Giving a blow job involves being patient and enjoying the process without necessarily rushing through it. When both of you try to rush, it may not be as enjoyable for the two of you. 

Be patient and focus on your partner’s boundaries. To maintain interest, try different methods. Don’t try to dominate while giving blow jobs or during sex take it easy. Well, do you know what is femdom? Basically it is a term used for female domination or BDSM over male. 

This will make the experience much more worthwhile if you take your time to build up the enthusiasm. By taking your time, you can show that you care for your partner’s pleasure and increase the level of everyone’s pleasure.

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9. Not Using Different Positions And Strategies

If you are also worried about how to do oral sex and for how long? Then, while giving a blowjob, do not just stick to one technique. It becomes tiring for both of you to repeatedly use the same motion. Instead, try to use other approaches including changing the pressure, speed and different motions.

You might want to try moving your tongue, lips, and even your hands to switch things up a little. This makes the experience enjoyable and exciting. What your spouse gets excited about seeing their reactions. To make it fun and interesting you should not stick to one means of practising, and should change it up often. 

Pro tip:– Keep changing your position, speed and pace as he likes and as per his preference. 

10. Focusing More On One Area

There is no need to spend loads of time on one section of a penis during a blow job. But after some time when one focuses on a particular area, it may seem interesting at the beginning but can become rather boring. To add a little more detail, start exploring the shaft head and even the balls.

For touching and stimulating these various regions use your mouth and hand. This way the partner will have a more satisfying experience as they shift from one position to another. Another advantage is to prevent any discomfort that may result from giving a specific area too much stimulation.

11. Skipping Foreplay With Him

Skipping Foreplay

One must give some time to foreplay before they can perform a blow job. They may not only touch or kiss but can also talk to each other in this or that way. Foreplay raises the level of excitement and makes the whole process more enjoyable and if you skip the foreplay with your partner it can be the worst thing about giving a blow job.

Communicate or just hang out. This way the bond remains close and shows that you care about how your partner feels. It also increases the quality of the whole time spent together with a man, if you know what happens before and after.

Pro tip:– Never forget the foreplay before any sexual activity. 

12. Making Excessive Noise During Blowjob

A blow job is supposed to make some noise, though not necessarily loud. To show that you are enjoying yourself go for soft sounds and groans. Moans can be one of the secret fantasies of men during sex. Making excessive noise though can be annoying or even irritating. 

Notice how your partner responds when you do that. If you notice that they are uncomfortable, try to remain silent for a short time. Essentially, you should ensure that your noise levels are low because a more enjoyable experience will be had by both of you.

13. Focusing Only On The Tip Of Penis

Tip Of Penis

When giving a blowjob, do not only focus on the head of the penis but also run your tongue over the base of the penis. Focusing just on the penis is the thing to not do during a blowjob. This ensures a higher level of pleasure for the partner in the relationship. The best thing to try is to lick, to kiss, and to suck different areas of this or that part, especially the base of the penis. 

How the blowjob is delivered has to be different and also enjoyable. Do not be afraid to go out and look for what makes you both most comfortable. This is one factor that should be kept in mind to make sure that the experience is not boring or less interesting.

Pro tip:– Explore different areas too with penis , don’t just focus on one area. 

14. Forgetting To Make Eye Contact With Him

Eye contact may increase intimacy and the feeling of being special during the blowjob. You can hold your partner tightly and look into his or her eyes, and such actions will create a better feeling between you and your partner, showing that you are committed to him or her. For the two of you, it can also be exciting and comforting at the same time. 

If you avoid eye contact, it may look less intimate or less personal, which is not what you want in such situations. Whenever possible try to look up and make eye contact especially if you’re both enjoying the moment. To both partners, this small thing can be a plus to the experience as it improves the whole feel.

15. Ignoring Your Partner’s Preferences

Partner's Preferences

Knowing what your partner enjoys is important because everyone has different likes and dislikes. Don’t just assume to know what they want this is the most common Blowjob mistake that women make. Find out what they prefer and pay close attention to what they have to say. 

This could include their preferred methods of pressure or speed. It’s more fun for both of you if you pay attention to their reactions and change it according to their preferences. You can show your concern for their comfort and happiness by acknowledging their unique preferences. 

Pro tip:- Before changing any technique or doing anything ask your partner about his preference. 

16. Being Insecure While Giving Him A Blowjob

When engaging in oral sex put less emphasis on your insecurities and more on having fun and connecting with your partner. Doubts are common but try not to let them spoil the experience because this can be the worst thing about giving a blow job. Enjoying the moment to the fullest with your partner is done by being engaged and present in the moment. 

Remember that having self-assurance and a cheerful outlook can improve the experience for you both. Your partner will value the care and attention you’re providing and you’ll probably feel more at ease if you concentrate on the enjoyment and connection. 

17. Not Applying for Protection When Necessary

Not Applying for Protection

Whenever oral sex is involved it’s important to wear protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). An infection can be prevented in part by using dental dams or condoms. It’s important to be cautious even in committed relationships particularly if you or your partner have a history of previous sexual relationships. 

Protecting yourself and your partner helps to keep you both safe and healthy. You can both have an enjoyable experience if safety is prioritised. 

Pro tip:- Always use condoms or dental dams while having oral sex to keep it safe and pleasurable. 

18. Ignoring The Right Method

It’s important to pay attention to what feels right for your partner because different things work for different people. Begin slowly and gently and as you see how they respond make changes. To find what they enjoy most, try changing your movements, pressure and speed. 

To make them feel the pleasure while giving blowjob make sure that you are paying attention to what they say and are willing to try new things with them. You can also discover the most effective techniques by communicating with each other or you both can consider sex counselling they can guide you through it. 

19. Not Engaging in Open Discussion About Likes and Dislikes

Ignoring your partner’s preferences can cause miscommunication and reduce your enjoyment of each other. It’s important to discuss openly what feels and doesn’t feel good.

This improves the experience and helps in understanding each other better. Throughout the process don’t be hesitant to provide feedback or ask questions. Make sure that you both are happy and relaxed apart from communicating your likes and dislikes to each other.

Pro tip :- Openly discuss your likes and dislikes with your partner. Open communication is the key.

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20. Not Enjoying It

The experience as a whole may suffer if you’re not having fun. Enjoy yourself and the moment as much as possible. Everything is more enjoyable for you and your partner when you’re comfortable and taking pleasure while giving him a blowjob. 

Not enjoying yourself is something to not do during a blowjob. Simply be yourself, have fun and don’t worry about your flaws. The experience can be more pleasurable for you both if you have a positive outlook and are enjoying it. 


In conclusion, a blowjob when done carefully and attentively can be a pleasurable and exciting experience for him. For the experience to be enjoyable for both partners common mistakes like using teeth or ignoring hygiene must be avoided. 

To keep things interesting don’t forget to use lubrication or flavoured condoms, express your likes and dislikes honestly and change your methods frequently. To improve comfort and pleasure take your time, be gentle and concentrate on the entire genital area. 

Protect and prioritise your health but don’t forget to enjoy yourself along the way. You can make the experience more fulfilling and enjoyable for you and your partner by following the above-given suggestions of things to avoid while giving blowjobs to men.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What should I not do to make him uncomfortable?

Using your teeth can be painful so try to avoid it to avoid discomfort. Use saliva or a water-based lubricant to make sure that there is enough lubrication to avoid dryness and friction. Furthermore, exert gentle pressure and modify it in response to your partner’s feedback. 

2. How should I give a deep throat without being awkward?

Take it slow and only do as far as you feel comfortable to control. Do not over-extend yourself instead breathe through your nose. If you start to feel uncomfortable then take breaks and keep changing your method. 

3. Why is it Important to find out what my partner likes or dislikes?

It’s easier to make sure you and your partner have fun when you communicate. You can adjust your approach to their preferences and increase the likelihood of a positive experience by talking about their likes and dislikes. 

4. How to maintain proper hygiene?

For an enjoyable experience, good hygiene is essential. Before the meeting, think about brushing your teeth and using mouthwash so that both partners are clean. Make sure your genital area is clean as well give it a quick wash if necessary. 

5. What part does confidence play in giving a blowjob?

You and your partner can have a much better experience if you are confident. Instead of worrying about perfection concentrate on savouring the present. Keep in mind that more than your appearance or performance your partner is probably more interested in the pleasure you provide.

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