Food That Lowers Sex Drive
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Have you ever thought that what you are eating may have a significant effect on your sexual life? Do you feel that you no longer feel the desire t o have sex or you get tired very easily and early, and you no longer have the strength and stamina to go for long hours? This might be because of the food you are eating.

In this article, we will be focusing on and discussing the food that lowers sex drive, and also tell you how food and food have a great impact on your sexual life. Not just this we will also be telling you about what you can eat to improve your sexual performance. So, let’s dive in to learn more about it.

Concept of Food, Sex Drive and Stamina? 

Sex drive and stamina are essential elements when it comes to sexual performance and food has a great role to play in it. There is food that lowers sex drive and there is also food that not only improves the sex drive and stamina but also your physical health. Though there are many ways how to increase stamina for sex, food is the most basic yet important element we often miss out on.  

What we eat has a great impact on our sexual performance and not just on our physical health. It affects sexual vitality, stamina, passion, sexual desires and sexual urges. If other issues are affecting your sexual life, seeking sex counseling or your doctor is a safe option. However, keeping an eye on what you eat is essential. Let’s have a look at food that decreases sex drive.

Food That Lowers The Sex Drive

We often don’t give a thought to what we eat, especially in terms of its impact on our sexual life. There are certain food that lowers your sex drive like:

1. Consuming Carbonated Beverages Or Cold Drinks

Cold Drinks

Do you often drink canned juices, other cold drinks, soda or other carbonated beverages? Be aware! It may taste super and quench your thirst but it is a food that lowers sex drive and hampers your sexual life. If you rarely drink it at a party or function that too monthly then it does not cause any problem but its excessive consumption does.

It leads to reduced sex desire and arousal which is one of the chief signs of low testosterone in males and even in females. It can also cause you gas or bloating during your most intimate moments. It is rather considered to opt for normal water or herbal tea rather than carbonated drinks as it is beneficial for both sexual and physical health.


2. Eating A Lot Of Spicy Food

Aren’t we all lovers of spicy food? Don’t we often go for something extra spicy? While some people consider spicy food to be a stimulating aspect and necessary food, it also comes with many side effects which harm sexual life and this makes it be regarded as food that decreases sex drive and even harms physical health.

Consuming spicy food that can lower your sex drive leads to heartburn and indigestion which makes the intimate movements uncomfortable. Though consuming a little spice can help you increase your testosterone levels, its excessive consumption can even affect you badly leading to different health issues. 

3. Indulgence In Alcohol And Smoking

Alcohol And Smoking

Normally alcohol is the way to start a romantic night, isn’t it? A few sips randomly or rarely may not cause any difference in your sexual life but the regular consumption of alcohol and smoking can significantly harm your sexual life. It is a food that lowers your sex drive and also damages your physical health. 

The excessive use of alcohol and smoking can damage your blood vessels and reduce blood flow to the genitals, it also impairs judgment and decreases arousal, leading to erectile dysfunction. Complete avoidance or consuming them rarely is the only way you can work on improving your sex drive and sexual well-being.

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4. Including Excess Processed Food

Other food that decreases sex drive is going for processed food and heavily greased food. The consumption of greasy food regularly can cause bloating and make you feel lethargic. It also diverts the blood flow route from the genitals. The added preservation and additives in processed food impact the hormone level and sexual health.

Have you ever wondered whether can obesity cause sex problems? Yes, it does. The consumption of heavy greased and processed food can lead you to gain excessive weight and reduce your testosterone levels which is the driving force of sexual urges in both men and women. 

5. Going For Excess Sugar Regularly

Excess Sugar

Do you have the habit of adding a little extra sugar to everything or are you a sweet-tooth person? Excessive sugar intake is counted as food that lowers your sex drive in the long run or even early. The excessive intake of sugar causes insulin resistance and inflammation in the body which hampers blood flow to the organs.

The reduced blood flow in the body and the various organs including the genitals results in low testosterone levels and can cause erectile dysfunction in males and female dysfunction in women causing reduced sexual desires and stamina in the body. It also leads to excessive weight which leads to poor sexual life. 

6. Excessive Coffee Intake Also Reduces Libido

One is not wrong when they say that drinking coffee lights their mood and helps in increasing their stamina but as said excessiveness of anything is just not good! Excessive coffee is another food that decreases sex drive, despite being a stimulant. A moderate intake is beneficial in reducing stress and lifting sex life.

Excessive intake of the same leads it to be named a food that can lower your sex drive. Excessive coffee consumption can make you jittery and even increase the cortisol levels which instead of reducing stress leads to increased stress levels and also hormonal imbalance in the body. 

7. Adding Too Much Salt To Your Food

Too Much Salt

We all have the habit of munching on snacks now and then and we even add a little salt to fit it to our taste buds, don’t we? But, excessive salt is also another food that lowers your sex drive! The excess of salt does not suit the sexual life. Salt is all sodium and high levels of sodium are not good for the body as well as your sex life.

Due to the increase in the level of sodium in the body, the chances of hypertension and cardiovascular issues increase which results in impaired blood flow in the body. Blood flow is an essential component when it comes to a good sexual life as it regulates almost all of the sexual aspects like desires, stamina, and other issues.

Food That Increases Your Sex Drive?

Where there is food that lowers sex drive, there is also food that is known as sex boosting food. Some of them are:

1. Include Arginine-rich Food In Your Diet

Arginine-rich food is another sex boosting food that contributes towards the production of nitric oxide which relaxes the blood vessels, improves circulation and increases the sex drive. Further, it helps males maintain erection and increases sensation and arousal in women along with enhancing stamina in both genders.

Adding arginine-rich foods to your diet is one of the tips to increase libido like adding seafood, nuts and seeds, lean meats, legumes, dairy products, peanuts and other products that contain arginine to enhance your sexual performance and well-being. It is essential to understand that a complete diet is necessary for good sexual performance.

2. Go For More Dry Fruits Daily

Dry Fruits Daily

When it comes to how to increase sex drive, one of the ways is through food items and under that it is dry fruits, that can be your savior. Dry fruits are secret to sexual stamina, vitality, strength, increased libido and testosterone levels. Including dry fruits in your diet will not only help you build your sexual power but also your physical power. 

Not working on your diet is what decreases sexual stamina. Try including dry fruits Like almonds, dates, pistachios, figs, cashews, walnuts, raisins, and apricots into your diet by having them in the morning as a snack as they have the potential to reduce stress, increase arousal, reduce erectile dysfunction, and lead to blood flow. 

Sex Foods: A Complete Diet Plan
Food That Lowers Sex Drive 5

3. Add Green Vegetables To Your Diet

Green vegetables are not only sex boosting food but are also the key to a healthy lifestyle. They contribute towards your overall well-being along with helping your sexual vitality. They can significantly increase your sexual power by contributing to boosting your libido, and testosterone levels, and are rich in nutrients and vitamins.

This is one of the tips to increase libido, that is to add green leafy vegetables to your regular diet at least once or twice a day. You can consume vegetables like spinach, broccoli, cucumber, cabbage, drumsticks, green onions, etc. Other vegetables like carrots, beets, onions, and eggplant are also some other vegetables you can add.

4. Include The Easily Available Spices In Your Food

Spices In Your Food

There’s a magic element in your kitchen that can potentially help you with your sexual life! There are many ways how spices can increase sex drive like they are known to increase sexual urges, desires and hormonal levels. Further, they help in increasing the blood flow in the body which also improves sperm quality and quantity. 

If you want to know how to increase sex drive, you can do it by adding them to your food, tea or other dishes but make sure to add them in low quantities. Some of the spices good for sexual life are cinnamon, ginger, cloves, cardamom, garlic, Jaifal, Fenugreek seeds and many others available in your kitchen or market.

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5. Ayurvedic Herbs Can Also Do Wonders

You might know but ayurvedic herbs have great potential to lift your sexual power! There are lots of ayurvedic herbs which are considered sex boosting food as they lead to balance in hormonal levels, libido, and stamina, and are known to increase the sexual well-being of the person. There are many such ayurvedic herbs which have stimulating properties.

If you want to improve your sexual wellness, adding ayurvedic herbs to your diet is one of the tips to increase libido. You can consume moderate amounts of Ashwagandha, Safed Musli, Shatavari, Gokshura, Trikatu, Tulsi, Mulethi and many more. Adding them in small amounts to your diet or consuming them with water both are beneficial. 


Wrapping up the article, avoiding food that lowers sex drive not only helps in improving your sexual life but also leads to improvement in your sexual health. Going for a healthy, balanced diet can help you to improve your sexual performance significantly. If you want to know other methods of how to increase stamina naturally, it can be through exercises, working in reducing stress, anxiety and others.

If certain issues are not limited to food or need attention you can go for couple counseling to discuss the sexual problems and find the solutions to it. Working on how to increase sex drive is essential to having satisfied sexual health and life. Thus, try to improve your diet and pay attention to it with proper steps.


1. What are the different ways to boost sex drive?

Some of the tips to increase libido are going for kegel exercises, reducing stress and anxiety, working on staying positive and happy, meditation, etc. There are many benefits of bee breathing for sex and similarly, there are other techniques that help in improving libido or sexual desires. 

2. What habits lead to a decrease in libido?

When it comes to what decreases sexual stamina, there are certain habit kike living a sedentary lifestyle, consumption of excessive sugar, greased food, alcohol consumption and smoking, no physical activity, stress and anxiety, poor sleeping pattern, pornography addiction and others. 

3. Which drinks help in increasing sex drive? 

Knowing how to increase sex drive is essential, there are a few drinks and juices that help in increasing your sex drive like black tea, herbal tea, red wine, drinks rich in flavonoids, pomegranate juice, green tea and others. Just make sure that you consume it in moderation. 

4. What happens in sex drive or stamina decreases?

The answer to what decreases sexual stamina is that reduced sex drive and stamina lead to poor sex satisfaction. No urge to perform sex, distance from the partner, loss of confidence, conflicts, sexual frustration and degrading sexual and personal life with the partner.

5. What impact does obesity have on sex drive?

Obesity has a huge impact on your sexual life. Consuming food which leads to excessive weight is also the food that can lower your sex drive. Thus, obesity causes reduced blood flow, poor stamina, loss of self-confidence, low sex drive, decreased testosterone levels and others.

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