Imagine you are all ready to perform sex, and just before the blow job, your partner criticises you for your unhygienic sexual habits. Isn’t it embarrassing to have an unwashed penis? What if your penis smells foul and you are in a crowd?
These situations don’t take place; hence, it is important to take certain necessary steps. But what are those necessary steps? In this article, we will be talking about how to wash your penis. The main focus of the article is penis health. Apart from the tips to clean male private parts, other things which this article will be focusing on are what can happen if you don’t maintain penis hygiene, do’s and don’ts of the same and when you must visit a doctor. So, let’s begin with understanding all about penis health or hygiene.
What Happens If You Don’t Maintain Penis Hygiene?
Before we move onto the tips to clean male private parts and its process it is essential to know what happens if you don’t maintain penis hygiene. There can be several repercussions of the same, a few of which we will be talking about now:
1. It Can Cause Bacterial And Fungal Infections
Do you know what is balanitis? It is an infection caused in the head and the foreskin of the penis which leads to inflammation, itchiness and other issues. When you don’t maintain private parts cleanliness and there is a habit of poor intimate hygiene in males, it can cause bacterial and fungal infection in and around the penis especially in the foreskin and head like balanitis and others because of accumulation of dirt particles hence it becomes necessary thus to take care of hygiene especially in your private areas as it not only keeps you clean but also prevents bacterial and fungal infections.
2. Can Lead To Urinary Tract Infection
Apart from bacterial and fungal infections, poor intimate hygiene in males can also lead to urinary tract infections (UTI). The unhygienic condition in private parts can lead to infections, which can further travel to the urinary tract, which can lead to UTI. It can lead to severe consequences and even harm fertility in males, urinary problems or other diseases caused by poor genital hygiene in males. Performing sex in this condition can also lead to UTI in females as the fluids travel through the body while in intercourse. Thus it becomes important that you make sure to wash your penis at regular intervals to avoid any such circumstances.
3. There Can Be Smegma Buildup And Foul Odour
Before we move on to how to clean male genitals, it becomes essential to know what it can lead to. Smegma is the whitish substance forming on the head and under the foreskin of the penis. Usually, it is cleaned by washing, but if you don’t wash your penis regularly, then it can lead to smegma build-up, which can further lead to different infection bacterial and fungal. It also gives out foul smell from the private parts which can make your physical and sexual life problematic. Having poor intimate hygiene in males can lead to a bad smell from their genitals, which, if not treated, can lead to other serious issues.
4. Can Cause Other STD Or Infections

Do you know the reasons why STD happens? Many times the reason for sexually transmitted diseases is due to poor intimate hygiene in males. If proper hygiene is not maintained it can lead to phimosis (tight foreskin) and other issues like STD. The infections increase the risk of poor sexual performance, infertility, STD, and other issues in males; hence, it becomes important to work on intimate area hygiene not just for females, as emphasised, but also for males. We will now move to the next section of the article, which is how to wash your penis.
How To Wash Your Penis?
To avoid infection and sexually transmitted diseases which can be caused by poor hygiene in intimate areas, it is necessary to know how to wash your penis. Not just to prevent infections but also to feel good in yourself and clean, it is necessary that you know how to maintain hygiene in your private parts. So, here are the following steps:
1. Wash It With Slight Warm Water

The first step in how to clean private area male is to wash the area or penis with slightly warm water. Whenever you go to wash your penis, you must know that neither you should wash it with very cold water or very hot water. The water should be more than enough to be poured over your penis. It is the first one among the few steps to clean male private parts.
2. Pull Your Foreskin Back Wash With Foam Based Soap
As you’re washing your penis with the warm water the next step you must do is to pull the foreskin and wash it. Gently pulling back the skin every day is also how to treat tight foreskin, which can be caused by an unhygienic penis. If you are not circumcised, pull the skin and wash the area with foam-based soap which is mild since it is one of the ways to clean penis.
3. Wash The Tip Of The Penis Properly

Another step in how to wash your penis is also to clean the head of the penis. You must not forget the head of the penis as if it is not cleaned it can lead to problems like balanitis or phimosis. Similarly, like the above steps to clean male private parts, clean them with warm water and foam-based mild soap properly without rubbing too hard, as it can lead to scratches and wounds in your penile area.
4. Wash It While Bathing Or Before Sleeping
Now you know how to clean private area male but when should you wash it? It is advised that you should cream your penis once every day, either when you are taking a bath or before you go to sleep. Apart from taking care of hygiene when you have sex, it is important that you make a routine of cleaning your private areas when you go to bath and also when you go to sleep at night. So, these are the ways to clean penis.
Do’s And Don’ts Of Penis Hygiene
However, when you start knowing how to wash your penis, there are other things that you must know and take care of to avoid any wounds to your penis when you are just trying to wash it. In this section, we will be discussing the dos and don’ts of penis hygiene which is an important part of penis cleaning.
1. Don’t Rub The Skin Roughly

You do know now how to clean private area, male, but how must you clean your penis? Do you rub it? Or just slightly clean it? When you are washing your penis you must take care that you rub your penis or foreskin or the head of the penis too harshly. It can lead to scratch, redness and even at times cause a burning sensation around the foreskin if you rub it too harshly therefore, while following the steps to clean male private parts, make sure that you don’t end up putting on too much pressure on your penis that it ends up hurting you and seek consultation from a doctor.
2. Stop Using Harsh Soap
Along with avoiding excessive rubbing, one thing that you must avoid when you are carrying out the ways to clean penis is to stop using harsh soap. Usually, the penis is to be cleaned with warm water only; however, if at all you need to use soap, then you must go for mild soap. Avoid using harsh chemical soap as it can cause a burning sensation, itchiness, rashes and other problems around the genitals. When going through the tips to clean male private parts, do proper research on the products you are buying for your genital health since not everything is made for your private parts.
3. Keep Your Penis Dry

An important step that you must never forget when you look into how to wash your penis is to always make sure your penis is clean and dry. Keeping your penis clean and dry helps you avoid foul smells which may be caused by the accumulation of sweat and other things. Therefore whenever you go for the steps to clean male private parts, always after washing the penis, use a soft cloth and wipe dry the penis. It is essential that you use a soft cloth as it won’t rub the skin harshly and will make you feel good. Just like it is important to care for your physical health you must take care of your penis health.
4. Wear Clean Undergarments
Want to know how to deal with the problem of erection in males? Just cleaning or washing the penis is not enough; the clothes you are wearing are also important. The quality of undergarments you wear also directly or indirectly plays a role in your penis health. The quality of the undergarment is important as a poor quality undergarment can cause rashes on your penis and harm it. Therefore apart from the ways to clean penis, undergarments have a significant impact on your penis health. Therefore, choose the material and type of underwear carefully to avoid problems unnecessarily.
5. Practice Safe Sex

One of the most common reasons why do sexual problem happen in males is not going for safe sex. Safe sex is essential not just to avoid any sexually transmitted diseases, infections, or other genital-related issues but also to avoid any penis-related issues. Also, using protective measures kike condoms, dental dams, and cleaning of the genitals before and after sex is essential. Don’t take any risks, as it can cause problems both for you and your partner. So, along with understanding the steps of how to clean male genitals, it is essential that you practise safe sex.
When To Visit A Doctor?
Just cleaning or washing your penis isn’t enough; if you think that only cleaning is enough, then yes, cleaning your penis can help you avoid many sexual issues, but at times, it becomes very important to consult a doctor. So, how do you know when you should consult your doctor? Here, we will tell you some signs which indicate you should visit a doctor.
1. If You Have Red Rashes Or Spots

Apart from knowing how to clean male genitals, it is also important that you know when you should visit a doctor. If you see that you have red rashes or spots on your penis, then you should not delay and consult the doctor as it may signal different diseases caused by poor genital hygiene in males, like balanitis, etc. There can be different reasons as to why red spots are appearing, and it may be due to sexually transmitted diseases; therefore, your first step towards penis health should be showing to a doctor so that you don’t have to face any serious issues later, which can have grave consequences.
2. Bleeding Or Sticky Substance Is Coming Out

There are many diseases caused by poor genital hygiene in males, which require check-ups from a specialised doctor. If you see bleeding or some sticky substance flowing out or excessive smegma build-up, then you quickly consult a doctor because it can be a very serious issue and shouldn’t be ignored. Sexual health is very important because it determines a lot of things in your personal life. Apart from following the ways to clean private parts after sex, it is essential that you consult a doctor, get yourself checked and take proper care to avoid any further issues and extreme problems.
3. When There Is Extreme Smell Coming From Penis
It might happen that you are following the tips to clean male private parts, but still, there are some issues you are facing, like a foul smell from your penis; this is a sign that you should visit a doctor as it indicates an underlying issue or problem in your genitals. Many times, foul smell is the indicator of any infections or diseases around the genitals, and hence, if you work on hygiene but still the smell is foul and stays, then apart from following the ways to clean private parts after sex, you must see a doctor so that it can be cured before it turns into something extreme.
4. You Have Pain In Your Penis
Another reason why you should visit a doctor is when you have pain in your penis or surrounding areas. You can go for sex counseling or visit specialised doctors as experiencing pain is not common when it is your penis that is hurting. There can be many different reasons like it can indicate any of the diseases caused by poor genital hygiene in males or be a sign of underlying issues in males. Therefore, if you are not hurt and still have pain in your penis along with other symptoms which are stated above then you should visit a doctor without any delay.
As we conclude the article on how to wash your penis, we would further enlighten you about penis health. Male genitals are very sensitive organs which should be taken care of. Apart from washing and maintaining hygiene, it is essential that you maintain a healthy lifestyle because it affects not only your penis health but also your sexual performance. Avoid excessive masturbation as it can harm your penis for which you can take addiction counseling in case you need it. Following the ways to clean private parts after sex is important to avoid any infections and sexually transmitted diseases and stay sexually healthy. Properly wash your penis every day to maintain sexual hygiene and feel good.
1. How Often Should One Wash The Penis?
It is recommended that you should wash your penis at least once every day. It can be the time when you take a bath before you go to sleep, or you are going to the washroom, but make sure that you clean your private parts at least once or twice every day so that you don’t have hygiene issues related to private parts.
2. How To Keep The Penis Healthy?
One of the ways to keep your penis healthy is knowing how to clean private area male, apart from this, you should have an active lifestyle along with a healthy diet and exercises. This will increase blood circulation through your genitals which will make your penis healthy and improve your sexual life.
3. How To Clean Female Private Parts?
Just like males must know how to clean their private parts, females should also know how to clean the vagina for sexual hygiene. One of the ways is to wash it with water. You can use very mild soap, and clean the vulva along with the folds. Dry it clean with soft water, avoid rubbing it and put your finger in the vagina.
4. What Are The Signs Of Healthy Penis?
Some of the signs of a healthy penis are that you have good quality and quantity erection, no ejaculation issues, foul smell from your private parts, no extreme rashes, itchiness and other issues. A healthy penis leads to a good sexual life which feels fuller and strong without any pain.
5. How To Take Care Of Pubic Hair?
On how to clean male genitals, it is also essential to know how to take care of your pubic hair. There are different options available that you can go for, like shaving, waxing, trimming, using hair removal cream and others. If you are a beginner, just be careful; however, none of them are painful.
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