How To Meditate: 8 Amazing Scientific Tips Of Meditation For Beginners
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Want to know how to do meditation at home? Or how to meditate effectively? We will tell you here how to meditate as a beginner. Meditation is the state of being where you focus your mind on any object, point, breath, etc to gain peacefulness, calmness, and a feeling of contentment. There are many benefits of meditation. So let’s learn how to meditate. But before that let’s know about some of the benefits of meditation.

Benefits Of Yoga and Meditation

Benefits Of Yoga and How To Meditate

There are many benefits of doing meditation. Long-term meditation positively impacts your body and brings about a lot of changes. Yoga meditation benefits include resolving a lot of daily life issues and relaxing the body. Moreover, there are no side effects of meditation until and unless you have some major issue. Let’s check some of the meditation benefits.

  • Increase focus
  • Reduces anxiety and stress
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Improves sleep
  • Makes you contend
  • Brings relief to pain
  • The immune system becomes strong
  • This leads to self-connection
  • Helpful in depression

How To Meditate For Beginners

If you are a beginner, many questions would be coming to your mind like how to meditate for beginners? How to start meditating? and so on. These are common questions that every beginner thinks about. We will tell you here how to meditate properly so that you can gain maximum advantages of meditation. Let’s check on how to start meditating step by step.

Meditation For Beginners

1. Find a Calm Place

The initial step of meditating is to find a calm and peaceful place. A peaceful place will help you to concentrate and focus more and thus result in increased productivity and efficiency.

2. Sit Still Just For a Few Minutes

As a beginner, the next step should be to sit still for a few minutes. This is an important step because sitting still is very difficult and hence practicing it is necessary. This helps you to calm your body and mind, and you will never feel the need of mental health help.

3. Set a Time For Meditation

Setting a time for meditation is important. This helps you to concentrate and know how long you can meditate in the initial days. In the initial days, you must start with either 5 or 10 minutes of meditation and then increase the time gradually.

4. Close Your Eyes

After setting the time you must close your eyes and take a deep breath. At this stage, you must relax completely and let yourself free. You must not force yourself to breathe.

5. Concentrate on Your Breath

Now you must shift your concentration on your breath. You may either do this by counting your breath each time you inhale and exhale or just follow the movement of a body while you are breathing in or out. Let your breath come naturally and exhale it slowly and calmly.

6. Let Thoughts Come and Go

You may realize that a lot of thoughts come to your mind while you are meditating. You don’t have to get disturbed by that, it is normal. Just acknowledge the thought and again return to your breath. You must recognize your thoughts.

7. Do Not Move Much

Again it is common that you are unable to sit still. Try not to move too much and concentrate on your breath while your meditation is going to end. Movements will only distract you and break your focus, try to stay calm and very still. Although in the initial days you will feel like standing up, you must not do this.

8. Gently Open Your Eyes

You should very slowly and very gently open your eyes and then let yourself move to start from your fingers to your hands and legs and then stand up and stretch your full body.

Now you know the whole process of meditation and you should practice this every day and enjoy the meditation benefits.

Scientific Tips Of Meditation For Beginners

There are many professional counselling treatment and scientific tips of meditation are there which helps to increase focus, concentration, strengthen the immune system and live soulfully. Here, we are going to tell you about some of the scientific tips of meditation that will give you maximum benefit.

Tips Of Meditation

1. Try to Concentrate on Breathing for More Focus

The first step of meditation tips for beginners is to concentrate on your breath as it will increase your focus and concentration level. You can count your breath while you are exhaling and inhaling. One for inhaling, two for existing, and so on until ten. Then again start counting. This will keep you focused and prevent thoughts.

2. Find a Calm Place, be it Anywhere

Another meditation tip you must follow as a beginner is to find a calm and peaceful place. The ones practicing meditation for quite a long time are not distracted by noise but the ones practicing it for the first time may feel disturbed and hence you must look for a calm place.

3. Allow Natural Change in Movements and Breadth

Do not force yourself to breathe or stiffen your body. You must allow yourself to breathe naturally and normally as you do. Recognize the movements and noises around you and then again try to shift your focus on your breathing. This will help you to sharpen your brain and increase concentration.

4. Try to Return to Meditation the Next Day

Many do not love to meditate but if you have decided to meditate you must not leave it. Come back the next day even if you don’t want to. Try to form a habit of it and gradually you will see changes in yourself. Changes that are positive and fill your life with happiness.

5. Meditation Sharpens Your Brain

There is no doubt in the fact that meditation will sharpen your brain. Consistency in meditation helps the body in many ways, one among which is increased concentration in the sharpening of the brain. With regular and efficient meditation you can achieve this.

6. Welcome the Incoming Thoughts

Welcome the Incoming Thoughts

Try not to push away the incoming thoughts. It is very natural to encounter thoughts while you are meditating. Welcome your incoming thoughts, acknowledge them and then shift your focus to the point or your breath. Slowly and gradually you will see that you are no longer affected by these thoughts.

7. It is Not Necessary to Sit Cross-Legged

Yet another but the significant scientific meditation tips for beginners is that it is not necessary to sit crossed leg. You can sit on your chair, bed, sofa, or anywhere you are comfortable. The only thing to note is that you must be able to peacefully meditate and the place should also be calm.

8. A Deep Breath is a Step to Meditation

Another important tip for meditation is to take deep breaths at first while meditating. It helps you to relax your body and thus concentrate more and feel at ease. This helps to calm the nervous system and also lowers blood pressure.


Now, you know all about how to meditate at home or any place effectively. Meditation is not about just relaxing your body and mind but about focusing and letting yourself free. It also includes self-realization, understanding the pain, and becoming a better version of yourself by bringing about positive changes. Effects of meditation are the same as well, you become much more content, peaceful and calm. So, when you know all about meditation, why not start it today. You can practice meditation anytime and anywhere. Just take a step towards betterment and see the changes yourself.

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