How To Be A Good Parent? 8 Top Parenting Tips - Best Clinical Psychologist In India - Dr Neha Mehta
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Raising kids is one of the most challenging and most fulfilling jobs in the world — and the one for which you might feel the least prepared. Here are the 8 top parenting tips to make your job easier.

What Makes a Good Parent?

Good parents are those who work in the best interests of their children. A parent’s actions are not the only thing that defines a great parent. But, their intentions can also be important.

You don’t have to be perfect to be a good parent. No one is perfect. This is why it is important to keep this in mind when setting our expectations. Success in parenting does not mean perfection. This doesn’t mean we should stop striving for perfection. First, set high standards for yourself and then for your children. They look up to us as role models.

Top parenting tips

8 Top Parenting Tips

These are 8 top parenting tips to help you feel happier as a parent.

1. Boost your child’s self-esteem

As babies, children develop a sense of self when looking at their parents. Your children will absorb your tone, body language, and every expression. More than anything, your words and actions as parents affect their self-esteem.

Children will feel proud of their accomplishments, no matter how small. They will feel empowered and capable if they can do the work themselves. Children will feel inferior if they are made to feel like they are worthless by making unfavorable comments about their peers or comparing them with others.

Avoid using words or phrases as weapons. Comments like, “What a stupid thing!” You act more like your little kid!” can be just as damaging as caused by physical blows. Be mindful of your words and show compassion. Be understanding and let your children know that mistakes happen.

2. Catch kids being good

Did you ever stop to consider how often you react negatively towards your children? Sometimes you may find yourself criticizing more than complimenting. What would you think about a boss who gave you so much negative guidance even though it was good intentions?

It’s better to capture kids doing something good like – “You made your own bed without asking — that’s fantastic!” Or “I was watching you play with your brother, and you were so patient.” These statements are more effective than repeated scoldings at encouraging good behavior.

Every day, find something to be proud of. Give your children a lot of love and hugs. You will soon see that you are “growing” in the behavior you desire.

3. Set limits and be consistent with your discipline

Every household needs discipline. Discipline is designed to teach children self-control and help them choose acceptable behavior. While they may be able to test the boundaries you set for them, they still need those limits in order to become responsible adults.

Children learn to manage their expectations by setting house rules. You might have some rules like no TV before homework has been completed. Avoid hitting, name-calling, or hurtful teasing.

It might be a good idea to have a system in place. One warning is followed by consequences like a “timeout” or loss of privileges. Failure to enforce the consequences is a common error made by parents. Consistency teaches you what to expect.

4. Make time for your children

Top parenting tips
How To Be A Good Parent? 8 Top Parenting Tips 4

Parents and children often find it difficult to have a meal together, let alone spend quality family time. You can get up earlier to eat breakfast together, or you can take a walk with your child after dinner. Children who don’t get the attention they deserve from their parents are more likely to act out or be disruptive.

It is a great idea for parents to plan time together with their children. Each week, you can create a “special evening” for your family and let the kids decide how you spend it. Find other ways to connect with your kids. Put a note or something in their lunchbox.

Adolescents require less attention from parents than their younger siblings. Parents should make every effort to reach out to their teenagers when they are interested in participating in family activities or talking to them as teens have fewer opportunities to meet with their parents. 

Participating in concerts, games, and other events with your teenager communicates care and allows you to get to know your child’s friends in meaningful ways.

If you are a working parent, don’t feel guilty. The little things that you do, such as making popcorn, playing with cards, and window shopping, are what your kids will remember.

5. Show your love

There is no such thing as loving your child too much. Loving them doesn’t mean you spoil them. You can only do or give what you want in the name and spirit of love. This includes over-protection, material indulgence, leniency, and low expectations. If you give these things instead of real love, then you will have a spoilt child.

It doesn’t have to be difficult to love your child. All you need is to spend time with them, listen to their problems, and give them hugs. These acts of love can stimulate the release of positive hormones like oxytocin.

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These neurochemicals can give us a deep feeling of calm, emotional warmth, and contentment. The child will also develop resilience from these feelings.

6. Be patient

As we gain more responsibilities in our personal life, patience becomes the currency we use to pay for it all. It starts to show in our daily lives as we lose patience. It can also be exuded in our interactions with children, which leads to neglect or wrongful parenting. 

You can avoid this by practicing mindfulness and positivity in your pursuits of life. Parenting is about 50% of what you do for your child and 50% of what you do for yourself. You will not see any results if you don’t start to examine how you talk, deal and behave with your child. 

You cannot practice the same things with your child as you do with other people. Patience can be a virtue that is either good or bad. It is a virtue that can be practiced in every aspect of your life. Only then will it be possible to apply it as a parent successfully.

7. Reward intelligently

People of means are more likely to provide for their children in ways that they don’t necessarily consider “providing” as such. A well-known saying is that a wealthy father or mother will just throw his/her credit card at the child, believing that it will make the child happy. 

Parenting is not about material rewards. Parenting is more than a temporary, material joy. It is about the development of a person. This is true for excessive praise. Don’t encourage your children to take on too much pride or overconfidence. 

It will be difficult to repair the damage caused by them falling back to earth. Positive parenting is about rewarding your child in the right way. To be able to properly reward your child, you must practice humility, moderation, and satisfaction in your life. 

Kind words, appreciation, and kind words (not praise) are all good ways to show your child you care. There are better ways to reward children than giving them gifts or spoils.

8. Be a role model

Watching their parents can teach young children a lot about how they act. Your child’s age will determine how much they learn from you. Think about what you would like your child to do when they get mad. Your children are constantly watching you. Research has shown that kids who are hit often become more aggressive.

Your children should model the qualities you want them to have: kindness, respect, friendship, honesty, kindness, and tolerance. Exhibit unselfish behavior. 

Give back to others without expecting a reward. Give compliments and express gratitude. Treat your children the same way you would expect others to treat you.


As a parent, who you are is what your child sees first, so before helping them shape their lives, start by positively living your own life. The good thing is parenting is difficult, it is also gratifying. The bad part is the rewards come much later than the hard work. But if we try our best now, we will eventually reap the benefits by strengthening relationships with kids. Don’t forget to try out these top parenting tips.

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