Can Obesity Cause Sex Problems
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Are you worrying that your increasing or increased body weight can cause problems in your sexual life?

Weight and sex are interrelated and weight influences your sexual performance and experience. Our body determines how the other body parts function both physically and sexually. In this article, we will be dealing with the question: can obesity cause sex problems?

Apart from knowing how weight affects sex life, it is important to know how weight and sex are interrelated and what to do to reduce your weight so that you have a seamless trouble-free sexual life. So, it is essential to understand the dynamics of sex and weight, therefore let’s dive in.

Is Obesity And Sex Related?

Obesity and sex both have an inverse relationship, the increase in the proportion of one decreases the other. Although it is usually one way, your sexual life greatly depends on your weight. So, can obesity cause sex problems? Yes, the increase in body weight leads to decreased sexual activity and pleasure in both genders.


One of the reasons why sexual problems happen in males and females is due to their increased body weight. There is a direct link between your body weight and your sexual performance as obesity brings about many changes in the body. In the next section, we will be discussing the effects of obesity on sex and understand how they are related. 

How Does Weight Affect Your Sexual life?

How can obesity cause sex problems is the point of discussion in this section. It is a major

concern that must be addressed, so let’s dive in to find answers to Does obesity affects  sex life?

1. It Decreases The Testosterone Levels In The Body

Testosterone Levels

One of the effects of obesity on sex is that it disrupts the hormonal level in the body such as testosterone levels. One of the signs of low testosterone levels is that you have immense weight. The increased fat levels lead to insulin resistance which causes the decrease in testosterone levels as it disrupts the hormonal balance in the body.

Also, obesity leads to the conversion of testosterone hormones into estrogen which causes a decrease in testosterone levels, the sex hormone that is responsible for sexual life and desires in males and also leads to sexual urges in females. This is how obesity and sex are related to each other and affect the sexual metabolism.

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2. Can Cause Erection Issues In Male

Most of the time the erection problem faced by males is the effect of weight on sex life. Being overweight often causes problems of erection like premature ejaculation due to the significant decrease in testosterone levels. Also, the psychological impact of obesity like stress, depression, or anxiety contributes to erection issues in men.

To get a firm erection it is essential to work on reducing your weight. Further, along with that, you can go for the premature combo by Nature Mania which helps in improving your erection issues like premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, etc. So, now you must know the answer to does obesity affects sex life or not.

3. Build Fear Of Experimenting With Sex

Experimenting With Sex

Have you ever felt that your partner is being conscious of their performance due to their

appearance? This is one of the effects of obesity on sex, when a person is confident of their appearance, they are confident in bed. The increased weight blurs this confidence and builds in fear of experimenting with sex or even performing it.

The inbuilt fear and stress of not being attractive to your partner or being able to perform disharmonized sexual life. You can go for sex counseling to deal with the issues creeping into your sexual life even if that is due to obesity. This is how obesity and sex are intermingled and weight has a huge impact on your sexual life.

4. Decrease Your Sexual Urges And Desires

Low sexual urges and desires are another effect of weight on sex life. The decrease in

testosterone levels and the fear of not looking attractive to your partner decreases the sexual urges and desires in both men and women. It causes them to avoid performing m sex and stay distant from each other which disrupts their sexual life.

You can go for couple counseling to understand how weight and sex are interrelated and what you can do to increase sexual desires and urges. So, you might have a clear idea of does obesity affects sex life or not. The increase in weight decreases your sexual desires and potential along with stamina.

5. Females Escape Or Fear Having Sex

Fear Having Sex

The effects of obesity on sex life is not only visible in males but also in females. The small

amount of testosterone hormones present in females is responsible for sexual desires and urges and a decrease in these hormones causes them to shift away from sexual acts and their partner. It even causes hormonal disbalance in their body.

This is how weight affects sex life, it makes the women feel that they are no longer desired by their partners and fear experimenting with different positions and methods surrounded by many overthinking thoughts. It also reduces their confidence in bed due to their bulging weight, therefore, females are equally harmed by obesity.

6. Causes Medical Performance Which Causes Poor Sexual Life

Obesity also affects you indirectly as it is one of the reasons that give birth to many other illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure, low stamina, and cardiovascular problems which all contribute to the effect of weight on sex life, that is, harming it. Medical performance is another reason which causes poor sexual life.

Many people often come up with the question: does obesity affects sex life? Yes, obesity leads to other medical conditions which have a huge impact on your sex life like diabetes, which causes issues in hormones, sexual desires and others. Following the sex tips for diabetic patients can help you but it is essential to have a permanent solution.

How To Reduce Weight To Enhance Your Sexual Life?

So, can obesity cause sex problems? Yes, it can, but what to do? It is essential to know how to reduce weight naturally, to be able to work on it and to have a balanced body so that you can enjoy your sexual life. 

Here, are some of the tips to follow to reduce weight:

1. Start Being Physically Active

Physically Active

One of the tips to reduce weight is to start being physically active. Do you know how prolonged sitting causes erectile dysfunction? Living a sedentary lifestyle can significantly decrease your hormonal level, especially testosterone levels which reduces your sexual urges. Being active increases the blood flow, helping in restoring hormones.

2. Maintain A Healthy Balanced Diet

There are many adverse effect of weight on sex life and eating junk and processed food contributes to obesity. Work on eating food items that reduce weight and are healthy for your body. It will help you avoid the accumulation of fat in the body. This is how to reduce weight naturally and always stay fit for your sexual and physical life.

3. Start Doing Kegel Exercises

Among the tips to reduce weight, one of them is to do kegel exercises. It is not only the answer to how to increase stamina for sex but also significantly reduces your body fat. Further, it strengthens your pelvic floor muscles which is essential if you want to go for different experiments in sex and comes under how to reduce weight naturally.

4. Go For Regular Hormonal Check-ups

Hormonal Check-ups

Increased body weight signals low testosterone levels in the body and hormonal disbalance. It is essential that if you want to improve your sexual life you must balance the hormones which can be done by regular check-ups for other illnesses along with reducing weight. Though it is not one of the tips to reduce weight but helps in monitoring it.

5. Consult A Doctor For Proper Treatment

If even after doing everything, you can work on reducing your weight, then one of the tips to reduce weight is to consult a doctor for proper treatment and lifestyle solutions. It will not only help you reduce your weight but also help you with your sexual life issues and resolve them. You should go for proper treatment and follow the medications.

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By now, you must have got your answer to whether can obesity cause sex problems. Obesity is not only bad for your physical health as it contributes to other illnesses but is also harmful to your sexual life because it significantly decreases the testosterone levels in the body which is the lead hormone driving your sexual life.

When you know how weight affects sex life, it becomes essential to work on reducing your weight and maintaining a healthy body to improve your sexual life. Include exercises, regular check-ups, kegel exercises, healthy balanced diet food, and other methods. Don’t go on a full diet as it does not reduce your weight but makes you weak. 


1. What are the other things that cause sexual problems?

Many things besides obesity can cause sexual problems like diabetes, stress, anxiety, depression, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, other medical conditions and many more. All these lead to hormonal imbalances in the body, reduce sperm count and quality and cause issues in the sexual life of both men and women.

2. How does obesity affect female sexual life?

Many individuals often come up with the query that can obesity cause sex problems. Yes, it can and it affects females as well. In females also it is the testosterone hormone that guides their sexual desires and libido. A decrease in these hormones causes low libido in females. It also reduces their confidence and develops a fear of sex in them.

3. What diet to follow to reduce weight and improve your sex life?

When it comes to how to reduce weight naturally, one of the ways is to switch to a natural diet. You don’t have to starve yourself but eat only healthy, natural substances like salad, fruits, dry fruits, little spices, leafy greens, omega-3 rich foods, salmon, and dairy products. You must go for a balanced diet which provides you with all the nutrients.

4. What other medical conditions affect sex life?

There are a few medical conditions that can affect your sexual life and some of them include phimosis, balanitis, low sperm count or quality as hereditary, urinary or vaginal infection, chemotherapy or certain medications, supplements or other surgeries, etc. All these can cause troubles in sexual life. 

5. Can obesity cause a decrease in your libido?

One of the ways in how weight affects sex life is that it decreases the libido of the person. Libido refers to sexual desires and urges. The decrease in testosterone levels in the body due to obesity leads to low libido, making the partner refuse sexual acts due to no urge or arousal.

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